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Vocabulary Builder 1

REA's New GRE book Vocabulary Builder appendix - most frequently tested words

aberrant adj. abnormal; straying from the normal or usual path
abstemious adj. sparing in the use of food or drinks
acerbic 1. adj. tasting sour or bitter 2. n. harsh in language or temper
alacrity n. cheerful promptness or speed
allude v. to refer indirectly to something
allusion n. an indirect reference, a hint
altruism n. unselfish devotion to the welfare of others rather than self
amalgam n. a mixture or combination
amalgamate v. to mix, merge, combine
ameliorate v. to improve or make better
anachronism n. something out of place in time
anomaly n. an oddity, inconsistency; a deviation from the norm
antipathy n. a natural dislike or repugnance
apposite adj. suitable; apt; relevant
arcane adj. obscure; secret; mysterious
archetype n. the first model from which others are copied; prototype
arduous adj. laborious, difficult; strenuous
arid adj. extremely dry, parched; barren, unimaginative
articulate 1. adj. clear, distinct; expressed with clarity; skillful with words 2. v. to utter clearly and distinctly
ascetic 1. n. one who leads a simple life of self-denial 2. adj. rigorously abstinent
aseptic adj. germ free
aspersion n. slanderous statement; a damaging or derogatory criticism
assiduous adj. carefully attentive; industrious
assuage v. to relieve; ease; make less severe
astringent 1. n. a substance that contracts bodily tissues 2. adj. causing contraction; tightening; stern, austere
atrophy v. to waste away, as from lack of use; to wither
attenuate v. to make thin or slender; to weaken or dilute
autocracy n. an absolute monarchy; government where one person holds power
autocrat n. an absolute ruler
baleful adj. harmful, malign, detrimental
banal adj. trite; without freshness or originality
beneficent adj. conferring benefits; kindly; doing good
bilateral adj. pertaining to or affecting both or two sides; having two sides
bombast n. pompous speech; pretentious words
burgeon v. to grown or develop quickly
cacophony n. a harsh, inharmonious collection of sounds; dissonance
cant n. insincere or hypocritical statements of high ideals; the jargon of a particular group or occupation
caprice n. a sudden, unpredictable, or whimsical change
catharsis n. a purging or relieving of the body or soul
chicanery n. trickery or deception
churlishness n. crude or surly behavior; behavior of a peasant
circumlocution n. a roundabout or indirect way of speaking; not to the point
cloture n. a parliamentary procedure to end debate and begin to vote
cloying adj. too sugary; too sentimental or flattering
coda n. in music, a concluding passage
codify v. to organize laws or rules into a systematic collection (code)
cogent adj. to the point; clear; convincing in its clarity and presentation
cogitate v. to think hard; ponder, meditate
cognitive adj. possessing the power to think or meditate; meditative; capable of perception
cognizant adj. aware of; perceptive
coherent adj. sticking together; connected; logical; consistent
cohesion n. the act or state of sticking together
comeliness n. beauty; attractiveness in appearance or behavior
commodious adj. spacious and convenient; roomy
complaisance n. the quality of being agreeable or eager to please
compliant adj. complying; obeying; yielding
connotative adj. containing associated meanings in addition the primary one
constrain v. to force, compel; to restrain
contentious adj. quarrelsome
contiguous adj. touching; or adjoining and close, but may not be touching
contravene v. to act contrary to; to oppose or contradict
conundrum n. a puzzle or riddle
converge v. to move toward one point
coterie n. a clique; a group who meets frequently, usually socially
crass adj. stupid, unrefined; gross; materialistic
debacle n. disaster; collapse; a rout
debilitate v. to enfeeble; to wear out
decorous adj. suitable; proper; seemly
deleterious adj. harmful; hurtful; noxious
denigrate v. to defame, to blacken or sully; to belittle
deprecate v. to express disapproval of; to protest against
deride v. to laugh at with contempt; to mock
derision n. the act of mocking; ridicule, mockery
desiccate v. to dry up
diatribe n. a bitter or abusive speech
dichotomy n. a division in two parts
diffident adj. timid; lacking self-confidence
diffuse adj. spread out; verbose; not focused
discourse v. to converse; to communicate in orderly fashion
discrete adj. separate; individually distinct; composed of distinct parts
disingenuous adj. not frank or candid; deceivingly simple
disinterested adj. neutral; unbiased
disparate adj. unequal, dissimilar; different
disputatious adj. argumentative; inclined to disputes
