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# BAS 00 Dx or Tx

When to use the ICD9 and CPT books. You need to determine if you have a disease or procedure in the description Use ICD9 for disease and CPT for procedures. However, hospital procedures are coded from the ICD9 book.
CPT book Code all office procedures from here. Doctor exams, counseling, tests.
ICD9 book Code all diseases from this book. Disease is coded here for office, hospital and any facility. Code all hospital procedures from this book, CPT is for office procedures only.
Procedure words will have suffixes to indicate the procedure: Go to the next slide
-otomy surgical opening
-ectomy surgical removal
-centesis surgical puncture for fluid removal from the body
-clasis to break. Sometimes done to reset a poorly healed bone break.
-desis, -pexy to bind together
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhaphy surgical suturing.
-stomy, -tomy surgical opening
-tome to cut
-tripsy to crush. A lithotripsy is the destruction of stones (kidney or gall bladder)
-gram A recording. Used for test procedures that write or record results. i.e. Electrocardiogram is the writing of heart measurements.
-graph This is the instrument used to do a test procedure.
-graphy The process of recording. A mammography is taking an Xray of the breast.
-meter instrument for measuring a procedure or test.
-metry The act of measuring
-scope An instrument used to view. A colonoscope is used to view the colon.
-scopy A procedure where the doctor looks at the body area with an instrument.
Sometimes you just have to know the meaning of the word. There are many procedures words without a procedure suffix Go to the next card
ablation surgical removal of a body part, as by incision
aspiration to draw out by suction such as ear aspiration to remove excess earwax
amputation removal of a body part, limb, or organ
indwelling located or implanted inside the body such as a catheter or tube for drainage.
insertion to place or implant; site of attachment
introduction to insert into the body
ligation process of binding or tying a body structure
lysis process of destruction or separating
manipulation use of hands to produce a desired movement or effect in the body.
paring cutting or scraping
percutaneous through the skin
radical extreme or drastic treatment or surgery
reconstruction repair, change or alter in order to affect recovery such as a nasal reconstruction of a broken nose
reduction to restore to a normal position such as straightening a broken bone.
replantation surgical replacement of a body part
biopsy removal of living tissue for microscopic examination
cauterization destroying tissue by heat, freezing or electrical current
chemosurgery use of chemical to destroy tissue
chemotherapy use of chemicals to treat disease
closed therapy procedural treatment that does not use surgical opening
closure to bring together the edges of a wound
curettage procedure that is scraping of a cavity to remove tissue, growths, or debris
debridement excision of dead or damaged tissue and foreign matter from a wound
dilation the enlargement of a hollow structure or opening.
discission incision or a cutting into
drainage continuous withdrawal of fluid from a wound, sore, or cavity
resection partial excission of a body structure
suture material used in closing body tissue
Sometimes the procedure is named after a person. Eponyms are procedures or diseases are named after a person or thing.
Eponyms sometimes do not indicate disease in the word but usually have a the word test, procedure, or disease after it. Snellen test - Eye test named after Dr.Snellen Addison's disease - Named after Dr. Addison
Diseases are coded in the ICD9 book only. Diseaes are not in the CPT or HCPCS books. Go to the next slide
Diseases, just like procedures have suffixes Go to the next slide
Some disease terms use the organ root word just like procedures hepat/o = liver pancreat/o = pancreas cardi/o = heart
It is the organ name and the prefix and suffix that describes the disease. Go to the next slide
Suffixes of disease follow this slide. Suffixes of disease describe a condition or character of that disease
-ia, -ism Indicates a condition of: Pneumonia, Alcoholism
-iatrics, -iatry Indicates the doctor or practice that treats disease: Podiatry = treats foot/ankle Geriatrics = treats the elderly
-ist Indicates a specialist in that disease area. Cardiologist = treats heart diseases Nephrologist = treats kidney diseases
-algia, -dynia pain
-emia blood condition
-iasis abnormal condition
-itis inflammation
-lith = stone The disease has the organ in front (nephrolith) The procedure has the action in the word (lithotripsy). -tripsy means to crush.
-logist, -logy Means the study of. This is used to describe an area specialty like cardiologist for heart diseases.
-malacia softening
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling
-oma tumor
-osis abnormal condition dermatosis is an abnormal condition of the skin.
