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TPR vocab II

Apparition a ghost or ghostly object
Appellation a name; the act of naming
Appendage something added on to something else; a supplement
Apportion to distribute proportionally; to divide into portions
Apposite distinctly well suited or appropriate for a situation
Appraise to estimate the value or quality of; to judge
Apprise to inform, make aware, or give notice
Appurtenance something extra; an appendage; an accessory
Apropos fitting a purpose or coming at the right time
Apt suitable or appropriate; having a tendency or inclination; likely
Arcade a passageway with shops on either side; an area filled with coin-operated games
Archipelago a large group of islands
Archive a place where historical documents or materials are stored; the documents or materials themselves
Arid very dry; lacking life, interest or imagination
Armament implements of war; the process of arming for war
Armistice a truce or temporary suspension of hostilities
Arraign To bring to court to answer an indictment; to accuse
Arrant complete, utter or unmitigated
Arrears the state of being in debt; unpaid debts
Arsenal a collection of armaments; a facility for storing or producing armament; a supply of anything useful
Articulate to pronounce clearly; to express clearly
Artisan a person skilled in a craft
Ascertain to determine with certainty; to find out definitely
Ascribe to credit or assign; to attribute, as a cause or quality
Askance with suspicion or disapproval
Aspersion a slanderous or damning remark; to attack the reputation or integrity of someone
Assail to attack vigorously
Assert to claim strongly; to affirm
Assess to estimate or judge the value, importance etc. of something; to evaluate
Astringent sharp, harsh or severe in manner
Asylum a mental hospital or similar institution; a refuge or place of safety
Atone to make up for a mistake, offense
Atrophy to wither away; to decline from disuse
Attest to give proof of; to declare to be true or correct; to give testimony
Attribute to credit or assign; to ascribe as a cause or quality
Augur to serve as an omen or a sign; to predict or foretell
August inspiring admiration or awe
Auspices protection, support or sponsorship
Authentic not false or copied; genuine; accurate or trustworthy
Auxiliary secondary or additional;giving assistance or aid
Avail to serve, help or be of use
Avant- Garde those at the forefront of a movement, especially a literary or artistic one
Aversion a strong feeling of dislike
Avert to turn away; to prevent
Avi eager or enthusiastic
Gaffe a social blunder; an embarrassing mistake;a faux pas
Galvanize to stimulate or stale into sudden activity
Gambit a scheme to gain an advantage; a ploy
Gamut the full range (of something)
Garner to get, gather or earn
Gastronomy the art of eating or cooking well
Generic general or common; not protected by trademark
Genesis origin, creation or beginning
Genocide extermination of a national, social or religious group
Germane closely or significantly related; applicable or relevant
Ghastly shockingly horrible; frightful; ghostlike
Gratis free of charge
Greveious tragic; agonizing, severe
Grimace to make an ugly, disapproving facial expression
Guise general external appearance or style
Created by: 834768865
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