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Hesi A2 Vocab 1

Hesi A2 Vocabulary, Set 1

Abrupt sudden
Absorption movement of nutrients from the digestive tube into the bloodstream
Abstain to voluntarily refrain from something
Access a means to obtain or gain entry or a means of approach
Accountable responsible
Adhere to hold fast or stick together
Adverse undesired
Affect appearance of observable emotions
Aggregate a sum total of many things
Ambiance the atmosphere of an environment
Annual occurring every year
Anterior facing forward
Apply to place
Audible able to be heard
Bilateral present on two sides
Cast hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bone heals
Cease come to an end or bring to an end
Compensatory offsetting or making up for something
Complication an undesired problem that is the result of some other event
Comply do as directed
Concave rounded inward
Concise brief
Confines limits or boundaries
Consistency degree of viscosity
Constrict to draw together or become smaller
Contingent dependent
Contour shape or outline of a shape
Contract to draw together
Contraindication a reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done
Defecate expel feces
Diffusion movement of materials from high concentration to lower concentration
Digestion the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food
Distal further away from the point of attachment
Hygiene measures contributing to cleanliness and good health
Hydration maintenance of body fluid
Impaired diminished or lacking some usual quality or level
Gender sex of an individual
Gaping wide open
Flushed reddened or ruddy appearance
Flaccid limp
Fatigue extreme tiredness
Fatal resulting in death
External located outside the body
Exposure contact
Expand to increase in size or amount
Exogenous produced outside the body
Excess more than what is needed or usual
Exacerbate to make worse or more severe
Endogenous produced within the body
Elevate to lift up or place in a higher position
Distended enlarged or expanded from pressure
Discrete distinct
Dilute to make a liquid less concentrated
Dilate to enlarge or expand
Diameter the distance across the center of an object
Device tool or piece of equipment
Deteriorating worsening
Depth downward measurement from a surface
Depress press downward
Deficit a deficiency or lack of something
Impending likely to occur soon
Incidence occurrence
Inferior below
Inflamed reddened
Ingest to swallow for digestion
Initiate to begin or put into practice
Insidious so gradual as to not become apparent for a long time
Intact in place
Internal located within the body
Invasive inserting or entering into a body part
Labile changing rapidly and often
Latent present
Lateral away from the midline or toward the sides
Lethargic difficult to arouse
Manifestation an indication or sign of a condition
Medial toward the midline
Milieu the environmental condition
Nutrient substance or ingredient that provides nourishment
Occluded closed or obstructed
Ominous significantly important and dangerous
Ongoing continuos
Oral given through or affecting the mouth
Overt obvious
Parameter a characteristic or constant factor
Paroxysmal beginning suddenly or abruptly
Patent open
Posterior toward the back
Potent producing a strong effect
Potential capable of occurring or likely to occur
Precaution preventative measure
Precipitous rapid
Predispose to make more susceptible or more likely to occur
Preexisting already present
Primary first or most significant
Priority of great importance
Prognosis the anticipated or expected course or outcome
Proximal closer to the point of attachment
Rampant unrestrained
Rationale the underlying reason
Recur to occur again
Restrict to limit
Retain to hold or keep
Site location
Status condition
Strict stringent
Superior above
Supplement to take in addition to or to complete
Suppress to stop or subdue
Symmetric being equal or the same in size
Symptom an indication of a problem
Untoward adverse
Verbal spoken
Vital essential
Void excrete
Volume amount of space occupied by a fluid
Quotient the number obtained by division
Euphemism an inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive
Progeny offspring
Proliferation a rapid increase in number
Laceration a cut
Triage process of evaluating the urgency of medical need and prioritizing treatment
Viscosity a liquid's resistance to flow
Pigmented colored
Metabolism the sum of all chemical processes that occur in an organism
Combination the act of combining things to form a new whole
Febrile feverish
Photosensitive sensitive to light
Respiration the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation
Assess to evaluate
Supposition a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
Regimen (medicine) a systematic plan for therapy (often including diet)
Substitute the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another
Renal of or relating to the kidneys
Sublingual under the tongue
Convulsion a violent disturbance
Remission improvement or absence of signs of disease
Circuit movement once around a course
Q.I.D. four times a day
ATBE at bedtime
Q.D. once per day
Q.8H every eight hours
Initial occurring at the beginning
Fracture break (a bone)
Implement to put into action; execute
Valid founded on fact or evidence
Applicable relevant
Obtain able to gain or possess
Inflamed reddened
Sputum mucous secretion from the lungs
Expectorate to cough up discharge from the lungs and out of the mouth (spit)
Spasmodic affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions
Perceptible easily seen or detected
Eradicate destroy completely
Alleviate provide physical relief
Tertiary Health Care a system to return patients to wellness
Docile easily handled or managed (tame)
Ravenous extremely hungry
Aide assistant; helper
Aid a resource (band-aid)
Spinster an elderly unmarried woman
Plurality (in an election with more than 2 options) the number of votes for the candidate or party receiving the greatest number (but less that half of the votes)
Majority the greater in number of two parts
Superego the moral component of personality that incorporates social standards about what is right and wrong
Created by: nikkirosety
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