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Humanities 205

Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14

Way in which the events of the story are arranged. Plot
Four stages of Plot. Exposition, Complications, Climax, Resolution
First stage of a plot, where the author presents the information about characters or setting that a reader will need to understand the subsequent action. Exposition
The peak in the story's action, a moment of considerable tension or importance. Crisis
The point of greatest tension or importance, the scene that presents a story's decisive action or event. Climax
The final stage in the plot. The action comes to an end and remaining loose ends are tied up. Resolution
In the midst of things in medias res
Variation on chronological order that presents an event or situation that occurred before the time in which the story's action takes place. Flashback
Presentation early in a story of situations, characters, or objects that seem to have no special importance but are later revealed to have great significance. Foreshadowing
A fictional representation of a person, usually but not necessarily in a psychologically realistic way. Character
Well-developed character, closely involved in the action and responsive to it. Round character
Static, stereotypical character Flat character
A supporting character whose role in the story is to highlight a major character by presenting a contrast with him or her. Foil
Easily identifiable types who behave so predictably that readers can readily recognize them. Stock characters
A character who grows and changes in the course of a story, developing as he or she reacts to events and to other characters. Dynamic character (comes from Greek word meaning power)
Character that remains the same, essentially unchanged. Static character (comes from Greek work meaning to stand)
Stock character with a single dominant trait, such as miserliness, or a single physical trait, like nearsightedness. Cariacture
Reasons behind a character's behavior. Motivation
Background against which the action of a work takes place: the historical time, locale, season, time of day, weather, etc. Setting
Types of setting. Historical, Geographical, and Physical
The vantage point from which a story is told. Point of view
Person who tells the story Narrator
Types of narrators. First-person (I, we) or third-person (he, she, they).
Three types of third-person narrators Omniscient, limited omniscient, or objective
Person telling the story from an all knowing point of view. Omniscient narrator
Person telling the story from one point of view. Limited omniscient
Person telling the story remains outside the character's minds, it doesn't reveal character's own thoughts or attitudes. Objective narrator
Types of irony. Dramatic or tragic, situational, verbal
Depends on the audience's knowing something the protagonist has not yet realized. Dramatic/tragic irony
Exists when what happens is at odds with what the story's situation leads readers to expect will happen. Situational irony
Occurs when what is said is in contrast with what is meant. Verbal irony
Created by: 1592245141
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