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MKT 431 Cook

Exam 1 Review

Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low Product Availability vendor performance problems
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low Product Availability Raw material transportaion problems
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low Product Availability inaccurate demand forecasting
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low Product Availability poor production performance
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low Product Availability slow production performance
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low Product Availability production quality problems
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low Product Availability inventory deployment errors
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Long Order Cycle Time slow order processing
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Long Order Cycle Time slow delivery
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Long Order Cycle Time wrong carrier/mode choice
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Long Order Cycle Time route choices
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Long Order Cycle Time consolidation practices
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Long Order Cycle Time environmental factors
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Long Order Cycle Time social/political factors
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Long Order Cycle Time unrealistic delivery times
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low System Flexibility (response to special requests) non ABC logistics system
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low System Flexibility (response to special requests) no postponement oriented system
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low System Flexibility (response to special requests) non information technology oriented system
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low System Flexibility (response to special requests) routines delivery (standardize,modularize)
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; Low System Flexibility (response to special requests) capacity- flow mismatch
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; High System Malfunctions order processing errors- inaccurate info transmittal
Causes/driver of poor customer service performance; High System Malfunctions warehousing processing errors- insufficient info support for picking; no system checks for selected items; labor time shortage
MTS make to stock
ATO assemble to order
MTO make to order
Order Management Strategies increase capacity
Order Management Strategies shift capacity
Order Management Strategies increase OP flow speed
Order Management Strategies separate order flows
Order Management Strategies increase order size
Order Management Strategies spread order flow out (backlog/backorder)
Order Management Strategies prioritize orders
Order Management Strategies restrict orders
Order Management Strategies eliminate order need
Order Management Strategies plan orders
Perfect order metric right order, right time, correct invoice
perfect order linked to increase in profits - 3% improvement = % - 10% improvement = $ 1% increase in profits $0.50
Priory system type promoted/customer drive/paid for
Priory system type on request/customer driven/paid for
Priory system type internally driven/not paid for
Priority system criteria FCFS- first come first serve
Priority system criteria SPT- small orders first
Priority system criteria EDD- earliest due date
Priority system criteria CR/ESD-CR = time remaining/work remaining
TPS Toyota production system
TPS created by Ohno and Shingo - head/fathers of JIT
Toyota House TPS-roof JIT- left pillar Highly motivated people- middle pillar Jidoka- built in quality- Right Pillar Operational Stability- foundation
Toyota House: Roof/TPS Best quality, lowest cost, shortest lead time, best safety, high morale
Toyota House: Left Pillar/JIT Right part, right time, right amount; takt time, continuous flow, pull system, quick changeover, integrated logistics
Toyota House: Middle Pillar/Highly motivated people Toyota House: Middle Pillar/Highly motivated people
Toyota House: Right Pillar/Jidoka built in quality; automatic stops, andon, person/machine separation,error proofing, in-station quality control, 5 why's
Toyota House: Foundation/Operation stability leveled production, standardized work, visual management, total productive maintenance(TPM), kaizen
Value creation right product(right size, shape, color, etc)
Value creation Right place
Value creation Right time
Value creation Right price/transaction terms
Muda; Form of waste transport/conveyance
Muda; Form of waste waiting/delay
Muda;Form of waste over production
Muda; Form of waste defects/correction/repairs/rejects
Muda; Form of waste Inventory
Muda; Form of waste motion/movement
Muda; Form of waste extra processing
TPS Production characteristics 5S, pull system, mixed model scheduling, layout
5S's Sort, Straighten, Scrub, Systematize, Standardize, Safety
Sort (5S) divides all the items that are essential in the workplace into three R categories
3 R Categories of Sort (5S) Retain-retain items that are essential to the functioning of the work area Return- return any items that belong to another department, location, supplier or customer Rid- rid the area of all other items
Straighten (5S) find a place for everything and label it, mark it, make it visual
Scrub (5S) clean the area and make it look new- promotes better attitudes, makes detection of leaks and problems on machines easier, and makes the work environment safer
Systematize (5S) create schedules and systems to maintain the area regularly
Standardize (5S) create good new habits; may take time and constant reinforcement
Safety (6thS) keep your people safe
Mixed Model Scheduling ABACABACABACABACABAC; flexible/fits demand(tact time)/redundant(learning results in quality)
Cellular Manufacturing Characteristics; Operations people dependent; re-balanced as needed
Cellular Manufacturing Characteristics; Workers multi-functional workers
Cellular Manufacturing Characteristics;Equipment flexible/adaptable; dedicated(isn't shared/stays on that line)
Cellular Manufacturing Characteristics; Material Handling Patters/Timing small quantities; short distances/frquency
Cellular Manufacturing Characteristics; Layouts compact
Cellular Manufacturing Characteristics; Flexible capacity ability to operate at different production rates
Group Technology identifies similarity of manufactured parts
