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SAT Vocab Practice

SAT Vocabulary

insecurity self-doubt; something unstable
feminine relation to, or like, woman
spurn to reject with disdain
content satisfied; easy in mind
culminate to reach the highest point
vixen a sexually attractive woman
dabble to do anything in a superficial manner
ostentatious pretentiously displayed
displace to put out of the usual or proper place
bizarre odd; whimsical; grotesque
dissimilar unlike
bombastic pompous; overblown
exaggerate to represent as large, important, etc., beyond the truth; magnify falsely
hyperbole obvious exaggeration; an extravagant statement
station to assign; to place
gossipmonger a person who starts or spreads gossip
credibility the quality or power of inspiring belief
lure to entice
validate to make valid; to confirm
indelible not capable of being deleted or obliterated
ample plentiful; sufficient
charisma a power for eliciting enthusiastic popular support attributed to a person or position
exceptional unusual; extraordinary
negligible of little importance
amorous inclined to love; loving
wilt to become or make limp or drooping
distinguish to mark, recognize, or see as distinct or different
unique being the only one of its kind, unusual; rare
grueling exhausting; tiringly severe
noncommital not committing oneself to a positive view or course
prowl to roam about in search of something
dramatic pertaining to drama
amble to move easily and gently, like a walking horse
evaporate to disappear
infuriate to make furious; enrage
incorrigible resistant to correction or reform; beyond transformation
fatigue weariness from physical or mental exertion
upbraid to blame; rebuke
peruse to examine or consider with attention and in detail
pine to long for
elementary simple; pertaining to basic facts
candidate one who seeks an office or honor
neophyte a beginner; novice
procure to obtain
cowardly shrinking from pain or danger
agonize to suffer anguish; to distress; to put forth great effort
gauche socially awkward
crumble to break into small pieces; disintegrate
straightforward direct
conspire to plot secretly with another person
insomnia the inability to sleep
don to put on
preoccupy to take the attention of, to the exclusion of other matter
anxious full of anxiety; worried
nonchalant full of disinterest; cooly unconcerned
stymied blocked by a minor but insurmountable obstacle
laborious not easy; requiring much work of exertion
cycle a series or round
catalyst the person or thing that sets off or causes an event
monsoon the seasonal wind, or the rainy season, of South Asia
opportune timely; appropriate
foresee to predict; anticipate
onus a burden; a charge
validation an act, process, or instance of confirming
zealous earnest; ardently active; devoted
adorn to decorate; dress with ornaments; embellish
twitter to giggle
status quo the existing state or condition
adroit expert in the use of hands or body; skillful; ingenious
expanse an uninterrupted stretch or area
notify to give attention to; inform
hobble to limp; proceed haltingly
measured regular; deliberate
audacious bold; daring; intrepid
deliberate intentional
eschew to keep away from; avoid
hesitant hesitating or prone to hesitation; undecided
mechanics functional details of procedure
arid lacking moisture; parched with heat
anticipate to expect; foresee
finale a closing scene, especially of a musical performance
subtle artful; crafty
intervene to happen between things, persons, or events
mortify to humiliate
bid to command; invite; give expression to
meander to wander aimlessly; persue a winding course
shuffle to move with scraping feet
plethora an overfullness; superabundance
extrapolate to project on the basis of known data; infer
sordid base; vile; dirty
Created by: is2903
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