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S. Anat5

Integumentary System

Consists of skin, accessory structure, and subcutaneous tissue Integumentary System
Functions of Integumentary system Protection, Storage, Insulations, Cooling
Skin has 2 layers Dermis and Epidermis
Outer layer Epidermis
Stratified Squamous Epidermis
Keratinizing epithelium Epidermis
Base layer Stratum germinative
Area of continual production to replace skin cells that slough off Stratum germinative
As cells get further away from the capillaries they___ Die
Merkel cells touch____ Receptors
Peptides synthesized by living keratinocytes and secreted during inflammation Antimicrobial
Horny outter most layer Stratum corneum
Stratum Corneum is Waterproof
Like a plastic bag over the skin Stratum Corneum
Stratum Corneum is a barrier to Pathogens and most chemicals
Phagocytize foreign materials Langerhans cell
Originate in bone marrow Langerhans cell
Migrate to lymph nodes after ingesting pathogens and present it to lymphocytes Langerhans cell
Produce melanin Melanocytes
Makes skin, hair and eyes darker Melanin
Increased melanin with UV light, protects from UV light by absorbing it Melanin
Inner layer Dermis
Collagen and elastin make it strong and elastic Dermis
Uneven junction between dermis and epidermis Papilary layer
Abundant blood supply Papilary layer
Structures within the dermis Papilary layer
Cover the entire body Hair follicles
Within the dermis, but made of epidermal tissue Hair follicle
Contains cells called the matrix Hair root
Cells die and become the shaft Hair root
_____muscle makes hair stand up Smooth
Produces keratin for hardness Nail root
Cells die to become the ____ Nail
Protects the ends of digit Nail
Provides info about the environment to the CNS Receptors
More sensitive areas have more _____ Receptors
Most receptors are in the ______ Dermis
Merkel cells are in the ______ Stratum germinative
Encapsulated nerve endings Touch and pressure
Free nerve endings (not encapsulated) Heat cold and pain
Within the skin, but made of epithelial tissue Glands
Glands are within the _____ Skin
Glands (3) Sebaceous, Ceruminous, and Sweat glands
Ducts open into hair follicles Sebaceous
Ducts that open directly onto skin surface Sebaceous
Oily lipid Sebum
Inhibits growth of bacteria Sebum
Moisturizes, prevents breaks in the skin Sebum
In dermis of ear canal Ceruminous
Secreted to make ear waxx Cerumen
Over production can cause pain and loss of hearing Cerumen
Sweat glands (2) Apocrine and Eccrine
Axilla and pubic areas Apocrine gland
Most abundant on face and palm and sole of feet Eccrine gland
Coiled tube that extends to the surface through duct (pore) Eccrine gland
Importand in body temerature regulation Eccrine gland
Secretion metabolized by bacteria which produce BO Apocrine gland
Activity increased with emotional stress Apocrine gland
Small arteries Arterioles
Temperature regulation Blood vessels
Increase blood flow to surface (flushing) Vasodialation
Decrease blood flow to surface (going pale) Vasoconstriction
Regulated by CNS and hormones as in “fight or flight” Blood vessels
Connective tissue membrane Subcutaneous tissue
Loose areolar tissue and adipose Subcutaneous tissue
Subcutaneous tissue stores Fat
Excretion of waste through sweat Integumentary system
Vitamin D synthesis Integumentarry system
UV light causes cholesterol to be changed into Vit D Vitamin D synthesis
Important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus Vitamin D synthesis
The outter layer of the skin made of stratified Squamous keratinizing epitheliem Epidermis
The inner layer of the skin, made of modified fibrous connective tissue Dermis
Contains the accessory structures of the skin such as peceptors and sweat glands Dermis
Made of areolar connectrive and adipose tissue Subcutaneous tissue
Connects the dermis to the muscles and stores fat Subcutaneous tissue
The cells that produce collagen and elastin Fibroblasts
The protein that gives the dermis its strength Collagen fibers
The protein that gives the dermis elasticity Elastin fibers
Contains capillaries to nourish the stratum germinative Papillary glands
Mitosis at the root produces the hair shaft Hair follicle
Mitosis at the root produces the nail Nail follicle
Produces a lipid substance called sebum Sebaceous gland
Produce their secretion during exercise or in a warm environment Eccrine sweat glands
Produces their secretion in times of stress or strong emotions Apocrine sweat glands
Produce cerumen, or earwax Ceruminous glands
Provide information about changes in the external environment Receptors
The skin is painful but not blistered First degree burn
The skin is painful and blistered Second degree burn
The skin is charred and may not be painful at first Third degree burn
______ sweat glands, maintain normal body temp Eccrine
Produced in follicles in the scalp Hair
Covers the surface of the body Skin
Tissue the connects the skin to the muscle Subcutaneous
Protects living skin from UV rays Melanin
Protects ends of fingers Nail
Small arteries Arterioles
Detect changes in the environment Receptors
Waterproof protein of the epidermia Keratin
Sunshine vitamin Vitamin D
Produces melanin Melanocytes
Stratum_______ produces new epidermal cells Germinativum
Gland that secretes cerumen Ceruminous
Decreases blood flow through arterioles Vasoconstriction
Increases blood through arterioles Vasodilation
Gland that secretes sebum Sebaceous
Uneven junction of dermis with the epidermis Papilary layer
Outer layer of skin Epidermis
Inner layer of skin Dermis
Stratum______ prevents entry of pathogens to the body Corneum
________ released casues vasoconstriction in skin redirects blood to more vital organs Adrenaline
Prolonged pressure causes lack of blood supply and leads to tissue death Decubitus ulcer (bed sore)
Functions of Subcutaneous tissue Connects skin to muscle, provides immunity from WBC and mast cells
Mitosis constantly renews this layer, which forms a barrier between the body and external environment Epidermis
Important in bone and muscle strength, insulin function, immunity, and cancer protection Vitamin D synthesis
Created by: Sarsileigh
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