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C6 Respiratory System

external respiration inhaling air into lungs and exhaling
internal respiration cellular respiration - exchange of gases between blood and tissues
nasal cavity consists of mucous membranes and cilia, incoming air is filtered and warmed
paranasal sinuses air spaces in skull where mucous is produced that helps to lubricate the nasal cavity
pharynx throat
nasopharynx contains adenoids/pharyngeal tonsils
oropharynx contains palatine tonsils (lymphatic tissue)
laryngopharynx handles both food and air, divides into larynx and esophagus
larynx voice box
esophagus carries food to stomach
epiglottis cartilage flap that closes to preven food from entering larynx and trachea
glottis opening to the larynx
palatine tonsils lymphatic tissue at back of the roof of the mouth, or oropharynx
pharyngeal tonsils adenoids in the nasopharynx, upper back wall of the throat
trachea windpipe, tube of cartilage rings which divides into two bronchial tubes
bronchi 2 bronchial tubes that the trachea divides into at the mediastinum
mediastinum space of the chest where trachea divides into two bronchi
hilum area where a bronchus, nerves, and blood vessels enter the lung
bronchioles smaller tubes
alveoli air sacs that facilitate the exchange of oxygen
pulmonary parenchyma bronchioles and alveoli
3 lobes right lung
2 lobes left lung
pleura double membrane surrounding lungs
visceral pleura innermost membrane lining the lung
parietal pleural outermost membrane lining of the lung, closest to ribs
croup caused by infection, allergic reactions, or foreign bodies, obstructs passage of air through larynx, causing barking cough and stridor
stridor harsh, high pitched sounds made during respiration
rales crackles, abnormal crackling sounds when fluid, blood, or pus are in alveoli
rhonchi coarse, loud rales caused by secretions in a bronchus
epistaxis nosebleed
diptheria bacterial throat infection
pertussis whooping cough, bacterial throat infectin
asthma bronchial spasms and constriction of the bronchial airways which cause dyspnea, wheezing, and coughing
dyspnea labored breathing
bronchiectasis chronic dilation of bronchial tubes associated with recurring lung infections
bronchitis persistent inflammation of the bronchi
bronchogenic carcinoma malignant tumors in bronchial pathways, can spread rapidly to the lungs
cystic fibrosis inherited disease compromising the function of mucous membranes, causing obstructions (exocrine glands involved)
tuberculosis caused by bacilli, producing obstructions called tubercles
tubercles swellings caused by tuberculosis
emphysema breakdown of alveoli walls through over-inflation causing loss of air exchange
pneumoconiosis chronic condition linked to inhaling dust
pneumonia inflammation and infection of alveoli producing pus, fluid, and other by-products in the lungs
anthracosis black lung disease, caused by inhaling coal dust
asbestosis linked to asbestos fibers
silicosis caused by inhaling silica or glass
Grinder's disease silicosis
double pneumonia both lungs affected
atelectasis collapsed lung or part of a lung, caused by trauma or blockages
pulmonary abscess large collection of pus in lung caused by bacterial infection
pulmonary edema swelling or buildup of fluids in bronchioles and alveoli
pulmonary emobolism clot in the vessels of the lung
mesothelioma tumor in the pleura
pleural effusion fluid in the pleural cavity
pleurisy pleuritis
pleuritis inflammation of the pleura
pneumothorax air or gas buildup in the pleural cavity
sputum material expelled from chest area of lungs
spirometer measures air intake and output
thoracentesis insertion of needle or catheter into pleural cavity to obtain fluid, drain effusions, or expand a collapsed lung
tracheostomy opening in the trachea if upper respiratory system damaged
thoracotomy chest opened to access lungs for biopsies or resection
lung resection partial or full removal of lung
Created by: Eosine
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