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CH 13-14 Med Term

a/kathis/ia inability to remain calm
an/hedon/ia inability to experience pleasure
amnesia loss of memory
confabulation effort to conceal a gap in memory by fabrication detailed stories
delirium confused, unfocused, irrational agitation
delusion persistent belief in a demonstrable untruth
ech/o/lalia repetition of words or phrases
somn/ambul/ism sleepwalking
hallucination any unreal sensory oerception with no external cause
illusion inaccurate sensory perception based on a real stimulus
dys/phor/ia generalized negative mood
eu/phor/ia exaggerated sense of physical and emotional well-being not based on reality
eu/thymia normal range of moods/emotions
Asperger disorder impairment of social interaction, repetitiive patters of inappropriate behavior
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder impulsiveness, inability to concentrate, and short attention span
autism abnormal development of social interaction, impaired communication, and repetitive behaviors
Rett disorder initial functioning is normal and then progressively loses social and intellectual functioning
Tourette syndrome behaviors that include vocalization of words or sounds and repetitive movements
delirium tremens sometimes fatal delirium incuded by alcohol
withdrawl state symptoms that occur when drugs are stopped being taken
bi/pol/ar disorder elevation or lowering of mood
cycl/o/thymia recurring episodes of elation and depression that are NOT severe enough to be bipolar disorder
dys/thymia mild, chronic depression
hypo/mania inappropriate elevation of mood
acro/philia fear of heights
agora/philia fear of leaving home/being in croweded area
anthrop/o/phobia fear of scrutiny of others
claustr/o/phobia fear of enclosed spaces
panic disorder unpredicatable panic attacks
posttraumatic stress disorder extended emotional response to a past situation
an/orex/ia nervosa refusal to eat adequate amounts of food
bulimia nervosa purges the body through selfinduced vomiting or imappropriate use of laxatives
paranoid personality inappropriately suspicious thinking
schizoid personality disorder patient withdrawls into a fantasy world
klept/o/mania uncontrollable impuse to steal
pyr/o/mania uncontrollable impule to set fires
trich/o/till/o/mania uncontrollable impulse to pull one's hair out by the roots
ped/o/plil/ia sexual preference: children
sadomasochism sexual preference: humiliation / pain
behavioral therapy therapeutic attempt to alter an undesired behavior
cognitive therapy wide variety of treatment techniques that attempt to alter inaccurate or unhealthy ways
psych/o/ana/lysis developed by Freud to analyze and treat dysfunctional effects of unconcious factors
Created by: syeary1
Popular Medical sets




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