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Cubangbang #900357

Computer Applications Technology Handbook

A(n) is an electronic device that processes data and converts it into information that people can use. computer
refers to the practical application of an art or skill. Technology
predicted that the number of transistors in computer circuits would double every couple of years. Moore’s Law
Buying and selling products and services over the Internet is called , or electronic commerce. e-commerce
Computers have made , monitoring and watching people, easier than ever. surveillance
A(n) is a computer that is used by one person at a time. personal computer (PC)
A(n) computer is designed to remain in one location. desktop
A(n) computer is designed to be carried from place to place. laptop
A(n) is a computer that is small enough to hold in one’s hand. smartphone
A company called Apple makes computers. Macintosh
A(n) can be used by up to hundreds of people at once. minicomputer
A(n) , or supercomputer, is large enough to fill several rooms. mainframe
is the study of the relationship between humans and the objects that we use. Ergonomics
A(n) studies human anatomy in order to determine how the objects that we use can be made safer, more comfortable, and more efficient. ergonomist
Anything connected to your computer is considered a(n) . peripheral
You use a(n) to control objects you see on a computer screen. mouse
A(n) can be used to input audio such as music into a computer. microphone
A(n) allows users to connect external input devices to the computer system. port
A(n) , which is also called a computer screen, displays information visually. monitor
You use a(n) to transfer images from a monitor to paper. printer
The is the brain of a computer. microprocessor
is the number of calculations the processor can do each second. Clock speed
, or random access memory, holds information temporarily. RAM
The is the main circuit board in a computer. motherboard
is a type of storage that uses chips to hold information. Flash memory
are storage devices that use lasers to read and write information. Optical disks
A(n) is a group of computers that are connected to each other. network
A(n) is a connected group of computers that are close to one another. LAN, or local area network
A(n) is the actual arrangement of computers in a network. network topology
A(n) is the program responsible for running a computer. operating system
A(n) uses images on a monitor to make an operating system easier to use. graphical user interface (GUI)
tell the computer what to do and allow the computer user to control the computer. Commands
A program that is designed for a particular type of task is called a(n) . application
An application that uses values organized into rows and columns is a(n) . spreadsheet
A(n) is an organized way to store information so that it is easy for the computer to search the information. database
A(n) is more efficient than a typewriter because you can correct mistakes on the screen before you print a document. word processing application
A(n) is composed of slides that contain information and graphics. presentation
is the process of identifying and correcting problems. Troubleshooting
forces unwanted advertising onto your computer screen. Adware
A(n) is an unwanted program that can copy itself. virus
is putting data into a code. Encryption
A program that performs a specific task within an operating system is called a(n) utility program
The hierarchical file system is one example of a(n) . file management utility
A(n) protects computers against unwanted connections. firewall
The is the visual representation of the file system on a computer. desktop
are graphical representations of files or applications. Icons
A(n) is a list of options. menu
The shows what files and applications are open or available as links. Task bar
The deletes files or applications from the computer. Recycle Bin
A(n) is simply a box that shows what is inside a folder or file. window
The box that moves inside the scroll bar is sometimes called the . scroll box
A directory that holds other directories is called . parent directory
A directory that is located in another directory is called a . subdirectory
A(n) is an icon that will automatically open a particular program, folder, or file. shortcut
A(n) is a list of phrases that describes the location of a particular file. pathname
The contains tools that allow a user to change the way Windows appears and functions. Control Panel
lets your computer use less power when it is not in use. Standby
The enables you to answer questions that are related to the particular application that you are using. Help feature
To get help for general questions related to Windows, use the . Help and Support Center
is a system for sending messages and files electronically from one computer to another. e-mail
The Microsoft Office software that sends and receives e-mail is . Outlook
A(n) is a list of e-mail addresses to which e-mail messages can be sent. distribution list
A(n) is an online discussion group, or a group of individuals on the Internet with a common interest in a particular subject. discussion forum
A(n) site allows interaction among people who share social relationships, which may be personal or professional. social networking
is like having a telephone conversation with text. Instant messaging
, or electronic commerce, is the buying and selling of products and services over the Internet. E-commerce
businesses do not sell their products on the Internet; they only sell products in physical locations. Brick-and-mortar
businesses sell their products both on the Internet and in stores. Click-and-mortar
businesses do not have any physical stores; they only sell their products on the Internet. Click-and-order
e-commerce involves businesses that sell their products online to individual consumers. Business-to-consumer (B2C)
e-commerce involves one person selling a product to another person. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
Appliances with computers that are connected to the Internet are called . smart appliances
relies on wireless zones to allow people to access the Internet with wireless devices. Wireless technology
involves the development of molecule-size supercomputers. Nanotechnology
Be sure not to abuse company or school e-mail systems, as e-mail systems leave a(n) digital paper trail
Taking somebody else’s ideas and passing them off as your own is called . plagiarism
A(n) protects someone who creates an original work. copyright
Copyright protection is provided by the , a federal statute. Copyright Act of 1976
If you want to use a portion of a copyrighted work in your own work, you need to obtain _ from the copyright holder permission
Once a work’s copyright has expired, that work is considered to be in the , public domain
A(n) is a new work based on existing material. Fair use
refers to the right to reprint brief excerpts from copyrighted works without obtaining permission. netiquette
New rules of etiquette that have evolved for the new communication media provided by the Internet are called . Spam
, or junk e-mail, is a billion-dollar problem, clogging e-mail systems and wasting time. flame
A(n) is an aggressive or insulting letter. Identity theft
is a crime in which someone takes your personal information and uses it to establish credit and charge items to you. Phishing
is a scam in which a person sends you an e-mail in which he or she pretends to be a representative from a company with which you do business. ISP
Homes and businesses pay a(n) , or Internet Service Provider, to connect to the Internet. modem
A(n) connects a computer to the Internet. browser
A(n) is the software that sends and retrieves information on the Internet. hyperlink
A(n) is an item on a Web page that links to another Web page. multimedia pages
Web pages that contain information in many forms, like sound and movies, are called Search engines
search the Internet for keywords that you provide. dial-up
A telephone modem uses a(n) connection to connect to the Internet. POTS
A dial-up connection relies on , or Plain Old Telephone Service. cable modem
A(n) uses a TV cable to connect to the Internet. satellite modem
is a form of algebra in which all values are reduced to TRUE or FALSE. Boolean logic
are the conventions used in keywords to apply Boolean logic to Internet searches. Boolean operators
To means to determine the value or credibility of. evaluate
The is the part of the Internet that allows documents to be viewed by anyone anywhere in the world. World Wide Web, or the “Web”
Boolean logic was named after nineteenth-century mathematician . George Boole
To search for Web pages with one or both keywords, use the following Boolean operators:, OR, ^
Created by: jcubangbang
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