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Ultrasound Physics!

A____________ converts one form of energy into another. transducer
a____________ naterial has the ability to ocnvert electrical energy into sound energy and sound energy into electrical energy. peizoelectric
Clinical imaging ultrasound utilizes ____________ ultrasound to obtain images of structures. Pulsed Wave
Sound energy travesl in a _________. Medium
The acoustic characteristic of a medium is called: Acoustic impedance
A reflection will occur at the coundary of two media if there is an________ ________ mismatch. Acoustic Impedance
The greater the acoustic impedance mismatch, the _________ the amount of reflection. Greater
The greater the acoustic impedance mismatch the greater the amount of reflection with ___________ sound energy transmitted. Less
Soft tissue has an acoustic impedance value of 1.64 rayl x 10-5. Air has an acoustic impedance value of .0004 rayl x 10-5. Predict how much sound energy will be reflected at a soft tissue-air interface. 99%
Approx. how much sound energy will be transmitted at a soft tissue- air interface? 1%
The acoustic impedance value for fat is 1.38 rayl x 10-5. The acoustic impedance value for muscle is 1.70 rayl x 10-5. how much sound energy will be reflected at a fat-muscle interface? 1%
Approx. how much sound energy will be transmitted at a fat-muscle interface? 99%
To ensure the maximum amount of reflected sound energy be returned to the transducer, the best way to strike the boundary of two media is with ___________ incidence. perpendicular
Displaying reflections as spikes is __________- mode. A (amplitude)
_________ mode (displaying reflections as bright dots) is the preferred mode in modern clinical imaging ultrasound. B
A reflection will be placed at the correct depth because the ultrasound machine will utilize the ___________ equation. range
All of the following are excellent techniques to use to improve the image while scanning clinically except: utilize A-mode
All of the following are true statements concerning ultrasound except: can adjust for changes in the propagation speed of different tissues.
Sound waves are longitudinal and: mechanical
A region of high pressure, high density is: compression
A region of low pressure, low density is: rarefraction
Which of the following is considered an acoustic variable? Pressure
The units for pressure include all of the following except: Kilograms per meter cubed
The units for density include which of the following: kilograms per cubic meter
All of the following are true statements concerning sound waves except sound: travels in avacuum
The frequency range for audible sound is: 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz
The frequency range for ultrasound is: greater than 20,000 Hertz
Acoustic relates to: sound
All of the following are considered units for period except: cycles per second
The formula used to calculate period is: 1/F
Period ___________ with an increase in frequency. decrease
Period ____________ with a decrease in frequency. increases
The period for a 5 MegaHertz transducer is: 0.2 us
The period for a 10 MHz transducer is: 0.1us
Period is the reciprocal of: F
By altering the iage depth, period: unchanged
Period may be used to calculate: pulse duration
Pulse duration is equal to the number of cycles in a pulse times: period
Pulse duration in part determines: axial resolution
The units for wavelength include all of the following except: microseconds
The wavelength for a 3 MHz probe for soft tissue is: 0.5mm
As frequency increases, wavelength: decreases
As frequency decreases, wavelength: increases
Spatial pulse legth is equal to the number of cycles in a pulse times: wavelength
The spatial pulse length for a 3 cycle pulse for a frequency of 5 MHz in a medium with a propogation speed of 1.54mm/us is: 0.9mm
Spatial pulse length in part determines: axial resolution
Spatial pulse length divided by 2 equals: axial resolution
Decreasing wavelength directly improves: axial resolution
How may the wavelength and spatil pulse length be decrease and axial resolution be improved during an ultrasound scan? increase frequency
The units for propagation speedinclude: kilometers per second
propogation speed is determined by th: medium
the propogation speed of sound in soft tissue is: 1540 m/s
which of the following represents an increasin rate of propogation speed: air, soft tissue, bone
which of the following has an AVERAGE propogation speed of 1.54 mm/us? soft tissue
the propogation speed of ultrasound is directly proportional to the midiums: stiffness
all of the following will effect propogation speed except: period
all of the following are possible units for amplitude except: watts
the initial amplitude of a wave is determined to be 100 pascals. this is a measurement of: pressure
the maximum variation of a wave is 900. the mean variation of the same wave is 600. the minimum variation is 300. the amplitude is: 300
