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Everest345 mod e wk 4

angi/o vessels
cyt/o cell
-itis inflammation
macro/o large, long
megal/o large, of great size
-megaly large
-osis abnormal condition
tox/o poison
ansiocytosis condition where RBC's are unequal in size and shape
anticoagulant medication to slow blood clotting
erythrocytes red blood cells
hemophilia disorder that prevents blood from clotting
hemolysis destruction of red blood cells
neutrophil most abundant leukocyte, granulocyte
thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein causing a clot
glucometer instrument used to measure blood sugar level
hypoglycemia low blood sugar
serology the study of serum of the blood
triglycerides fatty acid compound attached to glycerol
ABG arterial blood gases
agglutination clumping together of cells
basophils type of leukocyte, granulocyte
centrifuge instrument used to sepaarate blood into liquid and solid components
differential test to determine the number of each type of cell in a blood sample
eosinophils type of leukocyte, granulocyte
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Hct hematocrit
Hgb hemoglobin
plasma liquid portion of blood
BUN blood urea nitrogen
CPK creatine phosphokinase
EDTA ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid
heparin substance that inhibits blood clotting
qualitative data measured on a categorical scale
quantitative pertaining to observations of a numerical kind
serum blood plasma with clotting factors removed
uric acid one end product of urine metabolism sometimes found in kidney stones
viable capable of living
hematoma collection of blood trapped within tissue
platelets cells that aid in blood clotting process
DPT diptheria, pertussis, tetanus
Hib haemophilus influenza type B
MMR measles, mumps,rubella
IPV Injectable polio vaccine
-cyte cell
-emia blood
an no, not, without
anis/o unequal
coagul/o clotting
erythr/o red
gluc/o glucose
hem/o blood
-meter measure
neutr/o neutral, neither
thromb/o clot
phleb/o vein
ser/o serum
tri three
glyc/o glucose
hypo deficient, decreased
Created by: everest
Popular Medical sets




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