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5.1 ZangFu theory

ZangFu organ big pics & function (HB KIM p.16, 22)

"store fundamental substances" is the function of? 1)ZANG organ 2)FU organ ZANG organ
"solid and store without discharging" is the function of? 1)ZANG organ 2)FU organ ZANG organ
"transform food and drink to produce QI and Blood" is the function of? 1)ZANG organ 2)FU organ FU organ
"Receive, move, transform, digest and excrete." is the function of? 1)ZANG organ 2)FU organ FU organ
"Hollow and discharge without storing" is the function of? 1)ZANG organ 2)FU organ FU organ
"smooth flow of Qi "is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC LV
"stores blood "is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC LV
"circulates blood "is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC HT
"houses mind "is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC HT
"controls sweat"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC HT
"protects the Heart"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC PC
"governs transformation and transportation"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC SP
"controls the raising of QI"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC SP
"controls blood"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC SP
"dominates Qi "is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC LU
"controls respiration"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC LU
"stores essence and governs birth"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC KD
"governs growth, reproduction and development"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC KD
"governs water"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC KD
"controls the reception of Qi"is the function of which ZANG organ 1)LV 2)HT 3)SP 4)LU 5)KD 6)PC KD
"UNUAUAL YANG ORGAN" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB GB
"CONTROLS SECRETION OF BILE" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB GB
"CONTROLS JUDGEMENT" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB GB
"CONTROLS RECEIVING AND TRANSFORMING" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB SI
"SEPARATES FLUIDS" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB SI
"OFFICIAL OF IRRIGATION" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB SJ
"AVENUE FOR ORIGINAL QI" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB SJ
"carries Yuang Source Qi throughout body" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB SJ
"ROTTING AND RIPENING" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB ST
"CONTROLS TRANSPORTATION OF FOOD ESSENCES" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB ST
"CONTROLS THE DESCENDING OF QI" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB ST
"RECEIVES AND TRANSFORMS" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB LI
"CONTROLS JEALOUSY, INSECURITIES" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB UB
"STORES AND EXCRETES URINE" is the function of which FU organ? 1)GB 2)SI 3)SJ 4)ST 5)LI 6)UB UB
LV has function to control which tissue? 1)sinews 2)blood vessels 3)muscles and four limbs 4)skin 5)produces marrow 6)fill up the brain 7)controls bone sinews
HT has function to control which tissue? 1)sinews 2)blood vessels 3)muscles and four limbs 4)skin 5)produces marrow 6)fill up the brain 7)controls bone blood vessels
SP has function to control which tissue? 1)sinews 2)blood vessels 3)muscles and four limbs 4)skin 5)produces marrow 6)fill up the brain 7)controls bone muscles and four limbs
LU has function to control which tissue? 1)sinews 2)blood vessels 3)muscles and four limbs 4)skin 5)produces marrow 6)fill up the brain 7)controls bone skin
KD has function to control which tissue? 1)sinews 2)blood vessels 3)muscles and four limbs 4)skin 5)produces marrow 6)fill up the brain 7)controls bone produces marrow, fill up the brain, controls bone
LV manifest on 1)nails 2)complexion 3)lips 4)body hair 5)hair nails
HT manifest on 1)nails 2)complexion 3)lips 4)body hair 5)hair complexion
SP manifest on 1)nails 2)complexion 3)lips 4)body hair 5)hair lips
LU manifest on 1)nails 2)complexion 3)lips 4)body hair 5)hair body hair
KD manifest on 1)nails 2)complexion 3)lips 4)body hair 5)hair hair
LV open into 1)eyes 2)tongue 3)mouth 4)nose 5)ears 6)lower orifices eyes
HT open into 1)eyes 2)tongue 3)mouth 4)nose 5)ears 6)lower orifices tongue
