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NUR 104 Chpt 35 & 36

Oxygentation- Respiratory & Cardiac

Identify individual, environmental, & pathological factors that influence oxygenation air pollution pollens & allergens high blood pressure cigarette smoking obesity diabetes lack of exercise medications/drug use stress medical/family history smoking drugs & alcohol nutrition
describe a focused physical assessment in relation to oxygenation observe & inspect skin for pallor, palpate lungs, ausculate breath sounds, observe rate & pattern of respiration, inspect the chest to detect obvious chest deformities , wounds or masses, percuss
describe a focused physical assessment in relation to breathing observe the rate & pattern of respiration observe the assessory muscles palpate percuss auscultate
describe a focused physical assessment in relation to circulation inspect skin for pallor, inspect for edema, capillary refill, palpate & check pulses on both sides, check for dorsi flexion, ausculate for heart sounds in aoric, pulmonic, tricuspid and mitral locations
describe a focused physical assessment in relation to gas exchange
interpret diagnostic testing related to oxygentation pulse oximetry-greater than 95% is normal, below 93% indicates a need for oxygen
interpret diagnostic testing related to breathing Pulmonary function tests by use of tidal volume, vital capacity, forced expiratory volume Spirometry-gives graphic representation of lung volumes & flows
interpret diagnostic testing related to circulation Complete Blood Count Blood Chemistry tests
interpret diagnostic testing related to gas exchange arterial blood levels of O2, CO2, and pH PaO2 norm: 80-100 mm Hg PaCO2 norm: 35-45 mm Hg pH norm: 7.35-7.45 Hypoventilation-a PaCO2 lower than 35 Hyperventilation-a PaCO2 above 45
develop a nursing diagnoses related to alteration in oxygentation Ineffective airway clearance
develop a nursing diagnoses related to alteration in breathing Ineffective breathing pattern
develop a nursing diagnoses related to alteration in circulation Ineffective tissue perfusion
develop a nursing diagnoses related to alteration in gas exchange Impaired gas exchange
plan outcomes and patient centered care for maintaing and improving oxygenation Pt will demonstrate knowledge regarding prevention of respiratory dysfunction Pts tissues will have adequate oxygenation Pt will mobilize pulmonary secretions Pt will effectively cope with changes in self concept & lifestyle
identify nursing procedures that promote safety and involve other members of the health care team related to oxygenation, breathing, perfusion, & gas exchange. Assess the pts response regularly assess the pts color, alertness, heart rate, breathing effort inform pt of the importance of the procedure
describe methods to evaluate adequacy of oxygenation, breathing, perfusion, & gas exhange
modify outcomes based on patient centered care and safety related to oxygenation.
Name 3 defenses of the respiritory system nose, epiglottis, sneeze & cough reflex,
What is the normal respiritory range for a 25 year old? 85 year old? 12-20 16-25
What does Crepitus or subcutaneous emphasema sound/feel like? crackles that sound like rice krispies
What are adventitious breath sounds? abnormal breath sounds
When would you use CAB as compared to ABC? CAB-unresponsive pt ABC-responsive pt
What is a syncopal expisode? passing out
What is dyspnea? labored breathing & breathlessness
What is Hemoptysis coughing up blood
What is the purpose of a PFT? (pulmonary function test) to measure the airway & amt of air you can get into your lungs
What does ABG monitoring do? monitoring of acid base balance
Is a consent form needed for a bronchioscopy? yes
What type of pt will use pursed lip breathing? COPD
What is chest physiotherapy? clears excessive secretions from airway by Percussion, Vibration, Drainage (postural)
What is the conduction system? elecrical activity-SA node, bundle of HIS, etc
What are the pumping chambers? atria, ventrical valves
What do the coronary arteries do? carry oxygenated blood to heart lies outside the heart
What is an arrhytmia? abnormal electrical activity of the heart
What are the normal ranges for Potassium? 3.5-5mEq/L
What are the normal ranges for Sodium? 135-145mEq/L
What are the normal ranges for hematocrit? Male: 45-52% Female37-48%
What are the normal ranges for hemoglobin? Male: 13-18 g/100ml Female: 12-16 g /100ml
What type of drug would you give to increase cardiac contractablility and decrease heartrate? cardiac glycoside
What type of drug would you give to decrease blood pressure? antihypertensive agents (beta blockers & ace inhibitors)
What type of drug would you give to increase blood pressure? vasopressor
What type of drug would you give to regulate heart rhythm? Antiarrythmic
What type of drug would you give to relive angina nitrates
What type of drug would you give to decrease cholesterol levels antilipid agents
What type of drug would you give to reduce edema and fluid volume by increasing urinary output? diuretics
What type of drug would you give to decrease potential for clot formation? anticoagulants
What is the normal range for PaO2? 80-100 mm Hg
What is the normal range for PaCO2? 35-45 mm Hg
What is the normal range for pH? 7.35-7.45
What is hypoventilation, in relation to ranges? PaCO2 level is lower than 35
What is hyperventilation, in relation to ranges? PaCO2 level is higher than 45
What is Cachectic? deteriortion of muscles...looking flacid
What is angina? chest pain
Created by: jessicaspring
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