-paresis partial paralysis
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency
-phagia Indicates a condition that deals with eating. dysphagia = Eating is difficult or abnormal
-phasia Indicates a speech problem. Speaking is difficult
-phobia fear
-plasia Growth or formation. hyperplasia = abnormal number of body cells have multiplied.
-ptosis prolapse
-rrhage, -rrhagia Indicates "bursting forth". Hemorrhage is excessive bleeding
-rrhea Indicates discharge of flow. diarrhea
-rrhexis This is a rupture. angiorrhexis is a rupture of a blood vessel
-spasm involuntary muscle contration. to be spastic is to have involuntary muscle movements.
-stenosis condition in which a blood vessel or organ opening narrows.
-toxic poison thyrotoxic is a condition of thyroid toxicity
-trophy This means development but is used with conditions of organ wasting or insufficient development. muscle atrophy is a wasting away of the muscle tissue as in muscular dystrophy
-algia pain
-cele hernia.
-pathy disease condition. neuropathy is a disease of nerves.
-ptosis drooping, sagging.
-ole, -ule means little or small
-um, -ium means structure of tissue. epithelium means outside skin endothelium means inside skin
-y means condition or process. Be carefull here! Not all words that end in "y" are conditions. lithotripsy is a procedure to crush kidney aor gall stones.
Some Disease terms will describe the nature of an illness. They are sometimes used with the disease word. acute describes the nature of an illness that turns bad within 6 months. i.e. acute bronchitis
Following is a list of terms that describe the nature of illnesses Go to the next slide
acute disease develops within 6 months.
advanced disease that have developed so far that it is difficult or impossible to treat.
asymptomatic no physical signs of a medical problem.
autoimmune disease where the person's own immune system attacks their own body.
benign not cancerous
catching, communicable, contagious, infectious disease that can spread easily to others.
chronic disease that lasts over 6 months. Usually used to describe a disease that lasts years.
clinical relating to an illness.
congenital medical condition that is not inherited but is a disease that a person was born with.
crippling causing someone to be physically disabled, especially unable to walk.
curable can be treated and cured
degenerative a disease that gradually gets worse
depressive relating to depression
disabling condition that affects the brain or body that makes you unable to use it properly.
epidemic disease that spreads locally in a particular region or area.
febrile relating to fever
first-degree a first-degree burn is the least serious type of burn.
focal disease or condition limited to one part of the body.
fungal disease caused by a fungus microorganism.
generalized affecting most of the body, not localized.
inactive an inactive disease or other threat is present buy not doing anything at this time.
incurable not able to be cured
infantile affecting young children
inflammatory causing inflammation in a part of the body.
inoperable cannot be cured or treated by an operation.
invasive disease that spreads inside the body and is difficult to treat.
life-threatening likely to cause someone to die
local affecting only a small area of the body
low-grade medical condition is not very serious.
malignant a malignant tumor consists of cancer cells that can spread in the body.
mild a mild illness or injury is one that is not serious
morbid relating to or caused by disease
mortal serious enough to cause death
severe a severe pain, injury, or illness is medically serious and unpleasant
stubborn difficult to cure or remove
suspected condition that doctors think you have, but they are not sure yet.
systemic affecting the whole body
terminal cannot be cured and will cause death
third-degree a third-degree burn is the most serious type.
traumatic injury that causes serious damage to the body.
treatable illness can be cured
tubercular relating to or affected by tuberculosis
unresponsive disease that does not improve with treatment.
viral disease caused by a virus
virulent disease that is very dangerous, and affects people very quickly. A highly virulent bacterial infection is very serious.
wasting a wasting disease makes you thin, weak, and tired.
waterborne disease is spread through water.
noninvasive not spreading to other parts of the body.
nonspecific condition that may have more than one cause
operable can be cured by surgery
opportunistic disease or infection is one that attacks people who are already sick and who have a very weak immune system.
parasitic caused by parasites living inside the body.
pathological caused by disease
perforated organ or tube inside the body that has a small hole or cut in its surface
primary in the first stage of development
psychiatric involving mental illness
psychosomatic caused by a person's mind.
quiescent disease or illness is not getting worse.
refractory does not improve despite medical treatment
incubation period early stages of disease. person does not show symptoms of disease at this time.
Created by: rjmtoss



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