the sonographer may affect the amplitude of a sound wave by which of the following instrument controls. transmit gain
what effect will increasing the voltage delivered to the transducer from the pulser have on amplitude? increase
as a sound wave propogates through a medium, amplitude: decreases
the sonographer increases the transmit gain. there will be an increase in all of the following except: propogation speed
the units for power include all of the following except: pascals
which of the following ultrasound machine controls affect power? transmit gain
as sound propogates through a medium, power: decreases
increasing frequency will increase all of the following except: power
the units for intensity include: milliwatts per centimeter squared
intensity is area divided into: power
the highest measured intensity value is: SPTP
the lowest measured intensity value is: SATA
the AIUM has stated that there have been no proven biological effects for unfocused transducers for intensities below: 100 m W/cm2SPTA
the AIUM has stated that there have been no proven biological effects for focused transducers for intensities below: 1,000 m W/cm2 SPTA
the sonographer can affect intensity by changing which ultrasound instrument control? transmit gain
as a sound wave passes through a medium, intensity: decreases
increasing intensity by the transmit gain control increases all of the following except: acoustic velocity
all of the following will increase with an increase in transmit gain except: period
another tern for beam unifomity ratio is: SP/SA factor
all of the following are unitless except: frequency
the spatial average for an ultrasound beam is 30. the spatial peak intensity is 60. the beam uniformity ratio is: 60/30
a sound beam with equal intensities across the beam will have a beam uniformity ratio that is equal to: 1
untrasound transducer A has a beam uniformity ratio os 5. ultrasound trasnducer B has a beam uniformity ratio of 1. which ultrasound transducer has the brighter center? transducer A
the _________ is a way to express the difference between two values. decibel
decibels are the units for all of the following except: frequency
for soft tissue, which of the following values would best represent a 75% decrease in intensity? 6 dB
for soft tissue, a 90% decrease in intensity is: 10 dB
____________ allows for the comparison of power, intensity or amplitude of one signal relative to that of another signal. decibel
if the intensity of one sound wave is 1,000 times greater than the intensity of a second sound wave, the ratio of the two intensities can be expressed as ________ decibels. 30
the amplitude of one sound wave is 1,000 times greater than the amplitude of a second sound wave, the ratio of the two amplitudes can be expressed as _______ decibels. 60
Mega means million
the term micro means: one millionth
the term kilo means: thousand
the term milli means: one thousandth
five thousand Hertz may be written as 5: kHz
5 million Hertz may be written as 5: MHz
which of the following is arranged in the proper sequence from lowest to highest? nano, micro, milli, centi, deci
which of the following is arranged in proper sequence form highest to lowest? Giga, Mega, kilo, hecto
the period for a 2 MHz transducer is 0.5: microseconds (us)
the pulse repetition period for a pulse repetition frequency of 2 kHz transducer is 0.5: milliseconds
the circumference of the aorta is measured. the appropriate units would be: cm
pressure is defined as force per unit of: area
a mitral valve area is measured. the appropriate units for this valve area is: cm2
the appropriate units for density are mass per unit of: volume
which of the following would be the correct way to express cardiac output? 5 cm3
the duration of blood flow is measured during a doppler wxam. the appropriate units would be: milliseconds
the average speed of soft tissue is 1,540 m/s
all of the following may be used to represent the propogation speed of sound in soft tissue except: 15,400 cm
which of the following has the greatest effect on sound speed? stiffness
what effect will an increase in a mediums elasticity have on the speed of sound? decrease
what effect will an increase in a mediums compressibility have on the speed of sound? decrease
the speed of sound in bone is greater that in air because bone is more: stiff
an increase in the speed of sound will occur if there is an increase in: bulk modulus
the boundary between two media with different acoustic impedances is called acoustic: interface
thesymbold for acoustic impedance is: Z
the units for acoustic impedance are: m/sx k/gm3 (rayl)
acoustic impedance is equal to: c x p
all of the following determine the percentage of reflection except: frequency
how much sound energy will be reflected at a fat-muscle boundary? (assuem perpendicular incidence) 1%
how much sound energy will be transmitted at a fat-muscle interface? (assume perpendicular incidence) 99%
