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bi Twice , double , & two
-cele Hernia, Tumor & Swelling
-desis Surgical fixation of the bone or joint, to bind, tie together
fasci/o Fascia, fibrous band
-ia Adnormal condition, diesease, plural of-ium
-ic Pertaining to
kinesi/o Movement
-lysis Breakdown, separation, setting free, destruction, loosening
my/o Muscle
-plegia Paralysis, stroke
-rrhexis Rupture
tax/o Coordination, order
ten/o , tend/o , tendin/o Tendon, stretch out, extend , strain
ton/o Tension, tone , stretching
tri Three
abduction Movement away from the midline
achilles tendinitis Inflammation of the Achilles tendon
Adhension A band fibrous tissue that holds structures together abnormally
atrophy Weakness and wasting away
atropine Antispasmodic that may be administered preoperatively to relax smooth muscles
cardioplegia Paralysis of the muscles of the heart
carpal tunnel syndrome Inflammation of the tendons passing through the carpal tunnel of the wrist
claudication An aching, crampy, tired, and sometimes burning pain in the legs that comes and goes
contracture Abnormal shortening of muscle tissues, making the muscle resistant to stretching
ergonomics Study of human factors that affect the desing and operation of tools and the work environmen
fascitis Inflamation of a fascia
fasciotomy Surgical incision of fascia
fibromyalgia syndrome A chronic disorder of unknown cause characterized by widespread aching, pain, tender point and fatigue
kinesiology The study of muscular activity and the disorders that caouse muscle weakness w/o affecting the nervous system
myalgia Muscle tenderness or pian
myofascial Tenderness and swelling of the muscle and their sorrounding tissues that is caused by overworking the muscles
oblique Slanted or at an angle
paraplagia Paralysis is of both legs and the lower part of the body
pronation The act of rotating the arm or leg so that the palm hand or sole of the foot is turned downward or backward
quadriplegia Paralysis of all four extemities
sphincter A ringlike muscle that tightly constricts the opening of passage way
supination The act of rotating the arm or the leg so that the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot is turned forward or upward
tendonitis Inflammation of the tendons caused by excessive or unusual use of the joint
tenectomy Surgical removal of lession from a tendon or tendon sheath
tenodesis To suture the end of a tendon to bone
tenolysis To free a tendon from adhesions
tenonectomy Surgical removal of part pf a tendon from the purpose of shortening it
fracture Broken bone
Created by: Leane
Popular Medical sets




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