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Musculoskeletal syst

Chapter 14

myel/o bone marrow or spinal cord
myelogenic pertaining to the originating in the bone marrow
Hemopoiesis occurs in the bone marrow
Hemopoiesis is the formation of blood
myeloma tumor or mass of the bone marrow
oste/o bone
osteitis inflammation of a bone
osteomyelitis inflammation of a bone and bone marrow
ostectomy surgical removal of a bone
osteoplasty surgical repair of a bone
osteotome instrument used to cut bone
osteopathy a disease condition of a bone
osteomalacia a condition of a bone softening
osteocyte bone cell
osteonecrosis death of bone tissue
osteoporosis abnormal condition of porous bones AKA brittle bone disease
arthr/o joint
A joint is found wherever bones articulate (movement)
Articulation referes to movement
arthritis inflammation of a joint
hemarthrosis abnormal condition of blood in a joint
arthrodesis fixation of a joint
arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint
arthrotomy surgical incision of a joint
arthralgia a condition of pain in a joint
arthrogram a record of a joint
arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint
OsteoArthritis (OA) inflammation of a bone and joint
arthroscopy process of viewing a joint (with a usually lighted instrument)
chondro/o cartilage
Cartilage is found between articulating bones
cartilage is pliable tissue that functions as a shock absorber and reduces friction between articulating bones
chondrectomy a excision of cartilage
chondroplasty surgical repair of cartilage
osteochondritis inflammation of a bone and cartilage
synovi/o synovium
synovia are joint membranes
synovectomy surgical removal of a synovium
synovitis inflammation of a synovium
burs/o bursa
bursae are fluid filled joint sacs
bursitis inflammation of a bursa
bursolith a stone in a bursa
bursectomy surgical removal of a bursa
bursotomy surgical incision of a bursa
ten/o, tend/o, or tendin/o tendon
tendons connect muscles (my/o) to bones
each achilles tendon connects a gastrocnemius (calf) muscle to a calcaneus (heel) bone
tendotome an instrument to cut a tendon
tenotomy surgical incision of a tendon
tenorrhaphy suturing of a tendon
tenodynia pain in a tendon
tendinitis inflammation of a tendon
tenomyoplasty surgical repair of a tendon and muscle
tenosynovitis inflammation of a tendon and synovium
ligaments bind bone to bone
ligaments allow a specific ROM (Range of Motion (movement))
vertebr/o or spondyl/o vertebra(e) AKA back bones (spinal column)
intervertebral pertaining to between vertebrae
spondylitis inflammation of a vertebra(e)
spondylarthritis inflammation of a vertebra and joint
cervic/o neck
The cervical vertebrae are named C1-C7
cervicofacial pertaining to the neck and face
thorac/o chest
The thoracic vertebrae are named T1-T12
thoracotomy surgical incision of a thorax (chest)
thoracocentesis surgical puncture of the thorax (chest)
lumb/o low back (loins)
The lumbar vertebrae are named L1-L5
lymbodynia a condition of low back pain
what time do many people eat BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER? 7am - 12 noon - 5pm
7 cervical vertebrae C1-C7
12 thoracic vertebrae T1-T12
5 lumbar vertebrae L1-L5
sacr/o sacrum
The sacrum makes up the posterior portion of the pelvis and the inferior portion of the vertebral column
sacrovertebral pertaining to the sacrum and vertebrae
lumbosacral pertaining to the lumbar spine (lower back) and sacrum
coccyxg/o coccyx (tail bone)
coccyxgeal pertaining to the coccyx
lamin/o lamina
The laminae are part of each vertebral arch
laminectomy surgical removal of a lamina
disk/o disk (disc)
Intervertebral disks are cartilage found between the vertebrae
diskitis inflammation of a disk
diskectomy surgical removal of a disk
diskocele herniated disk AKA slipped disk or ruptured disk
cost/o ribs (cost a lot)
intercostal chondritis inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs
costectomy excision of a rib
subcostal pertaining to below or under a rib
lumbocostal pertaining to the lower back and ribs
vertebrocostal pertaining to a vertebra and rib
crani/o cranium (skull)
cranioplasty surgical repair of the cranium (skull)
craniotomy surgical incision of the cranium (skull)
maxill/o maxilla AKA superior (upper) jaw
maxillitis inflammation of the maxilla
maxillofacial pertaining to the maxilla and face
maxillectomy surgical removal of the maxilla
submaxillary pertaining to below the maxilla
mandibul/o mandible AKA inferior (lower) jaw
submandibular pertaining to under the mandible
TemporoMandibular Joint (TMJ) the joint where a temporal bone and madible articulate (Movement)
clavicul/o clavicle(s) AKA collar bone
midclavicular pertaining to the middle of a clavicle
scapul/o scapula(e) AKA shoulder bone(s) (Blade(s))
suprascapular pertaining to above a scapula
subscapular pertaining to under a scapula