Group Technology establishes common routing
Group Technology classifies parts by size, geometry, and function
Group Technology facilitates cellular layout
JIT Product Design common parts design
JIT Product Design design to process
JIT Product Design common kits (down SKU;s)
JIT Product Design modular design
JIT Product Design postponement/special steps at end of process
JIT Product Design Common packaging design
JIT Product Design design package to material flow requirements
Material Flow/Control visible
Material Flow/Control countable/accountable
Material Flow/Control accessible
Material Flow/Control available at point of use
Material Flow/Control designated locations
Material Flow/Control controlled by material/logistics specialists only
Material Flow/Control moves prepared for production counted
Not in TPS vocabulary inventory
Not in TPS vocabulary warehousing
Not in TPS vocabulary inspectors
Not in TPS vocabulary variance
Not in TPS vocabulary departments
Not in TPS vocabulary staging
JIT Logistics Impact; order/information smaller/frequent orders
JIT Logistics Impact; Warehousing fewer stock locations/direct ship; more flexible locations (public warehouse); cross-docking (double handling but better than warehousing)
JIT Logistics Impact; Transportation milk runs, supplier next door/in-house; consolidation/asset sharing; pool distribution (japs hate this); rent-able/scheduled delivery trucks; dedicated transportation
JIT Logistics Impact; Packaging/material handling sequenced loading/unloading; small standard containers; returnable containers; mixed loading; recyclable materials; standardized handling equipment; no automated equip. until process fixed
Coping with demand variability (short run solutions) collaborative forecasting
Coping with demand variability (short run solutions) POS info
Coping with demand variability (short run solutions) manufacturing postponement
Coping with demand variability (short run solutions) packaging/labeling postponement
Coping with demand variability (short run solutions) logistical postponement
Coping with demand variability (short run solutions) asset sharing/swaping
Smooth customer demand (long run solutions) plan demand through contract sales (quality timing location)
Smooth customer demand (long run solutions) plan demand through advanced ordering
Smooth customer demand (long run solutions) regularize promotion timing/spending
Smooth customer demand (long run solutions) everyday pricing(no clearance sales)
Not in TPS vocabulary electronic orders
Not in TPS vocabulary early automation
Not in TPS vocabulary forecasting
Total Quality Management TQM a program to focus all organizational activities on enhancing quality for customers by redirecting the corporate culture and implementing management and statistical tools
Axiom of TQM commitment to quality
Axiom of TQM extensive use of scientific tools and techniques
Axiom of TQM continuous improvement
Axiom of TQM total involvement in the quality of undertaking
Kanban (Pull system) a system of control cards that govern material movements through an OM system within JIT
Criteria to be value added the customer must be willing to pay for it
Criteria to be value added the activity must transform the product or service in some way
Criteria to be value added the activity must be done correctly the first time
Keys to maintaining flow in manufacturing environment products need to be processed one at a time, with no excess inventory, no defects or rework, and no equipment breakdowns
Maintaining constant flow in a manufacturing environment can be achieved by standard methods of production, with minimal variation, equipment readily available in the same area and not sorted by functionality
Sync manufacturing with takt time/customer rate of demand
Pull; lean utilizes level scheduling practices to... keep the system operating at a steady and achievable pace
Pull; work is only performed when the part is required downstream
Pull; take one make one
Kanban pull signal example empty space; a card; a container
Lean thrives on... simplicity and manual solutions
Pull systems result in higher inventory turns
Pull systems result in reduced floor space
Pull systems result in faster customer response
Pull systems result in improved cash flow
kaisen make improvements everyday
kaikaku improvements on a radical scale that may require you to throw out all the rules to make improvements
TPS uses highly motivated people because people use the tools, devise solutions, and implement improvements
In TPS ________ waits on ________ machine; man
TPS utilizes visual management empty space, card, empty container
JIT is achieved by producing to takt
JIT is achieved by quick changeover
JIT is achieved by continuous flow
JIT is achieved by Pull
JIT is achieved by integrated logistics; delivery schedules, milk runs, container strategies
Jidoka quality must be built in at the source and the defects never pass to the next step in the process
Mura unevenness; variation in an operation; found in costs of testing, inspecting, containment, rework, returns, overtime, and unscheduled travel to the customer
Muri overdoing; the unnecessary or unreasonable overburdening of people, equipment, or system by demands that exceed capacity
Standard work; specification standards descriptions and quality, methods and tools, communications, and terminology
Standard work; subject standards company rules and policies, business management, regulatory and compliance
Standard work; technical standards materials components, products and services
Implementing Standardized Work 1 check equipment 2 check time (cycle and takt) 3 check WIP and minimize 4 Post it- error proof cartoons 5 Monitor, measure, and manage 6 Adjust and update
Andon electronic information or signaling device that may include graphics, colored text, maybe audio
Andon informs when a process or product is in jeopardy of failure/has failed
Display Boards communication centers that tell vital info about the customer, process performance, standardized work, kaizen improvements, or team status
Cross-Training Charts show who can fill in when others are absent, without risking performance, the expertise of team members, weakness of a team
Scatter plots shows relationships between two items/variables and nature of the relationship (positive/negative)
Bar Charts sows differences between items in a small set of related data
Histograms the frequency of an event
Control charts the most important tool of statistical quality control. shows if a process is in or out of statistical control
Created by: tom.bertsch
Popular Marketing sets




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