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Big 100 Latin Roots

Bodo 5th grade

bi- two
mani- hand
tri- three
mob- able to move/move
lum- light
multi- several/many
rupt- breakout
terr- land
aqua- water
loc- place
brev- quick/short
act- to do
phono- sound
ped/pod- foot/feet
annu/enn- year
photo- light
nat- born
mob- move/able to be moved
terr- land
imag- picture
tele- distance/distant
liber- freedom
tort- twist
morph- change shape
port- move
ang- bend
tract- pull
crani- skull
pulmo- lungs
osteo- bone
mani- hand
angin- vessal
arbor- tree
cili- eyelash
mega- largest/huge
cosm- universe
anthrop- human
orinth- bird
ex- from/out
semi- half
voc- call
cogn- know/recognize
micro- small
sect- cut
sub- under
ver- true
numer- number
optic/oculu- eye
renal- kidney
gastro- stomach
dent- teeth
phobia- fear
bio- life
cyclo- circle
noct- night
duct- pipe/vent
endo- inside
contra- against
mono- one
retro- backwards/behind
lingu- language
scend- move/move away
plic- fold
macro- big
var- many
uni- one
clar- clear
rhino- nose
genu- knee
cardio- heart
aud/aur- hear/hearing
itis- inflammation
carn- meat/flesh
hyper- over
therm- heat
circ- about/approximate
mal- bad
dia- apart/through
trans- across
flor- plant life
lex- law/word
psych- soul
geo- earth
lith/litho- stone
aut/auto- self-directed from within
avi- bird
struct- build
hemo- blood
ped/pod- foot
derm- skin
cereb- brain
osis- condition
chlor- green
hypo- under
corp- group
alt- change/
neo- new
dys- very bad/ill
meter- measure
omni- all knowing
nomin- name
mort- death/dead
Created by: pamelabodo
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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