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Cooney's Lit. Terms

Literary & Poetry Terms to Know for the ELA 7 NYS Exam

Alliteration Repetition of similar consonant sounds at the beginning of words
Allusion A reference to something with which the reader is likely to be familiar, such as a person
Metaphor A direct comparison between two unlike things. It does not use the words like or as
Simile A comparsion between two unlike things that uses the words like or as
Personification A type of figurative language in which writers give an animal, object, or idea human qualities such as the ability to hear, feel, talk, and make decisions
Onomatopoeia The use of words that sound like the noises they describe
Imagery Language that appeals to the five senses - touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight
Mood The feeling created
Tone The attitude the writer takes toward the audience, subject, or character
Stanza Groups of lines in a poem
Static Character A character that stays the same throughout a story
Dynamic Character A character that changes from beginning to end
Epilogue A concluding section that rounds out a literary work
Prologue An introduction to a story that occurs before the exposition
Hyperbole An exaggeration or overstatement
Flashback When the main story stops and goes back in time
Forshadowing Hints of events that will come later in the story
Antagonist The person, thing, or force working against the main character
Protagonist The main character of a story
Author's Purpose The author's reason for creating a work. The purpose may be to explain or inform, entertain, or persuade.
Character A person, animal, or imaginary creature that takes part in the action of a story
Dialogue The words spoken by characters in a story
Dialect A form of language spoken in a particular place or by a partciular group of people
Genre The category or type of literature
Mood The feeling that a literary work gives to a reader
Plot The sequence of events in a story
Exposition The first part of a story that establishes the setting, introduces characters, and gives background information
Rising Action The series of conflicts or struggles that build a story or a play toward a climax
Climax The high point, or turning point, of a story
Falling Action The action that works out the result of the climax
Resolution The ending of a story
Person vs. Person Conflict Problem with another character
Person vs. Society Conflict Problem with the laws or beliefs of a group of people
Person vs. Nature Conflict Problem with the environment
Person vs. Self Conflict When a character has a problem deciding what to do or think
Person vs. Fate Conflict Problem that seems to be uncontrolable
Point of View The perspective, or vantage point, from which an author presents a story
First-Person Point of View The story is told by one of the characters, the author uses I
Second-Person Point of View Primarily used for the purpose or giving directions of instructions, the author uses you to speak to the reader
Third-Person Limited Point of View When the narrator is telling events from outside the story and can see into the heart and mind of one of the characters
Third-Person Omniscient Point of View When the narrator is telling events from outside the story and can see into the heats and minds of ALL of the characters
Setting The time and place of a story
Style The way the authors uses words, phrases, and sentences to express him or herself
Symbol A person, place, thing, or event used to represent something else
Theme The statement about life that the author wants to convey to the reader
Synonyms Words that have similar meanings
Antonyms Words that have different meanings
Homonyms Words that sound and look similar, but have different meanings
Prefixes Word parts added to the beginning of root words to create new meanings
Suffixes Word parts added to the ends of words to tell the part of speech and verb tense
Root Words Base words to which prefixes and suffixes are added to create new meaning
Noun Person, place, thing, or idea
Verb Action word
Adjective Describes a noun
Adverb Describes a verb or adjective
Preposition Shows the loctaion and replationship between nouns
Pronoun Takes the place of a noun
Interjection Shows strong feeling
Conjunction Joins words or groups of words in a sentence
Created by: Christina.cooney
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