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NLE History

9th Grade National Latin Exam focused on History

753 - 715 B.C. Regal Period - Monarch Romulus founds city and creates Senate
715 - 673 B.C. Regal Period - Monarch Numa Pompilius (Peace - loving; religious and legal institutions)
673 - 641 B.C. Regal Period - Monarch Tullus Hostilius (Strong military leader; conquers Alba Longa)
641 - 616 B.C. Regal Period - Monarch Ancus Marcius (First bridge across Tiber; founds Ostia)
616 - 579 B.C. Regal Period - Monarch L. Tarquinius Priscus (Etruscan; begins construction of the Capitolium; lays out Circus Maximus; drains valleys of Rome)
579 - 534 B.C. Regal Period - Monarch Servius Tullius (Etruscan; Servian Wall; new constitution)
534 - 509 B.C. Regal Period - Monarch L. Tarquinius Superbus (Etruscan; completes Capitolium; overbearing; he is expelled; attempt to recapture Rome fails)
509 B.C. Foundation of the Republic
494 B.C. Republic Creation of the office of tribune to protect the plebs
493 B.C. Republic Rome joins the Latin League
480 - 396 B.C. Republic Wars against neighbors - Volscian War, attacks on Veii and the Aequi
449 B.C. Republic Roman law is codified in the Twelve Tables
390 B.C. Republic Celtic invasion of Italy reaches Rome; Rome sacked
343 - 290 B.C. Republic Wars against the Samnites. Rome now dominates central Italy
282 - 275 B.C. Republic Rome defends southern Italy against Greek Pyrrhus; following the war with Pyrrhus, Rome becomes the undisputed leader of southern Italy
264 - 241 B.C. Republic First Punic War against Carthaginians. Rome becomes a maritime power.
237 - 219 B.C. Republic The Carthaginians conquer Spain and found New Carthage.
218 - 202 B.C. Republic The Second Punic War. Hannibal crosses the Alps. After long guerrilla warfare, Hannibal leaves Italy; Rome is triumphant.
200 - 146 B.C. Republic Wars against the Macedonians in the east, and the destruction of Corinth.
149 - 146 B.C. Republic The Third Punic War and the destruction of Carthage.
133 - 122 B.C. Late Republic The Gracchi brothers (Tiberius and Gaius) carry out land reforms.Kingdom of Pergamum is bequeathed to Rome.
112 - 98 B.C. Late Republic Rise of Marius (novus homo): army reforms; Marius holds 6 consulships in 8 years
90 - 88 B.C. Late Republic Social War (allies in Italy striving for citizenship)
88 - 82 B.C. Late Republic Battle for power between Marius and Sulla
82 - 79 B.C. Late Republic Dictatorship of Sulla (strong support for Senate)
70 B.C. Late Republic Consulship of Pompey and Crassus
63 B.C. Late Republic Consulship of Cicero and the quelling of the Catilinarian conspiracy
60 B.C. Late Republic Formation of the "First Triumvirate" Pompey, Caesar and Crassus
58 - 51 B.C. Late Republic Caesar's conquest of Gaul
56 B.C. Late Republic Conference at Luca (terms of the "First Triumvirate" extended)
53 B.C. Late Republic Defeat and death of Crassus at Carrhae (in Asia Minor)
52 B.C. Late Republic Pompey sole consul
48 - 44 B.C. Late Republic Caesar's dictatorship (3 stages: 48 - 47; 46 = granted for 10 years; January 44 = granted for life)
44 B.C. Late Republic Assassination of Caesar. Ides of March.
44 - 30 B.C. Late Republic Civil War (Second Triumvirate [Octavian, Antony , Lepidus]; alliance and strife between Octavian and Antony
31 B.C. Late Republic Battle of Actium
30 B.C. Late Republic Death of Antony
27 B.C. Late Republic Octavian given title "Augustus"
27 B.C. - 14 A.D. Empire Principate of Augustus
14 - 37 A.D. Empire Principate of Tiberius
37 - 41 A.D. Empire Principate of Caligula
41 - 54 A.D. Empire Principate of Claudius
54 - 68 A.D. Empire Principate of Nero
68 - 69 A.D. Empire Year of the Four Emperors (Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian)
69 - 79 A.D. Empire Principate of Vespasian
79 - 81 A.D. Empire Principate of Titus
81 - 96 A.D. Empire Principate of Domitian
96 A.D. Empire Accession of Nerva
Aeneas Trojan leader and reputed ancestor of the Romans.
Augustus (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus) Grandnephew and adopted son of Caesar Brought and end to civil ears of first century B.C. and started beginnings of Principate form of government.
Brutus Rome's first consul in 509 B.C. Known for heroic devotion to duty by putting his own sons to death for plotting treason
Cato the Elder Roman censor famed for his frugality, self-sacrifice, and devotion to duty. Lived in second century B.C.
Cincinnatus Roman farmer-patriot who was called from his farm to lead a Roman army.
Decius Mus Roman consul and general who brought victory to Romans by rushing into the midst of the enemy and sacrificed his life. (4th Century B.C.)
Battles of Trasimene, Cannae, and Zama Battles that the Romans fought against the Carthaginians.
Delivered Julius Caesar's funeral oration Marcus Antonius
Emperor blamed for the great fire of Rome in 64 A.D. Also built the Domus Aurea Nero
510 B.C. Responsible for the expulsion of Rome's last king and the establishment of the Republic Brutus and Collatinus
Emperor that moved the capitol of the Empire to Byzantium and renamed the city after himself Constantine
A Roman could learn about Lucretia, Livia, and Cornelia By reading Livy's "From the Founding of the City"
Five Roman armies were defeated by a force of slaves led by The escaped gladiator Spartacus
Scipio Africanus the Elder is best known for doing this Defeating Hannibal
Created by: Shinigami156



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