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A Gov.

Chapters 1,11,12, &13

Came up with the idea of the Natural Rights? John Locke
A lot of regulation and behavior (Bad) Business- government needs to back off. Force them to move, More $ (basically good) Keep Government small, should have powerful military. Conservative
An election takes place in the middle of the presidential term Midterm election
Hard money, soft money, matching funds. Sources of funding for political campaign
Someone who isn't on a side Dealignment
Hold office during term of 4 years and be chosen for the same term Article II
the most votes for any choice in an election, But not necessarily a majority Plurality
Written by John Locke. Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness. Natural Rights
Direct Democracy A system of government in which members of the policy meet to discuss all policy decisions & then agree to abide by majority rule.
Presidential election timeline begins campaigning 2-4 years prior to election Pick electors in June/July pick nominee in August/September General election in November Electoral college votes in December Announce results/Inauguration in January
Democracy Free open reg. schedule elections to choose rulers. people tell government what to do/ how much power. Only do what the people say they can have. Have large middle class with rich and poor on either side.
Party Realighnment Dramatic shifts in Partisan preferences that drastically after the political landscape
Authoritarian Selected form with in the running group. elect with single candidate. usually restrict themselves to maintain power. Few have everything with small middle class. Most have little to nothing
12th Amendment Electors meet in their states & vote by ballot for President and Vice president
Focus on economy Neoliberals
The central premise of direct democracy in which only policies that collectively garner the support of a majority voters will be made into a law Majority Vote
Totalitarian they pick themselves. Have no limits in government & they believe they have everything & their people have nothing
Anarcy Has no ruler. Has no government & those who can take, take.
social Contract an argument between the people & their government signifying their consent to be governed.
Political Equality the principle that all citizens are the same in the eyes of the law.
Republic a government rooted in the consent of the governed; a representative or indirect democracy.
3rd party ideological mostly the libertarian party
# of electors per state selection voting announcement problems and solutions Electoral College Process
Prohibits each government in the U.S. form denying a citizens the right to vote based on race, color, or previous of servitude 15th amendment
people are good or bad? business are good or bad? government should stay small. People make their own choice with out government help. Libertarians
It's the Green- Party 3rd Party issue-oriented
Party identification and Aligned voters a citizens personal affinity for a political party, usually expressed by a tendency to vote for the candidates of that party. Person who votes for their party.
It is the Reform party 3rd party Splinter
want to win elections, operate the gov and decide policy Roles & Goals of Political parties
to help educate voters party platform
focus on spending democracy or $ conservatives Neoconservatives
a variety of democracy found on the principle of elected people representing a group of people Representative democracy
a system of gov. that gives citizens the opportunity to vote for Representatives who work on their behalf Indirect democracy
the study of who gets what, when, and how Politics
advertising on behalf of a candidate that attacks the opponents character or platform Negative ads
advertising on behalf of a candidates that stresses the candidates qualifications, family, & issue positions with out direct reference to the opponent Positive ads
Tax- exempt organization created to raise $ for political activities such as voter mobilization & issue advocacy; not subject to FEC dis-closer rules 527's
a key characteristic of U.S. democracy initially meaning freedom form governmental interference, today it includes demands for freedom to engage in a variety of practices with out governmental interference or discrimination. Personal Liberty
American Dream and Recession ideal of a happy, successful life, which often includes wealth , a house, better life, & maybe become president a decline in the economy that occurs as investment sags, production falls off and unemployment increases
Primary open is open to both parties.
3 reasons why colonists came to America Business, Religious freedom, religious tolerance
19th Amendment deny a citizen the right to vote based on sex
Government the formal vehicle through which policies are made and affairs of state are conducted
popular sovereignty the nation that the ultimate authority in society results with the people
Checks and Balances all have to agree and make sure they have same amount of power
Caucuses meetings
Characteristics of winning presidential elections nomination party money constituents voting constituents
Primary closed only open to a certain party
political party Republicans, Democrats, and libertarians
Demography of political party members Republican: Male, white, 30-65, upper income, protestant & catholic Democrat: Female, people of color, Under 30 and over 65+, poor and middle class income, Jewish Libertarian: Young, white, affluent males, who live in west, not particularly religious.
Gerrymandering drawing of congressional districts to produce a particular electoral outcome without regard to the shape of the district
General election voting for the party not the candidate. Playing towards the middle plurality, state wide & by district
Separation of Powers the separation of powers beteewn judicial, legislative, & executive branches
24th Amendment prohibits both congress and the states form conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or any type of tax
26th amendment limited the minimum voting age to no less than 18
Political action committees officially registered fund- raising organization that represents interest groups in the political process
Liberal that everything is good. Business is bad and have a military but use diplomacy first.
ideology have beliefs about human nature, role of gov., social inequality and what should be done about it
political culture has widely shared views, who should govern, what ends,what means
at-large elections election in which candidates for office must compete throughout the jurisdiction as a whole.
23rd amendment permits citizens of Columbia to vote for electoral for president & vice president
Created by: a.taht
Popular American Government sets




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