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Chp 12 History

What was the government of Italy like? There were no monarchies 250 small states ruled by cities
Describe the republican form of government found in many Italian city-states. Few people in Italy voted and cities were run by few rich families City states are ruled by tyrants and absolute rulers
Who voted in Florence? Only a few wealthy families (aristocrats, merchants, and bankers)
How did wealthy families use their wealth? They beautified the cities by hiring architects and artists to design palaces.
Who was the ruling family of Florence and what was the basis of their wealth? The Medici family Aristocrats and Merchants Led Banks
Niccolo Machiavelli A great political thinker who wrote the book the Prince about how a leader should govern his people.
Who were Italian scholars' guides at the beginning of the Rennaissance and how did this affect the direction of the Rennaissance? Ancient Greeks and Romans works were studied for expansion of knowledge.
What three ideas of the Greeks and Romans did humanists focus on? Individual Worth Commitment to public service Development of skills and talents
Da Vinci A great scientific thinker and artist who had a strong desire to learn and many talents. He painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
What inventions did da Vinci draw in his private notebooks? Parachute Horseless carriage Flying machine
Petrarch and Boccacio Humanists who discovered letters from Roman Politicians and books by Greek Scholars.
Miguel De Cervantes A spanish poet, playwright, novelist, diplomat, and soldier who wrote the story of Don Quixote.
Brunelleschi An Italian Rennaissance artist who built Florence Cathedral's Dome and was the first artist to use linear perspective and had a good math grasp.
Michelangelo An Italian artist who sculpted the Moses and the Pieta and designed the Sistine Chapel and could sculpt and draw the human figure realistically
What does perspective do for a painting? It gives it a sense of depth.
Why did the Renaissance begin amongst the wealthy? They had enough money to allow them to study ideas of Ancient Greeks and Romans. They were also highly literate and could easily learn about Renaissance ideas.
Humanism, Individualism An attitude that is concerned primarily with human beings' values and capacities and achievements. The idea that every person should be free to develop his/her goals.
Mercenary, Patrician A pro. soldier hired by a foreign country. A member of the highest class of society in Italian city states during the Renaissance.
Patron, Realism A person who financially supports scholars or artists. An artistic style of tempting to visually represent people and objects as they exist.
Renaissance, Republic The revival of attention to Greek and Roman art, literature, and learning from Italy and Europe in the 14th century. A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and supreme power lies in elected citizens.
Secular, Ghetto Worldly rather than religious. A gated neighborhood that Jews were forced to live in.
What did the residents of Italian city-states do to beautify their cities? They had palaces, open plazas, cathedrals, public buildings, new streets, and shorter houses.
Lower class roles Laborers, porters, boatmen, and peddlers.
Commercial class roles shopkeepers, blackmiths, tanners, carpenters, and butchers.
Patrician class roles merchants, business people, controlled wealth and gov't gave financial support to local scholars and artists
Jew limitations? barred from most occupations, barred from owning land, forced to live in a gated neighborhood, controlled with forced segregation
What was expected of young patrician men? They learned about the family business and completed school and joined the family business.
What was expected of young patrician women? Dowry, housecare, childcare
Brueghel A succesful Flemish artist who painted realistic drawings of peasants.
Gutenburg He was a German who invented and perfected a movable type printing press.
How was the Northern European Renaissance different from the Italian Renaissance? Nobles were patrons of the arts not patricians.everyone reads the bible not just clergy.
Erasmus A dutch priest who wanted to reform the church and believed that everyone should be able to read the bible not just clergy.
van Eyck A dutch artist who realistically painted Jesus.
Sir Thomas More An English statesman who wrote the book Utopia about rules of an equal society.
Shakespeare A poet, actor, and master playwright.
Paracelsus A Swiss physician and chemist who discovered a new way to treat illnesses with small amounts of poison.
Pare A french surgeon who developed bandages to replace cauterizing or burning the edges of a wound.
Created by: Awesomeness3242
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