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S.C.A.M. Chap 2

abase undermine
abate stop
abhor hate
accentuating accenting
acerbically bitterly
acquiesced gave in
acumen intelligence
adjacent nearby
adroit skilled
allay ease
anguish pain
antiquated old
apparently seemingly
berating chewing out
catastrophic disastrous
corroboration verify/endorse
cuckold cheat on
debacle catastrophe
decisively with certainty
disingenuous insincere/dishonest
dissembling being deceptive
dubiously doubtfully
duplictous sneaky
elaborate complicated
empathize feel compassion for
enmity hostility
expedient worthwhile
extreme severe
facile effortless
fathom understand
fidelity faithfulness
flouting scornfully disregard
forlorn sad
foster encourage
gratuitous unwarranted
guile deceitful/cunning
hypocrisy deceitfulness
imperative necessary
impervious impenetrable
impetuous impulsive
implicit implied
mired stuck
mocking ridiculing
naive innocent
pacific peaceful
perused examined
predilection preference
pretense posturing
procrastinating delaying
prodding provoking
puerile childish
remiss delinquent
repose lie down
resolved decided
ruminating thinking
scouring searching
severe extreme
sobriety soberness
stoic unmoved
succinct concise
taciturn quiet
tedious tiresome
tirade rant
tomes books
temulously shakily
trite unoriginal
uncanny strange
validate confirm
vapid dull
vehemently powerfully
vilifying slander
vindictive spiteful
wallowing remaining hopeless
wane fade
wanton immoral
winsome charming
yoke burden
Created by: erica07
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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