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WJEC German Vocab W

Letter W

Wagen car (of a train)
wählen to choose/vote
während whilst/during
Wald wood
Waliser Welshman
Walisisch Welsh
Wand wall
Wanderer hiker
wann when
Warenhaus storeroom/warehouse
warm warm
Warnung warning
warten to wait
Wartesaal waiting room
was für what type of
Waschbecken sink
waschen to wash
Waschmaschine washing machine
Waschpulver washing-up powder
Waschraum cloakroom
Wasser water
Website website
Wechsel change
Wechselstube changing room
wecken to wake
Wecker alarm clock
Weg way
weh tun to hurt
Weh pain
weiblich female
Weihnachten Christmas
weil because
Wein wine
weinen to cry
weiss white
weit far
Welle wave
Wellensittich budgie
Welt world
wenig few
wenn if
wer who
werktags on workdays
Westen West
westlich western
Wetter weather
wie how
wie lange how long
wieder again
wiederholen to repeat
wieso? how so?
wieviel? hoe many?
willkommen to welcome
windig windy
winken to wave
wirklich really
Wirtschaftslehre business studies
Wirtshaus pub
wissen to know
wo? where?
Woche week
Wochenende weekend
wochentags weekdays
woher? where from?
wohin? where to?
Wohnblock apartment building
wohnen to live
Wohnung flat
wolkig cloudy
Wolle wool
wollen to want to
Wort word
Wörterbuch dictionary
Wunde wound
wünschen to wish
Wurst sausage
Bratwurst fried sausage
Bockwurst large Frankfurter sausage
Leberwurst liver sausage
Wurstbude sausage stall
Created by: missgardner
Popular German sets




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