how much sound energy will be reflected at a soft tissue-air interface? (assume perpendicular incidence) 99%
ow much sound energy will be transmitted at a soft tissue-air interface? (assume perpendicular incidence) 1%
all of the following are true statements concerning acoustic impedance except: less sound energy will be reflected whdn there is a significant acoustic impedance
a ___________ reflector is large (compared to the wavelength) and smooth surfaced. specular
all of the following are considered specular relectors except: red blood cell
to maximize reflections from a specular reflector, the sonographer should mainpulate the probe until the ultrasound beam strikes the interface at precisely: 90 degrees
the _______ reflectors are small and/or are rough surfaced. nonspecular
a sound beams wavelength is 0.5mm. which of the following would be an example of a scatter reflector? 0.4 mm
a term used to describe a scatter reflector is: nonspecular
all of the following will increase backscatter except increasing: smoothness of relfector
which of the following is the best prediction of the size of a Rayleigh scatter reflector? 1/4 wavelength
the folowwing are true statements concerning scatter reflectors except: scatter reflectors boundary dimensions are large compared to specular reflectors
all of the following are examples of scatter reflectors except: diaphragm
all of the following are associated with contrast agents except: specular reflectors
the transmission of a fundamental frequency and the reception and processing of a second higher frequency is called: harmonic imaging
a fundamental frequency of 1.6 MHz is transmitted. the second harmonic would be: 3.2 MHz
the two types of harmonic imaging are: tissue; contrast
tissue harmonic imaging improves imaging in all of the following ways except: increase exam time
harmonics without pulse inversion or power modulation will improve all of the following except: axial resolution
which of the following techniques is used to preserve axial resolution with harmonics on? pulse inversion
when a sound beam is perpendicular or square to a specular reflector, it is considered: normal incidence
in clinical ultrasound imaging, maximum reflection amplitude occurs with: normal incidence
for specular reflectors, the brightest returning echoes will occur when there is: perpendicular incidence
sound energy returning to the source is called: reflection
sound energy that travels through a boundary is called: transmission
all of the following may occur with perpendicular incidence except: refraction
determine the intensity reflection coefficient when media A is 6 Mrayls and media B is 6 Mrayls. 0
at soft tissue interfaces, the percentage of energy reflected is approximately: less than 1%
at soft tissue interfaces, the percentage of energy transmitted is: 99%
at a soft tissue-air interface, the intensity reflection coefficient is equal to: 0.99
at a soft tissue-air interface, the transmission coefficient is: 0.1
at a soft tissue-bone interface, the percentage of energy reflected is approxmiately: 60%
at a soft tissue-bone interface, the percentage of sound energy transmitted is approximately: 40%
any incidence other than perpendicular incidence is called: oblique
the incidence angle is 68 degrees. the incidence is: oblique
as a sound wave crosses a boundary it may bend. this is called: refraction
refraction will change: wavelength
a change in the direction of the transmitted sound at a specular interface is called: refraction
snells law governs: refraction
the propogation speed in medium on eis 1,510 m/s. the propogation speed in medium two is 1,630 m/s. the incidence angle is 33 degrees. the reflected angle will be: equal to 33 degrees
the propogation speed in medium two is 1,535 m/s. the propogation speed in medium one is 1,580 m/s. the incidence angle is 60 degrees. the transmission angle will be: less than the incident angle
the propogation speed in medium one is 1,540 m/s. the propogation speed in medium two is 1,600 m/s. there is oblique incidence. the transmission angle will be: greater than the incidence angle
the propogation speed in medium one is 1,540 m/s. the propogation speed in medium two is 1,530 m/s. the incidence angle is 60 degrees. the transmission angle will be: 60 degrees
thereis normal incidence. the acoustic impedance in medium one is 1.3 Megarayls. the acoustic impedance of medium two is 1.3 megarayls. there will be no: refraction, reflection
the loss of sounds amplitude and intensity is called: attenuation
all of teh following are causes of attenuation in soft tissue except: transmission
the conversion of sound energy into heat is called: absorption
the portion of sound energy returned to the sound source is called: reflection
the diffusion or redirection of sound energy in multiple directions is called: scatter
