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Phys2 EKG

Dipole the combination of two poles: opposite in charge but EQUAL in magnitude. **Created in the heart by constant polarization/depolarization
What do electrocardiographers look at when analyzing heart electrical activity? Surface electrodes which provide a reading of the outside of the cell. **measuring the potential difference b/w 2 electrodes
What does a flat line represent? what is another name for flat line? no difference or change in electrical activity b/w 2 electrodes. **ISOELECTRIC POINT**
When will you see an isoelectric point (flat line)? 1.Fully depolarized. 2.Fully repolarized. 3.Tissue is too small to observe electrical activity.
When is an upward deflection recorded? when the cell is depolarizing TOWARDS the POSITIVE electrode.
When is a downward deflection recorded? when the cell has a depolarizing wave moving AWAY from the POSITIVE electrode.
How does the De novo ventricular depolarization travel? Ventricular depolarization moves from: 1.the Apex of the heart to the base. 2.Endocardium to Epicardium
At what speed is an EKG recorded and how much time is represented by 5mm on the standardized paper? 25mm/sec. 0.2 seconds
What is reprsented by the P wave? Atrial depolarization.
What is reprsented by the Q wave? Septal depolarizatoin.
What is reprsented by the R peak? Bulk of ventricular depolarized
What is reprsented by the S wave? Post base or Late lateral left depolarization
What is reprsented by the T wave? Rapid ventricular repolarization
What is an EKG segment? Isoelectric point (straight line)
what is an EKG Interval (Int)? EKG segment plus a wave
Differentiate b/w the P-R segment and the P-R interval? 1.Segment: Fully depolarized AV node, bundle of His, Purkinje branches. 2.Interval: Activation of everything in the P-R segment PLUS the ATRIA
What does the QRS interval represent? Ventricular Depolarization.
Differentiate b/w the S-T segment and the S-T interval? 1.Segment:Fully depolarized ventricle (Isoelectric point). 2.Interval: Repolarization of ventricles.
What does the QT interval represent? DURATION of SYSTOLE. **Majority in repolarization, therefore QT interval can be used to measure repolarization.
What is considered the "Baseline" for an EKG? The T-P Segment. from the end of the T wave to the onset of the next P wave.
What is occuring on an EKG just before the P wave? why does is appear as an isoelectric point? SA node depolarization. **It is an isoelectric point b/c the SA node is so small that it can't be measured on the surface
When would you see a broader P wave? 1.Enlarged atria (more to depolarize). 2.Conduction is slowed (taking longer to become fully depolarized. **See this in response to parasympathetic M-receptor activation)
When would you see a prolonged P-R interval? If conduction through the AV NODE is SLOWED!! **See this in response to parasympathetic M-receptor activation
When would you see a wide QRS interval? If there was a bundle branch blockage (BBB). **This would lead an arythmia and unbalanced ventricular depolarization.
When would you see a longer Q-T interval? Channel mutations resulting in: 1.gain-of-function for Na+ channels. 2.los-of-function for K+ channels.
What Plane are the limb leads measuring? Frontal plane
What Plane are the chest leads measuring? Horizontal plane
Einthoven's triangle Standard bipolar limb leads & charges I: R arm(-) to L arm(+). II:R arm(-) to L Leg(+). III:L arm(-) to L Leg (+). **All three produce upward defelections b/c the depolarization is moving towards the positive lead.
Einthoven's triangle Augmented unipolar limb leads & charges Used by creating a NULL (2 negative leads) and a positive lead. 1.aVF:null:L & R arm, pos: L leg (upward deflection). 2.aVR:null:L arm & leg, pos:R arm (downward deflection). 3.aVL:null:R arm & L leg, pos: L arm (deflection varies)
Location and deflection of the first 2 chest leads (V1 and V2) Location: R heart. Deflection: Downward (the wave of depolarization is moving FROM R to L leaving the SA node).
Location and deflection of V5 and V6 Location: L heart. Deflection: Upward (the wave of depolarization is moving towards them).
Location and deflection of V3 and V4 Location: IV Septum. Deflection: transition.
What is the R-R interval used for? used to determine seconds/beat. **Divid 60s/min by R-R interval
What is the HR is R-R interval is 0.2seconds (1 large box b/w) 300 bpm
What is the HR is R-R interval is 0.6seconds (3 large box b/w) 100 bpm
What is the HR is R-R interval is 1 second (5 large box b/w) 60
What is the R-R interval of the normal resting HR 60-80 bpm: 4 boxes (0.8 seconds) or 5 boxes (1 second)
Created by: WeeG
Popular Physiology sets




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