dissemble v. to pretend; to feign; to conceal by pretense
disoonance n. musical discord; a mingling of inharmonious sounds; lack of harmony
dissonant adj. not in harmony; in disagreement
ebullience n. an overflowing of high spirits; effervescence
ellipsis n. omission of words that would make the meaning clear
elucidate v. to make clear, explain
emollient adj. softening or soothing to the skin; having power to soften or relax living tissues
encomium n. high praise
endemic adj. native to a particular area or people
enervate v. to weaken; to deprive of nerve or strength
engender v. to bring about; beget; to bring forth
ephemeral adj. very short-lived; lasting only a short time
eulogy n. words of praise, especially for the dead
evanescent adj. vanishing quickly; dissipating like a vapor
exigent adj. requiring immediate action; urgent, pressing
extemporize v. to improvise; to make it up as you go along
extrapolate v. to estimate the value of something beyond the scale; to infer what is unknown from something known
facetious adj. not meant to be taken seriously; humorous
feign v. pretend
gainsay v. to speak against; to contradict; to deny
garrulous adj. extremely talkative or wordy
iconoclast n. one who smashes revered images; an attacker of cherished beliefs
impassive adj. showing no emotion
imperturbable adj. calm; not easily excited
impervious adj. impenetrable; not allowing anything to pass through; unaffected
implacable adj. unwilling to be pacified or appeased
impugn v. to attack with words; to question the truthfulness or integrity
inchoate adj. not yet fully formed; rudimentary
incisive adj. getting to the heart of things; to the point
incredulous adj. skeptical
indigenous adj. native to a region; inborn or innate
inept adj. incompetent, clumsy
inert adj. not reacting chemically; inactive
ingenuous adj. noble; honorable; candid; naive
inherent adj. part of the essential character; intrinsic
insipid adj. uninsteresting, boring, flat, dull
intractable adj. stubborn, obstinate; not easily taught or disciplined
intransigent adj. uncompromising
intrepid adj. fearless, bold
irascible adj. prone to anger
laconic adj. sparing of words; terse, pithy, concise
loquacious adj. very talkative; garrulous
luminous adj. emitting light; shining; also enlightened or intelligent
macerate v. to soften by steeping in a liquid (including softening food by the action of a solvent)
maculate 1. adj. spotted, blotched; hence defiled, impure 2. v. to stail, spot, defile
magnanimity n. a quality of nobleness of mind, disdaining meanness or revenge
malevolent adj. wishing evil
malign 1. v. to speak evil of 2. adj. having an evil disposition toward others
malleable adj. easy to shape or bend
misanthrope n. a hater of mankind
obdurate adj. stubborn
obsequious adj. servilely attentive; fawning
obviate v. to make unnecessary
ossify v. to turn to bone; to harden
palpable adj. touchable; clear, obvious
panegyric n. high praise
paradigm n. model, prototype; pattern
paradox n. a tenet seemingly contradictory or false, but actually true
parsimonious adj. very frugal; unwilling to spend
pedantic adj. overly concerned with minute details, especially in teaching
penurious adj. stingy, miserly
perfunctory adj. done in a routine, mechanical way, without interest
petulant adj. peevish or cranky; rude
placate v. to appease or pacify
plethora n. a superabundance
prevaricate v. to speak equivocally or evasively, i.e., to lie
pristine adj. primitive, pure, uncorrupted
propensity n. an inclination; a natural tendency toward; a liking for
putrefaction n. a smelly mass that is the decomposition of organic matter
putrefy v. to decompose; to rot
quiescence n. state of being at rest or without motion
rancor n. strong ill will; enmity
recalcitrant adj. stubbornly rebellious
recondite adj. hard to understand; concealed; characterized by profound scholarship
redundant adj. superfluous; exceeding what is needed
sagacious adj. wise
salubrious adj. promoting good health
sinuous adj. full of curves; twisting and turning
specious adj. plausible, but deceptive; apparently, but not actually, true
spurious adj. not genuine, false; bogus
squalid adj. filty; wretched
subjugate v. to dominate or enslave
sycophant n. a flatterer of important people
taciturn adj. inclined to silence; speaking little; dour, stern
tenuous adj. thin, slim, delicate; weak
tortuous adj. full of twists and turns; not straightforward; possibly deceitful
tractable adj. easily managed
truculent adj. fierce, svage, cruel
ubiquitous adj. omnipresent; present everywhere
vacuous adj. dull, stupid; empty-headed
viscous adj. thick and sticky
welter n. a confused mass; turmoil
Created by: caseyalyssa
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