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Psych Somatosense


The 3 systems of somatosensory information are: 1. Exteroceptive System 2. Proprioceptive 3. Interoceptive
Exteroceptive system External stimuli
The 3 subcategories of the exteroceptive system are: 1. Mechanical stimuli 2. Thermal stimuli 3. Nociceptive stimuli
Exteroceptive system Mechanical stimuli touch
Exteroceptive system Thermal stimuli temperature
Exteroceptive system Nociceptive stimuli pain
Proprioceptive system Body position
Interoceptive system body conditions
Somatosensory info is transduced by ________. cutaneous receptors
The 4 different cutaneous receptors 1. Free nerve ending 2. Pacinian Corpuscles 3. Merkel's disks 4. Ruffini endings
Transduced changing one type of energy into another type of energy
Cutaneous Receptors A simple receptor that responds to pain and temperature Free nerve ending
Cutaneous Receptors Pacinin corpuscles -Located deep in the skin -have a layered capsule surrounding the nerve ending -sense fine touch (details) and rapid vibrations -adapt rapidly and respond to the onset/offset of stimulus but not constant stimulus
Decusate (of two or more things) Cross or intersect each other to form an X
Cutaneous Receptors Pacinian Corpuscles transductions -Carbohydrate chains are linked to cation (e.g. Na+) channels in the cell membrane -Touch (mechanical force) on the chains causes the channel to open -Positive ions can enter the cell --> depolorization; if beyond threshold, action potential will occur
Cutaneous Receptors Merkel's disks -disk shaped receptor -located near surface of skin -respond to indentations of the skin; info about fine detail -adapt slowly; continue to fire while stimulus is present
Cutaneous Receptors Ruffini endings -have many branched fibers inside a cylindrical capsule -located deep in skin -respond to stretch of skin -adapt slowly; continue to fire in response to continuous stimulation
What is the difference between Pacinian corpuscles and Merkel's disks and Ruffini endings? -Pacinian corpuscles adapt rapidly, responding immediately to sudden displacements of the skin. -Merkel's disks and Ruffini endings adapt slowly and respond best to gradual skin indentation and gradual skin stretch, respectively.
Signals from somatosensory receptors are sent via 1 of ___ spinal nerves. 31
The spinal nerves enter the spinal cord via the ___________. dorsal root
Spinal nerves are made up axons of the _______. Their cell bodies are in the _________. -Cutaneous receptors -Dorsal root ganglia
Each spinal nerve connects to a limited area of the body. The area connected to a single spinal nerve is called a _________. Dermatome
Two different pathways that carry somatosensory info from the skin to the brain: 1. Dosral column-medial lemniscal path 2. Anterolateral path
Dorsal column-medial lemniscal path tends to carry info about fine touch and proprioception
Anterolateral path tends to carry info about pain and temperature
Damage to the spinal cord: If both pathways are completely transected by injury to the spinal cord, there will be ____ sensation where? - no sensation below the level of the injury
Damage to the thalamic nuclei Ventral posterior nucleus gets input from where? From dorsal-column medial lemniscal path and anterolateral path)
Damage to the thalamic nuclei Damage to the ventral posterior nucleus will result in what? -some loss to sensitivity to touch, temperature, and sharp pain. -no effect on sensitivity to touch, temperature, and sharp pain
Damage to the thalamic nuclei Parafasicular and introlaminar nuclei get inputs from where? From spinoreticular tract of anterolateral path
Damage to the thalamic nuclei Damage to parafasicular and introlaminar nuclei results in what? -Reduced sensitivit to deep, chronic pain -No effect on sensitivity to touch
Association cortex association area: cortical areas that are neither motor or sensory but are thought to be involved in higher processing of information.
Created by: kibarra87
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