SP open into 1)eyes 2)tongue 3)mouth 4)nose 5)ears 6)lower orifices mouth
LU open into 1)eyes 2)tongue 3)mouth 4)nose 5)ears 6)lower orifices nose
KD open into 1)eyes 2)tongue 3)mouth 4)nose 5)ears 6)lower orifices ears, lower orifices
LV spirit is 1)HUN 2)SHEN 3)YI 4)PO 5)ZHI HUN
HT spirit is 1)HUN 2)SHEN 3)YI 4)PO 5)ZHI SHEN
SP spirit is 1)HUN 2)SHEN 3)YI 4)PO 5)ZHI YI
LU spirit is 1)HUN 2)SHEN 3)YI 4)PO 5)ZHI PO
KD spirit is 1)HUN 2)SHEN 3)YI 4)PO 5)ZHI ZHI
LV emotion is 1)anger 2)joy 3)worry 4)sadness 5)fear anger
HT emotion is 1)anger 2)joy 3)worry 4)sadness 5)fear joy
SP emotion is 1)anger 2)joy 3)worry 4)sadness 5)fear worry
LU emotion is 1)anger 2)joy 3)worry 4)sadness 5)fear sadness
KD emotion is 1)anger 2)joy 3)worry 4)sadness 5)fear fear
____=Army's neneral from whom the strategy is derive 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ LV
____=monarch and it governs the mind1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ HT
____=ambassador and from it joy and happiness derive1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ PC
____=Grannary officialfrom whom the five tastes are derived 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ SP
____= Prime Minister in charge of regulation 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ Lu
____=Strogofficialfro whoigeuity is derived 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ KD
____= upright offical that makes decision 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ GB
____= official in charge of receivig, beig filled ad transforming 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ SI
____= official in charge of irrigation and it controls the water passages 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ SJ
____= official in charge of food storage and from whom the five flavors are derived1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ ST
____= official in charge of passage and conduction 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ LI
____= district capital, it stores fluids which are then excreted by the power of Qi transformation 1)HT ;2LV ;3)LU ;4)SP; 5)KD; 6)PC; 7)SI; 8)GB; 9)LI; 10)ST; 11)UB; 12)SJ UB
LV=________1) Army’s general ;2)Monarch ;3)Ambassador ;4)Granary official ;5)prime minister 6)strong official Army’s general
HT=________1) Army’s general ;2)Monarch ;3)Ambassador ;4)Granary official ;5)prime minister 6)strong official Monarch
PC=________1) Army’s general ;2)Monarch ;3)Ambassador ;4)Granary official ;5)prime minister 6)strong official Ambassador
SP=________1) Army’s general ;2)Monarch ;3)Ambassador ;4)Granary official ;5)prime minister 6)strong official Granary official
LU=________1) Army’s general ;2)Monarch ;3)Ambassador ;4)Granary official ;5)prime minister 6)strong official prime minister
KD=________1) Army’s general ;2)Monarch ;3)Ambassador ;4)Granary official ;5)prime minister 6)strong official strong official
GB=________7)Upright official ;8)official in charge of receiving ;9)official in charge of irrigation ;10)official in charge of food storage ;11)official in charge of passage and conduction ;12)district capital. Upright official
SI=________7)Upright official ;8)official in charge of receiving ;9)official in charge of irrigation ;10)official in charge of food storage ;11)official in charge of passage and conduction ;12)district capital. official in charge of receiving
SJ=________7)Upright official ;8)official in charge of receiving ;9)official in charge of irrigation ;10)official in charge of food storage ;11)official in charge of passage and conduction ;12)district capital. official in charge of irrigation
ST=________7)Upright official ;8)official in charge of receiving ;9)official in charge of irrigation ;10)official in charge of food storage ;11)official in charge of passage and conduction ;12)district capital. 10)official in charge of food storage
LI=________7)Upright official ;8)official in charge of receiving ;9)official in charge of irrigation ;10)official in charge of food storage ;11)official in charge of passage and conduction ;12)district capital. official in charge of passage and conduction
UB=________7)Upright official ;8)official in charge of receiving ;9)official in charge of irrigation ;10)official in charge of food storage ;11)official in charge of passage and conduction ;12)district capital. district capital
Created by: jolingchang
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