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chinese idiom

Profiting by opinions from various sources 集思廣益
being meticulous 一絲不苟
treat all men alike 一視同仁
set the world on fire 一鳴驚人
repeated rumor becomes a fact 三人成虎
unexpected misfortune 三長兩短
as was expected 不出所料
do not care 不聞不問
to set an example 以身作則
the supply not able meet the demand 供不應求
joy of the first experience 先睹為快
foresight 先見之明
everything bodes ill, no positive signs 凶多吉少
a pinnacle of virtue and ability 出人頭地
eloquence 出口成章
Inconsistent 出爾反爾
every second counts 分秒必爭
to display originality 別出心裁
to esteem someone's progress 刮目相看
cause and effect 前因後果
powerless 力不從心
to strive 力爭上游
countless changes 千變萬化
give up halfway 半途而廢
use others’ strength to make up for one’s weak points 取長補短
empty words 口是心非
to whine on for days 叫苦連天
heaven helps good men 吉人天相
well known in the world 名揚四海
overjoyed at unexpected good news 喜出望外
to ask about someone’s wellbeing 噓寒問暖
to save a little only to lose a lot 因小失大
to reap where one has not sown 坐享其成
using a talented person in an insignificant position 大材小用
diligent and never slacking 孜孜不倦
no end to learning 學無止境
to wait idly for opportunities 守株待兔
to seek truth from facts 實事求是
to make a big fuss over a minor issue 小題大做
unending flow 川流不息
amiable and approachable 平易近人
a day drags past like a year 度日如年
to shoot oneself in the foot 弄巧成拙
to twist words and force logic 強詞奪理
inseparable as form and shadow 形影不離
beside oneself with joy 得意忘形
to say what you think 心口如一
heart alarmed, body leaping 心驚肉跳
like-minded 志同道合
determined to win 志在必得
loyal advice jars on the ears 忠言逆耳
to deceive oneself 掩耳盜鈴
to create something from nothing 無中生有
to accumulate over a long period of time 日積月累
very easy 易如反掌
to speak harshly but without any bad intent 有口無心
indecisive 朝三暮四
it is hard to change one’s essential nature 本性難移
an utterly inadequate measure 杯水車薪
have taught a lot of students 桃李滿天下
wish to speak but not to do so on the second thought 欲言又止
don’t try to run before you can walk 欲速則不達
can be found everywhere 比比皆是
impenetrable crowd or traffic 水洩不通
the truth comes to light 水落石出
to listen with respectful attention 洗耳恭聽
constant perseverance yields success 滴水穿石
fugitive or homeless exile 漏網之魚
in low spirits 無精打采
one-sided 片面之詞
birds of a feather flock together 物以類聚
to use powerful connection to intimidate people 狐假虎威
doughty and lively 生龍活虎
to see one time is better than to hear one hundred times 百聞不如一見
so arrogant that no-one else matters 目中無人
to mention on equal terms 相提並論
to disappear forever 石沈大海
to radiating and vigor 神采奕奕
many little drops make an ocean 積少成多
to go steady and strike 穩紮穩打
the first and the last 空前絕後
theoretical discussion that is worse and useless in practice 紙上談兵
to be influenced 耳濡目染
to concentrate one’s attention 聚精會神
to give up and stop bothering 自暴自棄
free and easy 自由自在
dishonest rhetoric 花言巧語
to persuade patiently 苦口婆心
to live up to one’s word 言行一致
itching to get on with it 迫不及待
to get to the heart of the matter 追根究底
rumor or hearsay 道聽途說
priceless advise 金玉良言
to decorate what already is perfect 錦上添花
to nitpick 雞蛋裡挑骨頭
handle everything 面面俱到
unable to attend everything; 顧此失彼
be grateful for all your blessings; 飲水思源
absolute silence; 鴉雀無聲
fall short of the best but be better than the worst; 比上不足比下有餘
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