the principle cause of attenuation in soft tissue is: absorption
the amount of attenuation which occurs per cintimeter is called: attenuation coefficient
the units for attenuation coefficient are: dB/cm
the attenuation coefficient for soft tissue is approximately: 0.5 dB/cm/MHz
determine the attenuation coefficient for a 2 MHz transducer assuming soft tissue. 1.0 dB/cm
determine the atttenuation coefficient for a 5 MHz transducer assuming soft tissue. 2.5 dB/cm
determine the attenuation coefficient for a 10 MHz transducer assuming soft tissue. 5 dB/cm
as frequency increases, the attenuation coefficient: increases
the attenuation coefficient is dependent upon the: frequency
the attenuation coefficeint will increase if there is an increase in: frequency
the total attenuation for a 2 MHz transducer at 3 cm in soft tissue is: 3 dB
the total attenuation for a 4 MHz transducer at 3 cm in soft tissue is: 6 dB
the total attenuation for a 10 MHz in soft tissue at 3 cm is: 15 dB
as frequency increases, toatl attenuation: increases
as image depth increase, total attenuation: increase
total attenuation is directly proportional to: frequency
total attenuation is directly proportional to: image depth
the ultrasound instrument control which specifically compensates for attenuation is: time gain
the useful frequency range for clinical imaging is: 2 MHz to 15 MHz
increasing the frequency improves all of the following except: depth of penetration
increasing the frequency decreases all of the following except: attenuation
to improve resolution, the sonographer should increase: frequency
to increase the depth of penetration, the sonographer should decrease: frequency
which of the following transducer frequencies would be best to use for adult cardiac imaging? 2.5 MHz
________ is th ability to resolve structures in terms of space, time and or strength. resolution
detail resolution is associated with: lateral resolution, axial resolution
spatial resolution is associated with all of the following wxcept: temporal resolution
__________ resolution is the ability to detect two closely spaced structures which lie parallel to the direction of sound travel. axial
axial resolution is directly dependent upon: spatial pulse length
___________ resolution is the ability to resolve closely spaced structures which lie perpendicular to the sound beam. lateral
lateral reaolution is dierctly dependent upon: beam width
____________ resolution is the ability to accurately depict moving structures. temporal
temporal resolution is directly dependent upon: frame rate
____________ resolution is the ability to distinguish between echoes of slightly different intensities. contrast
contrast resolution is dependent upon all of the following except: postprocessing
____________ resolution refers to the slice thickness in the plane perpendicular to the beam. elevational
which peizoelectric effect does an ultrasound transducer use upon transmission? reverse piezoelectric
which piezoelectric effect does an ultrasound transducer use upon reception? piezoelectric effect
all of the following are natural occuring materials that possess the piezoelectric properly except: chalk
the most common man-made material used today includes all of the following ingredients except: quartz
the process by which man-made materials receive the piezoelectric effect is: polarization
which of the following will neutralize property of ultrasound crystals? excessive heat
the frequency at which the active piezoelectric element oscillates is called the: fundamental frequency
the fundamental frequency of a pulsed wave transducer is determined primarily by the: element thickness
for pulsed wave ultrasound transducers, thin piezoelectric elements produce: high frequencies
the matching layers impedance value is: between the impedance values of theelement and the skin
the matching layers optimal wavelength thickness is: 1/4
the damping materials impedance value is equal to the: element
the damping material reduces all of the following except: bandwidth
clinical imaging transducers are considered to have a: wide bandwidth, low Q factor
___________ principle explains why the piezoelectric elements are able to form a sound beam with a near field, natural focus and far field. Huygen's
the frenel zone is the: near field
the near field may be extended by increasing transducer: diameter
which of the following has the greatesteffect on near field length? transducer diameter
a continuous wave unfocused transducer diameter is 12mm. the sound beam width at one neat field length is: 6mm
a continuous wave transducer is 12mm. the sound beam width at two near field lengths is: 12mm
all of the following are true concerning sound beams generated by small aperature transducers except sound beams: are generally low frequency
the far field of an ultrasound beam may be called: Fraunhofer
Created by: 100000510371414



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