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final exam t

final exam

When is the National level govt. party most busy? During an election year
When is the state level govt busy? always
Many of the laws and plans made by this party are stolen by the D and R party? Third party
The r and d party are losing power. T or F? True
Cio and big business are mostly R or D? Democrat
Small business are mostly R or D? Republican
Which party gets support from the unions, minorities, NE states, Pacific W Coast, South western, increasing latino, California? Democratic
Which party gets support from small towns, rural, western, southern states, 1-4 yrs college, business managers, doctors? Republicans
This party was associated with treason? Democratic
Democratic presidents continued to hold office until what year? 1980 Reagan was elected
What is the percentage of U.S. voter turnout? 50%
What scandal occured that caused alot of people to stop voting? Watergate scandal, when Nixon was in office
Who was committed for conspiracy and was let go with a full pardon and other govt. people involved went to jail? Richard Nixon
Which group of people always can be counted on to vote? Old people and the higher educated
"Qualifications" to be president? 35yrs old, born in U.S. and at least one of your parents a citizen, handsome, god teeth, avoid answering a question, be a normal guy not an elitest
When running for office the candidates are? coached on how to be infront of the media, mock president interviews
Most states use this system, done in one day? Direct primary
meetings of delegates, a party to vote on a candidate, done in several meetings Caucus, rarely used now
The summer nominating convention if for who? unique to presidential candidates
The president must select whom as a running mate, this person usually is a little bit different from them? Vice president
What does your vote really count for? Slate of elections
How many electoral college votes does Tx have? 32
The candidate needs how many electoral college votes to win? 270
Is the winner determined by popular vote? No
If the electoral votes are as follows: 40% Dem. 40% Rep. and 20% third party, how is the president chosen? The House of Representatives decides, one vote per state
If someone is running for a lower level office the president can either hurt or help their chance to win, if they are helpful this is called? Riding the coattail
What takes place when a person cannot finish their term in office? Special election is done and the Governor calls the election
What is the only state in which the judges are elected? Texas
After the reconstruction era Texas became a Democratic or Republican state? Democratic
After the civil war the North seized govt. of all the South, which party was this? Republican party
Who was the first Republican president after the Reconstruction Era? Dwight D. Eisenhower, a WWII war hero
Which party Conservative or Liberal, is for small government, you should pull your own weight, frontier life? Conservative
Which party Conservative or Liberal, believes that it is the duty of the govt. to protect those who cannot take care of themselves, concerned for children working in the coal mine and the men in the steel mills, 1 death occured a day? Liberal
Racial and ethnic minorities make up what percentage of the voters? 40%
What group was called the real movers and shakers, most powerful govt, they wanted to control the world? Round table
Ruled by the privilidged and powerful few, secular in outlook, believe religion is nonsense but they don't admit it? Aristocracy
This type of capitalism makes it impossible for small business to grow, bail outs, govt. provided cradle to grave care? Crony Capitalism
Global companies like ? have Round tables? NATO
After the round table came about these people were no longer hated? British
This is where the wealthiest people put their money? Tax free foundations
The more income you make the more you pay in taxes up to a certain amount? Graduated income tax
This was meant to control prices, prices were much more stable before this was created, privately owned "for profit" bank Not a part of the govt, allowed to write checks out to the govt. "out of thin air" and then the govt. must pay back plus interest? Federal Reserve System
What is the TSA and why do some consider it controversial or even frightening? Despite the controversy over whether they pose a health risk, the Transportation Security Administration says it may purchase even more airport scanners that emit radiation to check passengers.
Bigger better more expensive guns meant decline in personal and individual econonic freedom, this is the rise of the ? govt? Totalitarian
Less people were needed to complete a task when they had these? Personal computers
Most efficient and cost effective way to make money? Small business run by the family
coded messages the government cannot decode, this allows people to live off the grid? computer cryptography
Created by: lawlers
Popular American Government sets




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