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Intro to Sociology

Chapter 6 Quiz

According to Walter Reckless, what are the two variables that work against an individual's temptation to engage in deviant behavior? inner and outer controls .
As a part of his court martial, Captain Savage was publicly stripped of his rank insignia, the buttons of his uniform were ripped off, and he was banished from the cavalry. What did this ritual following a court martial represent? Answer
Based on Merton's strain theory, drug addicts, alcoholics, the homeless, and others who have rejected both the cultural goals and the institutional means of achieving them are engaged in which mode of adaptation? Answer retreatism
Based on Merton's strain theory, what is the most common reaction to cultural goals and the institutionalized means to meet them? Answer conformity .
Based on control theory, when are inner controls most effective? Answer When we have strong attachments, commitments, and involvement with society. .
Emile Durkheim stated several reasons why deviance was actually functional for society. Which of the following was not one of them? Answer One deviant act leads to another, which increases social solidarity. .
One deviant act leads to another, which increases social solidarity. . It must be a rule written into law. .
Since Frank graduated he has held only part-time jobs. Because he has few marketable skills, he is the first to be laid off when he finds what may be a more permanent position. In view of this, how would a conflict theorist categorize Frank? Frank is a member of the marginal working class. .
Sociobiologists assume that ______________ lead people to such deviances as juvenile delinquency. Answer genetic predispositions .
The crime with the highest recidivism rate is ________ and the crime with the lowest recidivism rate is ________. Answer stealing cars; murder
What are the unwritten, taken-for-granted "rules" that underlie our everyday lives, such as not yelling "fire" in a crowded classroom or movie theater? background assumptions .
What concept refers to the formal and informal means of enforcing norms? social control .
What do blindness, mental handicaps, obesity, and being "a woman in a man's world" all have in common? They are all conditions that result in stigma. .
What is the approximate number of prisoners and jail inmates in the United States today? Answer over 2 million
What is the classification of homicide that involves the killing of several victims in three or more separate events? Answer serial murder
What is the defining quality of hate crimes? They are motivated by bias against someone's ascribed status. .
What is the major difference between sociological and psychological theories used to explain deviance? Answer Sociological explanations focus on factors outside the individual, while psychological explanations look for answers within the individual. .
What is the major difference between white collar crime and street crime? Answer White collar crime is an act committed in the course of a legitimate occupation, street crime is not. .
What is the term for all of a group's customary social arrangements that provide predictability in life and which depend on the enforcement of norms? Answer social order
What term refers to crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations? white collar crime
Which concept of culture is credited with making social life possible and behavior predictable? Answer norms
Which sociological perspective is inclined to view the law as an instrument of repression and a tool designed to maintain the powerful in their privileged positions? conflict perspective .
Which theory of deviance places significance on names or reputations given to people when they engage in certain types of behavior? labeling theory .
Who was the sociologist who developed the theory of differential association? Answer Edwin Sutherland .
Which technique of neutralization is reflected by the comment, "Who are you to talk?" Answer condemnation of the condemner .
Created by: malrey3



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