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Archpelago a set of closely grouped islands
Oceana the group of islands in the Pacific, including Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia
High Islands Pacific islands created by volcanoes
Low Islands Pacific islands made of coral reefs
Great Barrier Reef a 1,250-mile chain of more than 2,500 reefs and islands along Australia's northeast coast, containing some 400 species
Outback the dry, unpopulated inland region of Australia
Voyaging Canoe a large ship developed by Pacific Islanders to sail the ocean
Outrigger Canoe a small ship used in the lagoons of islands where Pacific islanders settled
Atoll a ringlike coral island or string of small islands surrounding a lagoon
Bikini Atoll the isolates reef, located in the Marshall Islands of the central Pacific, that was the site of U.S. nuclear bomb tests, consequently contamination the atoll with high levels of rediation and driving its inhabitants away
Mandala a state organized as a ring of power aroung a central court, which often changed in size over time, and which was used instead of borders in early Southeast Asian states
Khmer Empire a powerful empire that lasted roughly from the 9th to the 15th centuries in what is now Cambodia
Indochina a French colony comprised of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam; it won independence from France in 1954
Vietnam War (1954-1975) the military conflict resulting from American involvement in South Vietnam to prevent its takover by Communist North Vietnam
ASEAN the Association of Southease Asian Nations, an alliance that promotes economic growth and peace in the region
Micronesia one of the three regions in Oceana, meaning "tiny islands"
Melanesia a region in Oceana meaning "black islands"
Polynesia one of the three regions in Oceana, ameaning "many islands"
Subsistence Activity an activity in which a family produces only the food, clothing, and shelter they themselves need
Copra the dried meet of coconuts
Taro the tropical Asian plant with a starchy root, which can be eaten as a boiled veetable or made into breads, puddings, or a paste called poi
Penal Colony a place to send prisoners
Aboirigional People people who migrated to Australia from Asia at leas 40,000 years ago; the origional settlers of the land
Maori the first settlers of New Zealand, who had migrated from Polynesia more than 1,000 years ago
Treaty of Waitangi the traty signed by the British and Maori in 1840 giving Britain control over New Zealand
Pakehas a Maori term for white people, for the New Zealanders of European descent
Assimilation a process whereby a minority group gradually gives up its own culture and adopts the cultue of a majority group
Stolen Generation in Auustralia, what Aborigional people today call the 100,000 mixed-race children who were taken by the government and given to white families to promote assimilation
Land RIghts Act of 1976 a special law passed for Aborigional rights in Australia giving Aborigional people the right to claim land in the Northern Territory
Mabo Case in Australia, the law case that unheld Aborigional Eddie Mabo's land claim by which the Court recognized that Aborigional people had owned land before the British arrived
Pastoral Leases in Australia, a huge chunk of land still owned by the government; ranchers take out leases, renting the land from the government
Wik Case in Australia, the court ruled in this case that Aborigional people could claim land held under a pastoral lease
Industrialization the growth of industry in a country of society
Push-Pull Factors factors that attract people to another location or cause people to leave their homes and migrate to another region
Created by: hopeelise97
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