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a serious play or novel representing the disastrous downfall of a central character, the protagonist. tragedy
a construct which is made of words and based on invention rather than reality. verbal fictions
a set of events (the story) recounted in a process of narration (or discourse). narrative
old historicism, dominant historical scholarship, monological, earlier historicism, single political vision, internally coherent and consistent, the status of historical fact, a stable point of reference. mainstream literary history
in the everyday sense, any narrative or tale recounting a series of events. story
a fictional story in verse or prose that relates improbable adventures of idealized characters in some remote or enchanted setting. romance
the pattern of events and situations in a narrative or dramatic work. plot
a mode of writing that exposes the failings of individuals, institutions, or societies to ridicule and scorn. satire
a telling of some true or fictitious event or connected sequence of events, recounted by a narrator. narrative
organized into a plot. emplotted
a combined interest in “the textuality of history, the historicity of texts” (l.montrose) equal weighting
the full sequence of events as we assume them to have occurred in their likely order, duration and frequency. story
a critical practice that works mainly within traditional notions of the canon. cultural materialism
historical events acquire narrative value only after the historian organizes them into a specific plot type. value neutral
a play or literary composition written chiefly to amuse its audience by appealing to a sense of superiority over the characters depicted with a (usually) happy ending for the leading characters. comedy
a critical practice that places literary and non-literary texts in conjunction and interprets the former through the latter. new historicism
a critical practice that reads the literary text in a way as to enable us to “recover histories”. cultural materialism
a critical practice that gives equal weighting to literary and non-literary texts. new historicism
a tendency in fiction opposite to that of realism. romance
a particular selection and reordering of the full sequence of events (story). plot
a critical practice which looks for manifestations in text and co-text of state power, patriarchy and colonization. new historicism
the historian bestows a particular significance upon certain historical events and then matches them up with a precise type of plot. fiction making
the process by which a text is organized into a plot. emplotment
in modern narratology, the sequence of imagined events that we reconstruct from the actual arrangement of a narrative. story
A long narrative poem celebrating the great deeds of one or more legendary heros in a grand ceremonious style. epic
a critical practice that insists on the textualization of reality (from derrida) and the premise that society is governed by the collusion between discourse and power (from foucault). new historicism
a critical practice that concentrates on the interventions whereby men and women make heir own history and situate the literary text in the political situation of our own (and now of its own day as new historicists do). cultural materialism
critical practice that uses the technique of close textual analysis but often employ structuralist and post-structuralist techniques. cultural materialism
a historical document which is contemporary with and studied alongside a literary document. co-text
adapting the facts to a particular story form tailoring
Created by: 1407007959
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