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Stack #94000

A&P 2 Digestion Part 2

enterogastric reflex The reflexive inhibition of gstric secretion; initiated by the arrival of chyme in the small intestine.
hormone A compound that is secreted by one cell and travels through the circulatory system to affect the activities of cells in another portion of the body.
vermiform appendis A blind tube connected to the cecum of the large intestine.
enterokinase An enzyme in the lumen of the small intestine that activates the proenzymes secreted by the pancreas.
bile The exocrine secretion of the liver; stored in the gallbladder and ejected into the duodenum.
urobilin A compound derived from urobilinogen and ultimately from the bilirubin excreted in bile.
plica (PLI-ka) A permanent transverse fold in the wall of the small intestine.
anal canal The distal portion of the rectum that contains the anal columns and ends at the anus.
peptidases Enzymes that split peptide bonds and release amino acids.
ileum The distal 2.5 m of the small intestine.
pepsin A proteolytic enzyme secreted by the chief cells of the gastric glands in the stomach.
submandibular salivary glands Salivary glands nestled in depressions on the medial surfaces of the mandible; salivary glands that produce a mixture of mucins and enzymes (salivary amylase).
proteinase (also protease) An enzyme that breaks down proteins into peptides and amino acids.
peristalsis A wave of smooth muscle contractions that propels materials along the axis of a tube such as the digestive tract, the ureters or the ductus deferens.
protease (also proteinase) An enzyme that breaks down proteins into peptides and amino acids.
enamel Crystalline material similar in mineral composition to bone, but harder and without osteocytes, that covers the exposed surfaces of the teeth.
bolus A compact mass; usually refers to compacted ingested material on its way to the stomach.
local hormone (also prostaglandin) A fatty acid secreted by one cell that alters the metabolic activities or sensitivities of adjacent cells; also calle prostoglandin.
digestion The chemical breakdown of ingested materials into simple molecules that can be absorbed by the cells of the digestive tract.
pancreatic duct A tubular duct that carries pancreatic juice from the pancreas to the duodenum.
pancreatic islets Aggregations of endocrine cells in the pancreas; also called islets of Langerhans.
muscularis mucosae This layer of smooth muscle beneath the lamina propria; responsible for moving the mucosal surface.
bilirubin A pigment that is the by-product of the hemoglobin catabolism.
jejunum The middle part of the small intestine.
serosa See serous membrane.
elastase (e-LAS-tas) A pancreatic enzyme that breaks down elastin fibers.
intrinsic factor A glycoprotein, secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach, that facilitates the intestinal absorption of vitamin B12.
protein A large polypeptide with a complex structure.
elimination The ejection of wastes from the bocy through urination or defecation.
CCK cholecystokinin A duodenal hormone that stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder and the secretion of enzymes by the exocrine pancreas; also called pancreozymin.
carboxypeptidase (kar-bok-se-PEP-ti-das) A protease that breaks down proteins and releases amino acids.
proenzyme An inactive enzyme secreted by an epithelial cell.
alveolus/alveoli Blind pockets at the end of the respiratory tree, lined by a simple squamous epithelium and surrounded by a capillary network; sites of gas exchange with the blood; a bony socket that holds the root of a tooth.
myenteric plexus Parasympathetic motor neurons and sympathetic postganglionic fibers located between the circular and longitudinal layers of the muscularis externa.
pulp cavity The internal chamber in a tooth, containing blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, and the cells that maintain the dentin.
hydrolysis The breakage of a chemical bond through the addition of a water molecule; the reverse of dehydration synthesis.
gallbladder The pear-shaped reservoir for bile after it is secreted by the liver.
cancer An illness caused by mutations leading to the uncontrolled growth and replication of the affected cells.
bicuspid Having two cusps or leafs; refers to a premolar tooth, which has two roots, or to the left AV valve, which has two cusps.
mass peristalsis A powerful peristaltic contraction that moves fecal materials along the colon and into the rectum.
ingestion The introduction of materials into the digestive tract by way of the mouth.
cardia The area of the stomach surrounding its connection with the esophagus.
gastric glands The tubular glands of the stomach whose cells produce acid, enzymes, intrinsic factor, and hormones.
carbohydrase An enzyme that breaks down carbohydrate molecules.
anoxia Tissue oxygen deprivation.
excretion A removal from body fluids.
trypsinogen The inactive proenzyme that is secreted by the pancreas and is converted to trypsin in the duodenum.
monosaccharide A simple sugar, such as glucose or ribose.
facilitated diffusion The passive movement of a substance across a cell membrane by means of a protein carrier.
dentin The bonelike material that forms the body of a tooth; differs from bone in that it lacks osteocytes and osteons.
Created by: tamiboren
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