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word nerds

morphemes and such :P

obligation L. ligare: to tie, to bind ob+lig(e)+at(e)+ion ligament ligature religion oblige
powerful. L. potis:power,to be able power+ful power, powerless, disempower
omnipotent L.potis: power,to be able omni+pot(e)+ent potential potent impotent
omniscient L.scire: to know omni+sci+ent science prescient conscious unconscious conscientious
dictator L. dicere: to speak, to proclaim dict+at(e)+or edict dictionary diction predictable contradict interdict jurisdiction valedictorian
ruler L. regere: to rule/ guide/ straighten rul(e)+er unruly misrule ruling
humiliation L. "humus "earth. hum(e)+il(e)at(e)+ion <hum<e> humiliate exhume humanity humane inhumane
respect L.specere: to look at, to see re+spect prospect inspection suspect spectacle spectrum expect perspective introspective aspect Obsr <spec> specimen speculation specify <spic> conspicuous despicabl
inequity L.aequs: equal in+equ+ity equal equinox equality adequate inadequate equitable equation equaninamity equivalent equilateral
determination L.terminare: to finish de+term+in(e)+at(e) +ion term terminate terminal determined predetermined exterminate
democratic Gk demos people Gk. kratos: to rule dem+o+cracy pandemic endemic epidemic demography
bravery Gk. barbaros:not Greek..wild savage originally then changing brav(e)+ery braveness bravely braver bravado
oppression L. premere: to press Op+press+ion impress supress compress depress repress pressure acupressure express <print> printing
desperate L. sperere: to hope
rebellion de+ sper(e)+ate+ion prosper prosperous desperately
harassment O.Fr. harer harass+ment harassing harassed
intimidation l. timere: to fear in+tim(e)+id+at(e)+ion timid timidly intimidate timerity timorous
invasion/evasive L. vadere to go in+vas(e)+ion evasion evasive TWIN: vad(e) invader invading evade
impulsive Twin: <pel> L. pellere: to push, to drive im+puls(e)+ive <pulse> pulse compulsion repulsive propulsion TWIN <pel> compel repellant propel expel
perpetrate L. patrare "carry out, per+petr+ate perpetrator perpetrated
Conquered/ conquest TW <quer> <quest> Obsr: quire L. quaerere "to seek, acquire con+quer+ed con+quest quer: conqueror conquering querulous querulously queries querying
dissident Obsr. <sed> L. sedere: to to sit, to settle dis+sid(e)+ent sid(e) reside preside assiduous insidious insiduousness subsidy subside
persecution Obsr. <seq> L. sequi to follow per+sec+ut(e)+ion <sec> second persecuted Other bases sharing the same root <sequ> sequel sequence obsequious consequence subsequent
resistance L. sistere: to stand re+sist+ance persist insist consist desist exist
malevolent c. L. malus: bad, ill L. velle: to wish to want mal(e)+vol(e)+ent <mal(e)> malice malicious malodorous <vole> benevolent volition
Created by: mjoslin17
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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