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AP Gov - Unit 4

Exec Branch, Bureaucracy

Block Grants $ from nat'l gov't to states for general purpose w/ wide congressional limits
White House Office -West Wing <br>-Chosen by Pres <br>-Personal staff <br>-Organized 3 ways: <br> 1. Circular <br> 2. Pyramid <br> 3. Ad hoc
US v. Nixon -Brought on by Watergate Scandal <br>-Decision: <br> -Exec priviliege not exempt from judicial proceedings
22nd Amendment 2 terms per president
12th Amendment President & vice president chosen by electoral college <br>-House of Reps if no majority
Advice & Consent Const power allowing Senate to constrain president's per of appointment and treaty making
Diplomatic Recognition Foreign gov't recognizes each other's right to exercise authority
Agenda setting Media has pwr to influence what issues are on nat'l agenda
Clinton v. Jones Presidents in office has no immunity of civil lawsuits for actions anytime
War Power Resolution -President notifies Cong w/ in 48 hrs on deploying troops <br>-Can remain 60-90 days w/o Cong approval
Nixon v. Fitzgerald Presiden is entitled to full immunity from liability of his official acts
Presidential succession Line of succession: <br>1. Speaker <br> 2.President pro tempore
Executive Agreement -Internat'l treaty that doesn't need Senate approval <br>ex: Louisiana Purchase
Impeachment Process 1. Articles go to House <br>2. Majority vote = impeached <br>3. "Court" held w/ Chief Justice as huge, HOR as prosecution, & Senate as Jury
Executive Order -Issued by pres, becomes law
Line-item veto -Pwr of president to approve some but not other parts of bill <br>-Pres can't do
Imperial Presidency When President does things technically beyond his limits
25th Amendment Vice is "acting pres" if pres is disabled <br>-VP & cabinet can declare press ill <br> -Cong decides
Executive Privilege Pres doesn't have to divulge internal info/confidants <br>-Not immune from judicial process
National Security Council Gives press advice on military/foreign policy <br>-Members: pres, VP, Secretaries of State & Defense
Office of Management & Budget Makes nat'l budget <br>-Moniters appropriations from Cong <br>-Checks spending of exec agencies
Natinoal Economic Council Helps pres w/ economic planning <br>-Members: economists, attorneys, pol scientists
Circular structure Cabinet secretaries & assistants directly --> pres
Pyramid structure Hierarchy --> Chief of Staff --> Pres
Bureaucratic Pathologies 1. Red tape <br>2. Conflict <br>3. Duplication <br>4. Implementation <br>5. Waste
Created by: kaitlynnmotley
Popular American Government sets




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