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A and P 2 - Test 2

Stack #83855

The percentage of solids in a sample of human blood is normally about -. 45% (called the hematocrit)
The biconcave cells in blood that lack nuclei when they are mature are the -. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)
What are the agranulocytes? Monocytes and Lymphocytes
Platelets are best described as -. cytoplasmic fragments of cells
Nonprotein nitrogenous substances include -. amino acids, urea, uric acid, creatine, & creatinine
The release of tissue thromboplastin initiates -. the extrinsic clotting mechanism
Erythroblastosis fetalis is most likely to become a problem in Rh-negative mothers as -. a second Rh-positive fetus develops
Vitamin B12 is poorly absorbed in the absence of -. intrinsic factor
The form of anemia that is caused by a lack of dietary iron is called -. hypochromic anemia
A pulmonary embolism is most likely caused by a clot reaching -. a lung through a pulmonary artery
Oxyhemoglobin is - in color, whereas deoxyhemoglobin is - in color. bright red, bluish
Biliverdin and bilirubin are pigments that result from the breakdown of RBCs; biliverdin is - in color and bilirubin is - in color. greenish, orange
Granulocytes contain granules in the cytoplasm, larger than an RBC, & are formed in the red bone marrow. True
Leukocytosis is an increase in WBC count above 10,000/mm3 blood and can occur during acute infections, following vigorous exercise, & during emotional disturbances. True
Blood platelets lack nuclei, release serotonin, & number from 130,000 - 360,000/mm3 blood. True
What are the functions of the plasma proteins? Albumin maintains colloid osmotic pressure, Alpha & Beta globulins transport lipids & fat-soluble vitamins, Gamma globulins constitute the antibodies of immunity, & firbrogen plays a key role in blood coagulation.
Leukemia is characterized by the production of large numbers of immature WBCs, a lowered resistance to infection, & a deficiency of platelets and tendency to bleed. True
Erythropoeitin release increases in oxygen depleted conditions in response to the body's need for more oxygen by -. increasing RBC production
Compounds produced by the immune system to combat specific antigens are called -. antibodies
As a platelet plug forms, platelets release the vasoconstricting substances called -. serotonin
True or False: In an adult, red blood cells are produced primarily in the liver. False (They're produced in the red bone marrow.)
True or False: Cells that move toward chemicals released by damaged cells are said to demonstrate positive chemotaxis. True
True or False: The fraction of plasma proteins that contains the antibodies of immunity is alpha globulin. False (It's Gamma globulin)
True or False: Persons with type AB blood are sometimes called universal donors. False (They're called universal recipients; the O blood type is the universal donor.)
True or False: Nonprotein nitrogenous substances include amino acids, urea, uric acid, creatine, and creatinine. True
When the ventricular walls contract, - occurs. the bicuspid and tricuspid valves close
The skeleton of the heart consists of -. fibrous connective tissue encircling the atrioventricular orifices
Which of the following represents the correct sequence of parts through which blood moves in passing from the vena cava to the lungs? right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve
The correct sequence of parts that function to carry cardiac impulses is -. S-A node, A-V node, A-V bundle, Purkinje fibers
Impulses that are carried to the heart by means of the vagus nerve are -. parasympathetic impulses and cause the heart rate to decrease
Plasma proteins that remain in the blood capillaries help to -. maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood
Which type of blood vessel holds the greatest volume of blood? Veins
What are the aortic branches? The brachiocephalic artery, the right common carotid artery, and the right subclavian artery.
The blood pressure in the systemic arteries is greatest during -. ventricular systole
The inner lining of the heart is the -. endocardium (middle is myocardium - the muscular layer, and the outer is epicardium)
The right atrium receives blood directly from the -. superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus only
The normal pacemaker of the heart is the -. Sinoatrial node
Which of the following supplies blood to parts of the intestinal tract? The phrenic arteries
When a person's pulse is taken by palpation near the thumb on the wrist, what artery is being felt? The radial artery
Mitral valve prolapse is a disorder of the heart in which the mitral valve -. bulges into the left atrium during ventricular contraction
The pain associated with the condition called angina pectoris usually is caused by an obstruction in an artery that supplies the -. heart (it's a heart attack)
In an ECG pattern, the T wave is caused by -. repolarization of ventricular muscle fibers
The term used to describe an abnormally slow heart rate is -. bradycardia (tachycardia is an abnormally fast heart rate)
Which of the following might serve as a secondary pacemaker for the heart? Both A-V node and Purkinje fibers
Swelling of the tissues in the lower extremities is most likely to be caused by a failing -. right ventricle
Pulse pressure is calculated by -. subtracting diastolic pressure from systolic pressure
Which of the following is not a normal response to physical exercise? increased blood flow to the abdominal viscera
What are the layers of the heart, and what are their functions? Endocardium-protective inner lining of the heart chambers and valves, Myocardium-muscular contractions that force blood out of the heart, Epicardium-protective outer covering
Which of the following correctly describes the location of the heart chambers and valves? bicuspid valve-permits one-way blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle
The arterial disease atherosclerosis is characterized by the accumulation of soft masses of fatty materials (plaques), especially cholesterol, on the inside of an artery wall, plaques decreasing blood flow through the affected artery, & the increased possibility of forming a blood clot.
Created by: melodious88



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