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PHM 316 ch 17

female Reproductive System

cervic/o neck or cervix
colp/o vagina (sheath)
vagin/o vagina (sheath)
episi/o vulva (covering)
vulv/o vulva (covering)
gynec/o woman
hyster/o uterus
metr/o uterus
uter/o uterus
lact/o milk
mast/o breast
mamm/o breast
men/o menstruation
obstetr/o midwife
oophor/o ovary
ovari/o ovary
ov/i egg
ov/o egg
pelv/i pelvic cavity
salping/o uterine (fallopian) tube
toc/o labor or birth
-arche beginning
amenorrhea absence of menstruation
anovulation absence of ovulation
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
dyspareunia painful intercourse (coitus)
leukorrhea abnormal white or yellow vaginal discharge
menorrhagia excessive bleeding at the time of menstruation
metrorrhagia bleeding from the uterus at any time other than normal menstruation
oligomenorrhea scanty menstrual period
oligo-ovulation irregular ovulation
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
congenital anamolies birth defects causing abnormal development of a female organ or structure (double uterus, absent vagina)
dermoid cyst congenital tumor composed of displaced embryonic tissue (teeth, bone, cartillage and hair) more commonly found in an ovary. it is usually benign
displacement of uterus displacement of the uterus from its normal position
anteflexion abnormal forward bending of the uterus
retroflexion abnormal backward bending of the uterus
retroversion backward turn of the whole uterus - also called tipped uterus
endometriosis condition characterized by migration of portions of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity
endometritis inflammation of the endometrium
fibroid benign tumor in the uterus composed if smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue
fibromyoma benign tumor in the uterus composed if smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue
leiomyoma benign tumor in the uterus composed if smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue
fistula abnormal passage such as from one hollow organ to another
rectovaginal fistula abnormal opening between the vagina and rectum
vesicovaginal fistula abnormal opening between the bladder and vagina
cervical neoplasia abnormal development of cervical tissue cells
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) potentially cancerous abnormality of epithelial tissue of the cervix, graded according to the extent of abnormal cell formation. CIN1 mild dysplasia, CIN2 moderate dysplasia, CIN3 severe dysplasia
cervical dysplasia potentially cancerous abnormality of epithelial tissue of the cervix, graded according to the extent of abnormal cell formation. CIN1 mild dysplasia, CIN2 moderate dysplasia, CIN3 severe dysplasia
carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the cervix malignant cell changes of the cervix that are localized without any spread to adjacent structures
menopause cessation of menstrual periods owing to a lack of ovarian hormones
oophoritis inflammation of one or both ovaries
parovarian cyst cyst of the fallopian tube
pelvic adhesions scarring of tissues within the pelvic cavity as a result of endometriosis, infection, or injury
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) inflammation of organs in the pelvic cavity usually including fallopian tubes, ovaries, and endometrium - most often caused by bacteria
pelvic floor relaxation relaxation of supportive ligaments of the pelvic organs
cystocele pouching of the bladder into the vagina
rectocele pouching of the rectum into the vagina
enterocele pouching sac of peritoneum between the vagina and rectum
urethrocele pouching of the urethra into the vagina
prolapse descent of the uterus down into the vaginal canal
salpingitis inflammation of a fallopian tube
Created by: HugsAndKisses
Popular Medical sets




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