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chapter 7 wk 1 quiz 2

authority social power exercised with the consent of others. Parents teachers, and the government represent different levels of authority
closed,or caste, stratification system a system in which class status and power are ascribed, mobility is highly restricted, and the social system is rigid
Conflict theory a theory of stratification according to which the natural conditions of society are constant change & conflict resulting from class struggles. Inequality is the product of such conflict, as one group is victorious over others and asserts itself
estate system theory The prevailing system of feudal Europe, consisting of three estates of functional importance to society, The estates were hierarchically arranged and permitted a limited amount of social mobility
functionalist theory a theory in which social inequality is viewed as inevitable because society must use rewards to ensure that essential tasks are performed. The natural conditions of society are thought to be order and stability (equilibrium)
life changes The opportunity of each individual to fulfill or her potential as a human being. Life changes differ according to social class.
open or class, society A society in which the stratification system allows for social mobility and in which a person's status is achieved rather than being ascribed on the basis of birth. Open systems are characteristic of industrial societies.
power a dimension of stratification consisting of the ability of one person or group to control the actions of others with or without the latter's consent
social class a dimension of stratification consisting of an aggregate of persons in a society who stand in a similar position with regard to some form of power, privilege, or prestige.
social mobility an individual's ability to change his or her social class membership by moving up (or down)the stratification system. Upward or downward mobility is vertical, whereas mobility that results in a change of status without a consequent change of class is hori
social status A dimension of stratification consisting of an individual's ranked position within the social system, the rank being determined mainly by the individual's occupational role
social stratification (ranking) a process existing in all but the simplest societies whereby members rank one another and themselves hierarchically with respect to the amount of desirable (wealth, prestige, power) they possess,
stratification system The overlapping manner in which members of society are ranked according to classes, status groups, and hierarchies of power. analyzed on a continuum from closed to open
structural mobility Upward mobility caused by industrial and technological change that pushes skilled workers into higher -status occupations
The study of human group behavior is the definition of Sociology
Marx's view of social class is that private ownership of the means of production perpetuates class divisions
Max Weber believed that class is closely related to life chances
The structural-functionalist explanation of social stratification asserts that there is a limited number of skilled, talented people, thus, they should be rewarded.
The social science that deals with human use of the natural environment is geography
Which are the dimensions of stratification? Class,status, and power
Political science has taken a turn toward the social sciences in its studies of the social impact of goverment on groups and individuals
The discipline that studies such disparate subjects as the environment, religion, politics, criminality, organization, and so on, i sociology
The most fundamental factor(s) in stratification is (are) education and income
The notion that social institutions reinforce and legitimize class divisions is derived from Karl Marx
Social Darwinists believed that only the strongest persons should control the resources of a society.
The notion that social institutions reinforce and ligitimize class divisions is derived from Karl Marx
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