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TPR vocab

SAT vocabulary

Abase to humiliate
Abet to support or encourage someone (esp about something wrong)
Abeyance suspension
Abjure to deny
Abomination something that causes disgust or hatred (abhor)
Aboriginal native
Abound to be very numerous
Abrogate To abolish or cancel formally
Accede to consent, approval
Accentuate emphasize, stress
Access the right or ability to enter or use
Acclaim to praise publicly and enthusiastically
Accord be in agreement
Accouterments (additional items) Personal equipment (clothing, accessories)
Accrue increasing amounts (accumulate) over time
Acquisitive seeking or tending to acquire; greedy
Acquit to find not guilty; to behave
Acronym a word made up of initials
Adage a traditional saying
Adduce to cite as evidence
Adjourn to suspend, pause or postpone
Adjunct an assistant; added or connected with something else
Ad-lib to improvise
Advent arrival of a notable person, or event
Adventitious associated or connected by chance; accidental
Advocate publicly support
Affidavit a sworn written statement before an official
Affiliate to become closely associated or connected with
Affliction misery, illness, suffering
Afford provide, able to manage
Affront deliberate act of disrespect/ insult
Aftermath consequence; events following some occurrence
Aggrandize to exaggerate or cause to appear greater
Aggrieve to mistreat
Aghast filled with great shock or fear
Alchemy magical process of transformation
Alienate unwelcome someone
Allegiance loyalty
Allegory story in which the characters and events have symbolic meaning
Allot allocate or assign
Altercation argument, quarrel
Amass to pile up; accumulate
Amid in the middle of
Amity friendship
Anathema something or someone that one vehemently dislikes
Ancillary lower in order or importance; providing assistance
Angst felling of anxiety or dread
Animated full of life, action or spirit
Annex attach
Annuity Annual or regular allowance or income
Antedate to be older than
Anterior situated in front; before
Anthology a collection (esp literary works)
Anthropomorphic attributing human characteristics to non human animals or objects, 의인법
Antipodal exactly opposite
Antiquity ancient times; quality of being old
Aperture a hole, gap
Apex highest point; peak
Apogee apex, highest point
Apoplexy stroke, unconsciousness
Apostasy abandonment or rejection of faith or loyalty
Appalling causing horror
Created by: 834768865
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