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Root Words/

cec/o cecum
celi/o abdomen
cheil/o lip
chol/e gall/bile
cholangio/o bile duct
cholecyst/o gallbladder
choledoch/o common bile duct
col/o colon
dent/i tooth
faci/o face
gingiv/o gum
gloss/o tongue
hepat/o liver
labi/o lip
lapar/o abdomen
lingu/o tongue
lith/o stone
or/o mouth
ordont/o tooth
pharng/o throat
proct/o rectum
pylor/o pylorus The passage at the lower end of the stomach that opens into the duodenum
sial/o saliva
sialaden/o salivary gland
steat/o fat
stomat/o mouth
uvul/o uvula A small, conical, fleshy mass of tissue suspended from the center of the soft palate.
abdomin/o abdomen
acetabul/o hip socket
acr/o height/extremities
aden/o in relationship to a gland
adenoid/o adenoids
adip/o fat
adren/o, adrenal/o adrenal gland
albin/o white
albumin/o albumin
alveol/o alveolus A tiny, thin-walled, capillary-rich sac in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. Also called air sac.
ambly/o dim
amni/o amnion
an/o anus
andr/o male
andren/o adrenal gland
andrenal/o adrenal gland
angi/o vessel
ankyl/o bent, fused
aort/a aorta
aponeur/o tendon type
appendic/o appendix
aque/o water
arche/o first
arter/o, arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
atel/o incomplete
ather/o plaque
atri/o atrium
audi/o hearing
aut/0 self
axill/o armpit
azot/o urea (chief nitrogenous component of urine)
balan/o glans penis
bi/o life
bil/i bile
bilirubin/o bile pigment
blephar/o eyelid
brachi/o arm
bronch/o bronchus
bronchi/o bronchus
bronchiol/o bronchiole
burs/o fluid-filled sac in a joint
calc/o, calc/i calcium
cardi/o heart
carp/o carpals (wrist bones)
cauter/o burn
cec/o cecum
celi/o abdomen
cephal/o head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o cerebrum
cervic/o neck/cervix
chol/e gall/bile
cholangio/o bile duct
cholecyst/o gallbladder
choledoch/o common bile duct
cholester/o cholesterol
chondr/o cartilage
chori/o chorion (the outermost of the extraembryonic membranes of land vertebrates, contributing to the formation of the placenta in the placental mammals)
clavi/o, clavicul/o clavicle (collar bone)
col/o colon
colp/o vagina
coni/o dust
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva (the mucous membrane that lines the exposed portion of the eyeball and inner surface of the eyelids)
cor/o pupil
corne/o cornea
coron/o heart
cortic/o cortex (a. the outer region of an organ or structure, as the outer portion of the kidney. b. the cerebral cortex)
cost/o rib
crani/o cranium (skull)
crin/o secrete
crypt/o hidden
culd/o cul-de-sac
cutane/o skin
cyan blue
cycl/o ciliary body (the part of the vascular tunic of the eye that connects the choroid with the iris)
cyst/o bladder/or fluid filled sac or pouch
dacry/o tear
dacryocyst/o pertaining to the lacrimal sac
dent/i tooth
derm/o, dermat/o skin
diaphragmat/o diaphragm
dips/o thirst
disc/o intervertebral disc
diverticul/o diverticulum (a blind, tubular sac or process branching off from a canal or cavity)
duoden/o duodenum (the first portion of the small intestine, from the stomach to the jejunum)
dur/o dura mater (the tough, fibrous membrane forming the outermost of the three coverings of the brain and spinal cord)
encephal/o brain
enter/o small intestine
eosin/o rosy
epididym/o epididymis (an elongated organ on the posterior surface of a testis that stores sperm while they mature and constitutes the convoluted beginning of the vas deferens)
epiglott/o epiglottis (a thin, valvelike, cartilaginous structure that covers the glottis during swallowing, preventing the entrance of food and drink into the larynx)
episi/o vulva
erythr/o, erythem/o red
esophag/o esophagus
essi/o, esthesi/o sensation
estr/o female
femor/o thighbone
fet/o fetus
fibul/o fibula
galact/o milk
gangli/o ganglion (a. a mass of nerve tissue existing outside the central nervous system. b. any of certain masses of gray matter in the brain, as the basal ganglia)
gastr/o stomach
gingiv/o gum
glomerul/o glomerulus (a compact cluster of capillaries)
gloss/o tongue
gluc/o sugar
glyc/o sugar
glycos/o sugar
gonad/o ovaries and testes
gyn/o female
gynec/o female
hepat/o liver
herni/o hernia
heter/o different
hidr/o sweat
home/o same
hormon/o hormone
humer/o humerus (upper arm bone)
hydr/o water
hymen/o hymen (A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely occludes the external vaginal orifice)
hyster/o uterus
ichthy/o dry/scaly
ile/o ileus (intestinal obstruction)
ili/o ilium (upper pelvic bone)
immun/o immune
inguin/o groin
ir/o iris
irid/o iris
ischi/o ischium (posterior pelvic bone)
jaund/o yellow
jejun/o jejunum (The section of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum)
kal/i potassium
kerat/o hard, cornea
Created by: cisemmler
Popular Medical sets




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