stern/o sterum AKA breast bone
retrosternal pertaining to behind the sternum
sternotomy surgical incision of the sternum
substernal pertaining to below the sternum
sternoclavicular pertaining to the sternum and a clavicle
xiphoid process the inferior section of the sternum
The xiphoid process is a landmark for CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
humer/o humerus (singular) or hureri (plural) AKA superior arm bone(s)
humeral pertaining to a humerus
radi/o radius or radii, also means X-RAY (radiology)
The radii are the lateral inferior arm bones on the thumb side (larger)
radial pertaining to a radius
uln/o ulna (singular) ulnae (plural) AKA medial inferior arm bone(s) (smaller)
ulnar pertaining to an ulna
carp/o carpal(s) AKA wrist bone(s)
carpoptosis prolapse (drooping or sagging) of a carpal
-poptosis prolapse (drooping or sagging)
carpectomy surgical removal of a carpal
metacarp/o metacarpal(s) AKA hand bone(s)
metacarpectomy surgical removal of a metacarpal
phalang/o or dactyl/o phalanges AKA finger or toes or digits
phalangeal pertaining to a finger or toe or digit
dactylitis inflammation of a finger or toe or digit
phalanx one finger or one toe or one digit
phalangectomy surgical removal of a digit (phalanx)
pelv/i pelvis (hip)
the pelvis consists of the ischia, ilia and pubes
Singular ischium, ilium (not ileum) and pubis
femor/o femur AKA thigh bone
iliofemoral pertaining to an ilium and femur
pubofemoral pertaining to a pubis and femur
patell/o patella(e) AKA knee cap(s)
suprapatellar pertaining to above a patella
patellopexy surgical fixation of a patella
patellectomy surgical removal of a patella
tibi/o tibia(e) (shin(s)) AKA anterior inferior leg bone(s) (larger)
tibial pertaining to a tibia
fibul/o fibula(e) AKA posterior inferior leg bone(s) (smaller)
fibular pertaining to a fibula
tars/o tarsal(s) AKA ankle bone(s)
tarsectomy surgical removal of a tarsal
metatars/o metatarsal(s) AKA foot bone(s)
metatarsectomy surgical removal of a tarsal
ped/i or pod/o foot or feet
pedicure cosmetic care of the feet and toenails
podiatrist (chiropodist) a specialist in the treatment of feet
orthopedics the study of the musculoskeletal system
bunion arthromegaly usually affecting the joint at the base of a great toe
prosthesis (prosthetic) any artificial body part
chiropractor a specialist in manipulation of the vertebral column
strain injury to a muscle (pull)
kyphosis (kyphotic) abnormal forward curvature of the vertebrae AKA hunchback
scoliosis (scoliotic) abnormal S shape curve to the vertebrae
lordosis (lordotic) abnormal backward curvature of the vertebrae AKA swayback (looking up to the Lord)
bone scan nuclear medicine record of the bone
bone densitometry the process of measuring the density of bone
ElectroMyoGram (EMG) a record of the electrical activity in a muscle
amputation (surgical) removal of a limb
phantom limb illusion following an amputation that the limb still exists
greater trochanter the superior portion of the femur that articulates with the pelvis
ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament
CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
IM IntraMuscular
MD Muscular Dystrophy or Medical Doctor
MG Myasthenia Gravis
RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
THA Total Hip Arthroplasty
trx traction
THR Total Hip Replacement
TKA Total Knee Arthroplasty
TKR Total Knee Replacement
AKA Above the Knee Amputation
BKA Below the Knee Amputation
DTR Deep Tendon Reflexes
DJD Degenerative Joint Disease
LS spine LumboSacral spine X-ray
ortho orthopedics
ORIF Open Reduction and Internal Fixation
open reduction to align a fracture (FX) using surgery
closed reduction to align a fracture (FX) without surgery
manipulation (manipulate) to move
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) a very sensitive nuclear medicine recording of a bone
FX fracture
closed or simple fracture a bone is broken with no open wound to the skin
open or compound a bone is broken with an open wound through the skin
impacted one bone is driven into another
spiral a bone is twisted apart
obligue a slanted fracture (FX)
displaced the ends of the fractured bone are not in alignment
non-displaced the ends of a fractured bone are in alignment
comminuted a splintered (shattered) fracture (FX)
greenstick a bone is broken on one side and bent on the other side
incomplete the fracture (FX) does not run completely across the shaft of a bone
transverse the fracture (FX)runs across the shaft of the bone
hairline a fracture (FX) of a bone causing a crack the size of a hair
Colles' or dinner (silver) fork a fracture (FX) of a distal radius
compression when one bone is crushed (sandwiched) between two others (commonly occurs with vertebrae)
Created by: pattiluv
Popular Medical sets




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