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CH 86

Amnioglycosides: Bactericidal inhibitors of Protein Synthesis

What are the 3 Amnioglycosides that we have to know? GEntamycin, Tobramycin, Amikacin
Are Aminoglycosides cidal or static? cidal
what is the mechanism of action of Aminoglycosides? altered protein synthesis -> cell death
What are aminoglycosides used to treat? serious infections dt aerobic gram negative bacteria
What are the adverse effects of aminoglycosides? ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, hypersensitivity, neuromuscular blockade
in what drug are we really concerned about irreversible ototoxicity and reversible nephrotoxicity? aminoglycosides
If someone acquires ototoxicity related to aminoglycoside use, is it reversible or irreversible? irreversible
if someone acquires nephrotoxicity related to aminoglycoside use, is it reversible or irreversible? reversible
how are Aminoglycosides administered? IV, topical or parenteral, NOT ABSORBED IN GI TRACT
do aminoglycosides cross the BBB? no
is there a problem with resistance with amninoglycosides? why is this? some have high incidence with resistance. the principle cause of this resistance is the production of enzymes that can inactivate aminoglycosides
what are other drugs that might cause ototoxicity that you would want to avoid while taking aminoglycosides? aspirin in VERY HIGH DOSES and lasix
what is the first sign of ototoxicity? how long might this last? what will happen later? headache, may last 1-2 days. then you'll see n, unsteadiness, dizziness and vertigo
what is ototoxicity related to when a pt is on aminoglycosides? elevated trough levels
what are some other nephrotoxic drugs that a pt should avoid when taking aminoglycosides? NSAIDs, Amphotericin B, Cephalosporins, Vancomycin
what is nephrotoxicity when taking aminoglycosides related to? total cumulative dose
what are some s/s of nephrotoxicity? decreased urinary output (<30 mL/hr), proteinuria, elevated BUN/Creatinine
who is at most risk for nephrotoxicity related to aminoglycoside use? elderly!!!!!! especially those who are diabetic and are taking other nephrotoxic drugs
What antibiotic can cause a neuromuscular blockade? aminoglycosides
if a pt experiences the side effect Neuromuscular Blockade while taking aminoglycosides, what should you administer?? Calcium gluconate
what is another drug, besides aminoglycoside, that can cause flacid paralysis? succinylcholine
amninoglycosides and pregnancy: NO it is toxic
Dosing of amninoglycosides are very individualized, so it is important to monitor what? peak and trough
When should the Peak be monitored in a pt on amninoglycosides? should the level be high or low? 30 minutes after administration. high
When should the trough be monitored in a pt on amninoglycosides? should the level be high or low? right before the next dose. LOW
What would a high trough indicate in a pt on amninoglycosides? a high trough can indicate a lack of excretion, which can lead to ototoxicity/nephrotoxicity. a high trough indicates consistent high levels
name the topical aminoglycoside Neomycin
what is the advantage of topical aminoglycosides? not a high risk for systemic problems unles administered in high doses.
Which of the aminoglycosides has less drug resistance? Amikacin, this is reserved for cases that are very difficult to treat
What is the advantage of Gentamycin? cheaper than other aminoglycosides
Created by: 1398660434
Popular Pharmacology sets




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