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POS 150 chapter 1-6


Nation psychological bound to one another
State Institutional or gov. element of a country
Soverenignty Owning your own territory
constructed Deliberatly created but widely accepted as natural
multinational country composed of several peoples with distinct national feelings
diplomatic recognition state announcing official contact with other state
failed state collapse of sovereignty essentially no national governing power
reification taking theory as reality
causality proving one thing causes another
electoral franchise right to vote
parliament national assembly that considers and enacts laws
authoritarin nondemocratic or dictatorial politics
pragmatic without ideological considerations base on praticality
Exchequer Britain'streasury ministry
the continent British term for mainland europe
Mixed Monarchy king balanced by nobles
Magna Carta 1215 agreement to preseve rights of English nobles
burghers town dwellers/middle class
commons (Parliament) lower house of Parliament/ elected important chamber
lords (parliament) upper house of parliament, less impartant than commons, birth right or life
commonwealth a republic
rebulican getting rid of monarchy
levellers radicals during English civil war who argued for equality and one man one vote
prime minister chief of government
minister head of a majr department or government
whigs faction of parliament that became the libral party
tories faction of parliament that became conservative party
state of nature humans before civilization
civil society humans after becoming civilized
welfare state political system that redistributes weatlth from rich to poor standard in west europe
statute ordinary law, usually for specific problem
eclectic drawn from a variety of sources
Crown powers of the british gov
MP ember of Parliament
junior minister MP with executive responsibilities below cabinet rank
portfolio ministers assigned ministry
Fusion of Powers connection of executive and legislative branches in parliamentry systems
whip parliamentry party leader who makes sure members obey party in voting
vote of no-confidence parliamentary vote to oust cabinet
by-election special election for vacant seat in parliament
whitehall main british goverment offices
westminster parliaement building
law lords britians top judges, members of lords
anachronism something from the past that does not fit resent times
FPTP first past the post, single member districsts with plurality win
single-member distric sends one representative to parliament
plurality largest quantity,
solidarity feeling of cohesion within a social class
meritocracy promotion by brains and ablility rather than heredity
public school British private boarding schools
old boy somoene you knew at public school
deferential acepting leadershop of social superiors
civility good manners in politics
periphery nations outlying regions
IRA irish republican army, anti-british terrorist who seek unification of ireland
malthusian view that population grown outstrips food
home rule giv ing region some autonomy to govern itself
orangemen northern irish protestants
relative decline failing to keep up economically with other nations
absolute decline growing weaker economically compared to one's own past
deindustrialization decline of heavy industry
pluralistic stagnation theory that out of control interest groups produce policy log jams
deregulation cutting government rules on industry
entitlement spending programs citizens are automatically entitled to such as social security
Good Friday agreement 1998 pact to share power in northern ireland
consociation sharing of political pwer at the execuative level giving all major parties cabinet positions
subject british citizen
devolution central overnment turns some powers over to regions
referendum vote on an issue rather than for an office
unilinear progressing evenly and always upward
Created by: swanktastic
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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