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History test 5.0

history flashcards for chapter 5 test

Etruscans a civilization that lived mostly north of Rome.
republic a government where the people chose some of the officals.
patricians members of the land holding upper class
consuls two people from the patrician class, job was to supervise the business of government and command the armies.
dictator ruler who had complete control over a governement.
plebeians social class made up of farmers,merchants, and artisans. who made up most of the population.
tribunes 10 people who presided over plebian assembly and advocated for them.
veto to cancel, or block laws.
legion basic military unit, included 5,000 men.
imperialism establishing control over foreign lands and peoples.
latifundia wealthy families bought up huge farming estates.
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus two young plebeian brothers, were first to reform.
Julius Caesar an ambitious military commander, who became emperor of Rome.
Octavian became ruler after many civil wars after Julius Caesar died
Augustus mean Exalted One, given this name after becoming ruler.
census population count
Hadrian emperor of Rome and codified the Roman law, and making it the same for all provinces.
Virgil Poet who wrote Aeneid, and tried to show Rome's past through his poems.
Satirize to make fun of . poets used this in their poems to make them comical.
mosaic picture made from chips of colored stone or glass.
engineering Roman excelled in this, it is an application of science and math.
aqueducts bridgelike stone structures that carry water from the hills into Roman cities.
Ptolemy this man proposed a theory that the Earth was the center of the universe.
messiah anointed king sent by God.
apostles a term meaning "a person sent forth"
Paul a Jew, who played the most influential role in spreading Christianity.
Constantine emperor of Rome, who issued the Edict of Milan and was the first Christian emperor.
martyrs people who suffer or are killed because of there beliefs.
clergy a group of people who conduct Christian services.
bishop a high Church official responsible for everyone in his diocese
patriarch a person which authority over other bishops in their area
popes people who claimed to have more authority over all other bishops of Rome.
heresies beliefs contrary to official Church teachings
Augustine Bishop of Hippo in North Africa, one of the greatest scholars of the early Church.
Diocletian Emperor of Rome who set out to restore order.
Inflation rapid rise of prices
Constantinople Capital of Byzantium. which was renamed by Constantine.
Huns nomadic people who migrated from central Asia towards eastern Europe.
Mercenaries foreign soldiers serving for pay, to defend borders.
Pax Romana Also means Roman Peace. A time in Rome's history where there was peace.
Punic Wars Three wars that were between Roman and Carthage.
Created by: lovesun593
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