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Pharm - Ch. 18

Adrenergic Antagonists

Adrenergic antagonists cause ___ blockage of adrenergic receptors Direct
What are the major groups of adrenergic antagonists? Alpha-adrenergic blocking agents and beta-adrenergic blocking agents
Alpha blockers do what to BP? Reduce BP, especially in patients with hypertension. Result of blockade of alpha1 receptors on blood vessels
How do alpha blockers reduce symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia? Block alpha1 receptors in bladder neck/prostatic capsule, causes smooth muscle to relax
What are the major adverse effects of alpha blockers? Orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia, nasal congestion, inhibition of ejaculation
First-dose effect refers to... First dose of alpha blocker that can cause syncope from profound orthostatic hypotension
What is the name of a frequently used alpha blocker? Prazosin
Prazosin is a ____ antagonist that produces ____ blockade of ____ receptors Competitive, selective, alpha1
What is Prazosin used for? Hypertension and BPH
What is the therapeutic effect of Prazosin? Dilation of arterioles/veins, relaxation of smooth muscle in bladder neck and prostate
How can one eliminate the risk of first-dose effect? Administering initial dose at bedtime
____ blockers produce most of their beneficial effects by blocking ___ receptors in heart Beta, beta1
Beta blockers cause what therapeutic effects? Reduce heart rate, force of contraction, AV conduction
What are the principal indications for beta blockers? Hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure, supraventricular tachydysrhythmias
Potential adverse effects from beta1 blockade are.... Bradycardia, reduced cardiac output, AV block, precipitation of heart failure, rebound cardiac excitation
What are the principal indications for beta blockers? Hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure, supraventricular tachydysrhythmias
Potential adverse effects from beta1 blockade are.... Bradycardia, reduced cardiac output, AV block, precipitation of heart failure
What are the different groups of beta blockers? Nonselective beta blockers and cardioselective blockers
What is an example of a nonselective beta blocker? Propranolol
What is an example of cardioselective beta blocker? Metoprolol
Propranolol blocks beta1 receptors in which organs? Cardiac beta1 receptors, blocking of renal beta1 receptors
What is an example of cardioselective beta blocker? Metoprolol
Propranolol blocks beta1 receptors in which organs? Cardiac beta1 receptors, blocking of renal beta1 receptors
Propranolol blocks beta2 receptors, which produces what major effects? Bronchoconstriction, vasoconstriction, reduced glycogenolysis
Created by: choel
Popular Pharmacology sets




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