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chap 17mmmmmmm

21. Cell device that produces an electric current by converting chemical energy into electrical energy
22. Battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy and also made of several cells
23. Parts of a battery – electrolyte & electrode lyte-convert chemical energy into electrical energy, rode-part of a cell charges into and exit
24. Types of Battery Cells wet cells-contain liquid electrolytes amd dry cells have elerclytes that are solid and pastelike
25. What is the relationship between potential difference & volts potential difference is expressed in volts
26. Photocells & examples part of a solar panel that converts light into electrical energy solar panels and calculator
27. Thermocouple thermal energy into electrical energymade by joining wires of different metals into loop
28. Drawing of thermocouple
Section 3 & 4
29. Electrical current p. 433 rate at which charge passes a given point
30. Two types of electrical current direct charge has one direction and alternate current continually change direction
31. Direct Current & diagram has one direction
32. Alternating Current & diagram continually change direction
33. Voltage difference in energy per unit chargeas a charge moves between to points in a path of a current
34. Resistance opposition to the flow of eletrical charge
35. What is the relationship between resistance & current determines the current in the wire
36. How thickness, length & temperature effect electrical current thick wires have less resistance than thin wires and long wires have more ressistance than short wires, resistnane of metals increses as temperature increases because atome move faster at higher temperature and get in the way of flow
37. What is Ohm’s Law? amperes equals volts over ohms
38. Electrical Power Formula power equals voltage times current
39. Watt unit for power
40. How is household energy measured by the energy company multiplying the power in kilowatts by the time in hours
law of elecrtal charge like chasrges repel and opposites attract
electric frorce the force between charged objects
electric feild region around a charged particlethat excert a force onto another charged particle
friction transfer my electrons
conduction direct contact
induction rearranged without direct contact
consevation of charge no charges r created or destroyed
electroscvope dtermine charge
conductor material where charges move easily ex= blowdryer,copper metal
insulater material where charges dont move easily ex=plastic,glass,wood
static electricity biuld up of electrical charge n a object
lightning atmosphere electrical discharge
lightning rods pointed rods connect to ground by wire
grounded objects that r n contact with earth
lightning dangers uner tree, humand open areas
Circuit complete closed path through which electrical charges flow
.Load a device that uses a electrical energy to work
What do ALL loads do ? offer some resistance to electrical current and cause the elctrical energy to change into other forms of energy
Explain the relationship that a switch plays in “opening” or “closing” a circuit a swicth opens and closes a circuit
Series circuit a circuit in which all parts are connected to a single loop
How many paths are in a series circuit? one
Explain what happens if one load in the series circuit is malfunctioning. the other loads will not work
Parallel circuit a circuit in which different loads are located on seperate bramches
Why is this circuit important in the wiring of the lights in a building ? if one load is turned off the other will still work
Explain what happens if one load in the parallel circuit is malfunctioning. the other loads will still work
Give an example of a parallel circuit in your house. the lights
Using the last paragraph p. 444 and fig. 26, explain the causes and dangers of overloading a circuit if too many loads or devices are attached to it cause the current to rise to an unsafe level and increase the temperature of the wires and cause a fire
Explain how a fuse and circuit breakers help with circuit safety in your house and automobile a fuse will blow and stop the current from flowing and circuit breakers open if the current is to high
Created by: Lakeia
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