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Abandon total lack of inhibition
Abase to humble; disgrace
Abate decrease, reduce
Abdicate to give up a position, right, or power
Aberration something different from the usual
Abet to aid; act as accomplice
Abeyance temporary suppression or suspension
Abhor to loathe, detest
Abject miserable, pitiful
Abjure to reject, abandon formally
Ablutioni act of cleansing
Abnegate to deny; renounce
Abolitionist one who opposes the practice of slavery
Abortive interrupted while incomplete
Abridge to condense, shorten
Abrogate to put an end to, abolish by authority
Abscond to depart secretly
Absolve to forgive, free from blame
Abstain to choose not to do something
Abstract theoretical; complex, difficult
Abstruse difficult to comprehend
Accede to express approval; agree to
Accessible attainable, available; approachable
Accessory attachment, ornament; accomplice, partner
Accolade praise, distinction
Accost to approach and speak to someone
Accretion growth in size or increase in amount
Accrue to accumulate, grow by additions
Acerbic bitter, sharp in taste or temper
Acme highest point; summit
Acquiesce to agree; comply quietly
Acquittal release from blame
Acrid harsh, bitter
Acrimony bitterness, animosity
Acuity sharpness
Acumen sharpness of insight
Acute sharp, pointed, severe
Adage old saying or proverb
Adamant uncompromising, unyielding
Adapt to accommodate; adjust
Adhere to cling or follow without deviation
Adjacent next to
Adjunct something added, attached, or joined
Admonish to caution or reprimand
Adroit skillful, accomplished, highly competent
Adulation high praise
Adulterate to corrupt or make impure
Adumbrate to sketch, outline in a shadowy way
Advantageous favorable, useful
Adversarial antagonistic, competitive
Adverse unfavorable, unlucky; harmful
aerial having to do with the air
Aerie nook or nest built high in the air
Aerodynamic relating to objects moving through the air
Aesthetic pertaining to beauty or art
Affable friendly, easy to approach
Affected pretentious, phony
Affinity fondness, liking; similarity
Affluent rich, abundant
Affront personal offense, insult
Agenda plan, schedule
Aggrandize to make larger or greater in power
Aggregate collective mass or sum; total
Aggrieve to afflict, distress
Agile well coordinated, nimble
Agitation commotion, excitement; uneasiness
Agnostic one who doubts that God exists
Agrarian relating to farming or rural matters
Alacrity cheerful willingness, eagerness; speed
Alchemy medieval chemical philosophy aimed at trying to change metal into gold
Algorithm mechanical problem-solving procedure
Alias assumed name
Alienated distanced, estranged
Aligned precisely adjusted; committed to one side
Allay to lessen, ease, or soothe
Allegory symbolic representation
Alleviate to relieve, improve partially
Alliteration repetition of the beginning sounds of words
Allocation allowance, portion, share
Created by: KBeth
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