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A- Vocabulary Test

Mid Term

Which is the correct spelling of the term that means maintaining a constant internal environment Homeostasis
Characteristic of the anatomic position Standing up so the body is erect
type of tissue has the specialized ability to contract and relax muscle
what statement is correct about recessive genes when a recessive gene is inherited from both parents, the offspring will have that condition
a hospital-acquired condition is a/an nosocomial infection
term means the opposite of anterior posterior
the coronal plane is also known as the frontal plane
what body cavity protects the organs of reproduction pelvic
a structure located above the transverse plane is said to be superior
term means toward the lower part of the body caudal
body regions are located on the sides and covered by the lower ribs left and right hypochondriac
which of the following is a congenital disorer fetal alcohol syndrome
what plane divides the body into equal left and right portions midsagital plane
which condition is a benign tumor formed from glandular tissue adenoma
these structures is not found in the nucleus of a cell dysplasia
means to an outbreak of a disease occurring over a large geographic area, possibly worldwide epidemic
term means the study of the structure, composition, and function of tissues histology
means the study of the functions of the structures of the body physiology
type of disorder has no detectable physical changes to explain the symptoms being experienced by the patient functional
which hereditary disorder causes the irreversible and progressive loss of muscle control and mental ability Huntington's disease
these diseases is not spread by bloodborne transmission tuberculosis
a genome is an entire set of genes derived from one parent
which bone is also known as the shoulder blade scapula
what bone is also known as the kneecap patella
which bone tissue functions as a fat storage area yellow bone marrow
what term identifies the upper portion of the sternum manubrium
which condition is commonly known as a bunion hallux valgus
what term describes an opening in a bone through with blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass foramen
which term describes the surgical repair or replacement of a damaged joint arthroplasty
which procedure is the surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint arthrolysis
what procedure is the suturing or wiring together of bones osteorrhaphy
which term describes an inflammation of bone and bone marrow osteomyelitis
what is osteitis inflammation of the bone
What is periostitis inflammation around the bone
which term describes an abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine as viewed from the side kyphosis
which condition is characterized by extensive bone destruction followed by abnormal bone repair osteopenia
which form of arthritis is associated with the formation of uric acid crystals in the joint gouty arthritis
which term describes the partial dislocation of a bone from its joint luxation
which procedure is the surgical repair of cartilage chondroplasty
a fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed is an comminuted fracture
which bone tissue is hemopoietic red bone marroww
which of the following is a definitive test for osteoporosis dual x-ray absorptiometry
which of these medications is not a NSAID acetaminophen - tylenol
Which procedure is an attempt to return the affected bone to its normal alignment by manually applied forces manipulation
Which condition is a congenital defect in which the spinal canal fails to close around the spinal cord spina bifida - folic acid
which diagnostic technique is used to detect cancer and osteomyelitis bone scan
which type of transplant uses the patient's own tissue stem cell transplant
which of the following is an arthroscopic treatment of the shoulder thermal capsulorrhaphy - heat pac to hela faster
what system filters blood to remove waste urinary
what system supports and shapes the body skeletal
what system protects the body against invasion by bacteria lymphatic
hormones are secreted by what glands endocrine
the term meaning situated in from is anteror, the forward part of the organ
An inflammation of the peritoneum is known as peritonitis
protective padding, insulation, support, and a nutrient reserve are provided by adipose tissue
the enlargement in the bulk of an organ that is not due to tumor formation is known as hypertrophy
hormones are secreted by endocrine glands
Abnormal hardening of a gland is known as adinosclerosis
an abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in a tissues is known as hyperplasia
bone and cartilage are examples of dense connective tissue
A specialist in the study of organization of tissues at all levels histologist
Any deviation form normal that is present at both is described as a congenital A normaly
A __________disorder is an abnormal condition that exists at the time of birth congenital
the lower right abdominal quadrant is also described as being the right_______ illiac region
A pstmortem (after death) examination is known as atopsy
the sebaceous glands are part of the integumentary system
The study of the causes of diseases is known as Pathology
The causes of diseases are called Etiology
A________is a group of specialized epithelial cells that form secretions gland/duct
The surgical removal of a gland is known as a adenectomy
the study of how genes are transferred from the parents to their children is known as genetics
the body cavity containing the organs of the digestive system is known as the abdominal cavity
the genetic disorder characterized by varying degrees of mental retardation is known as down syndrome
the partial displacement of a bone from its joint is known as sublesation
Amarked loss of bone density and an increase in bone porosity is known as osteoperosis
the tissue that marks up the flexible tip of the nose is known as curtilage
the shaft of a long bone is known as the diaphysis
a malformation of the skull due to the premature closure of the cranial sutures is known as craniostenosis
an inflammation of the periosteum is known as periostitis
the death of bone tissue due to an insufficient blood supply, infection, malignancy, or trauma is known as osteonecrosis
examination and treatment through an arthroscope is known as arthroscopy
the lower prtion of the sternum is the zyphoid process
the term_____refers to the posterior surface of the knee popleteal
the surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint is known as atrolysis, joint breakdown
the surgical removal of a spinal lamina is known as a laminectomy
the surgical repair of cartilage is known as chondroplasty
the condition of thinner than average bones in a young person is known as osteopenia
a surgical incision into the cranium, which is also known as a bone flap, is an cranialotomy
a surgical incision into a bone is known as an osteotomy
the medical term for low back is lumbago
a surgical incision or opening into the skull is known as craniotomy
a slow growing benign tumor derived from cartilage cells is known as a chondroma
an inflammation of a bursa is known as bursitis
the surgical removal of a portion of the skull is known as craniectomy
a benign tumor from recognizable glandular structures adenoma
abnormal hardening of a gland adenitis
abnormal softening of a gland adenomalacia
any disease condition of a gland adenosis
inflammation of a gland adenosclerosis
protects the spinal cord spinal cavity
protects the major organs of digestion abdominal cavity
protects the heart and the lungs thoracic cavity
protects the brain cranial cavity
protects reproductive and excretory system organs pelvic cavity
outer layer of membrane that lines the abdominal cavity parietal peritoneum
membrane that protects and supports organs in the abdominal cavity peritoneum
located behind the peritoneum of the abdominal cavity retroperitoneal (behind)
suspends parts of the intestine within the abdominal cavity mesentery
the defective development or congenital absence of an organ or tissue aplasia
incomplete development of an organ or tissue hypoplasia
a change in the structure of cells and in their orientation to each other anaplasia
abnormal development or growth, especially of cells dysplasia
abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement hyperplasia
a disorder with no detectable-physical changes to explain the systoms functional
a disorder with pathological physical changes that explain the systoms idiopathic
an illness caused by a pathogenic organism infectious
an illness without known cause organic
any disease transmitted from one person to another communicable
specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the feet spiral
specializes in diseases that are characterized by inflammation in the connective tissues oblique
Created by: seedrum



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