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German verbs list

German verbs

befehlen to order/ to command
beginnen to start/to begin
bieten to offer
binden to tie (a knot)
bleiben to stay
brechen to break
brennen to burn
bringen to bring
denken to think
empfehlen to recommend
essen to eat
fahren to go
fallen to fall
fangen to catch/trap
finden to find
fliegen to fly
fliehen to flee
fliessen to flow
geben to give
gehen to go
gelingen to succeed
gelten to be valid
geniessen to enjoy
geschehen to happen/occur
gewinnen to win/gain
gleiten to glide/slide
halten to hold/save/keep
helfen to help
kennen to know
kommen to come/get
laden to summon/invite
leiden to suffer
lesen to read
liegen to lie (lying down)
lugen (umlaut on 'u') to lie
messen to measure
nehmen to take
nennen to call/name
raten to advise or to guess
reissen to tear up
schaffen to create
scheiden to divorce
scheinen to shine or to seem/appear
schlafen to sleep
schlagen to hit/beat/strike
schliessen to close/shut/turn off
schmelzen to melt
schwimmen to swim
schneiden to cut/slice
schreiben to write
sehen to see
sitzen to sit
sprechen to speak/talk
springen to jump/leap
stehen to stand
steigen to climb/rise
sterben to die
tragen to wear
treffen to meet or to hit/strike
treiben to drive/pursue (smthing)
treten to step/tread/kick
trinken to drink
tun to do
verlieren to lose
vermeiden to avoid
weisen to show/point
wenden to turn(over/around)
werben to advertise
werfen to throw/drop
wiegen to weigh/shake (head)
wissen to know
ziehen to pull/draw/tug/drag
zwingen to force (smbody to do smthing)
Created by: sallyfizz
Popular German sets




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