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100 Words HS freshme

100 words for high school fresman - Am Heritage Dictionaries

Accentuate 1. To give prominence to; emphasize or intensify. 2. To pronounce with a stress or accent. 3. To mark with an accent mark.
Alliteration The repetition of the same sounds, usually consonants or consonant clusters, especially at the beginning of words.
Analogy 1. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise unlike. 2. An explanation of something by comparing it with something similar.
Antibody a protein produced in the blood or tissues in responses to the presence of a specific toxin, foreign blood cell, or other antigen. Antibodies provide immunity against certain microorganisms and toxins by binding with them and often by deactiviating them.
Aspire To have a great ambition; desire strongly.
Bamboozle To deceive by elaborate trickery; hoodwink.
Bizarre Very strange or odd.
Boisterous 1. Rough and stormy; violent. 2. Noisy and lacking restraint or discipline.
Boycott- verb To act together in refusing to use, buy from, or deal with, especially as an expression of protest.
Boycott-noun 1. A refusal to buy from or deal with a person, business, or nation, especially as a form of protest. 2. A refusal to buy or use a product or service.
Camouflage- noun 1. A method of concealing military troops or equipment by making them appear to be part of the natural surroundings. 2. Protective coloring or a disguise that conceals. 3. Cloth or other material used for camouflage.
Camouflage- verb To conceal or hide by camouflage.
Chronology 1. The order or sequence of events. 2. A list or table of events analyzed in order of time of occurrence.
Commemorate 1. To honor the memory of (someone or something), especially with a ceremony. 2. To be a memorial to, as a holiday, ceremony, or statue.
Cower to crouch or draw back, as from fear or pain; cringe.
Decorum – proper behavior or conduct; propriety. Proper behavior or conduct; propriety.
Deduction 1. The act of subtracting; subtraction. 2. An amount that is or may be subtracted. 3. The process of reaching a conclusion by reasoning, especially from general principles. 4. A conclusion reached by this process.
Deign To be willing to do something that one considers beneath’s one’s dignity; condescend.
Despondent Feeling depression of spirits from loss of hope, confidence, or courage; dejected.
Dialogue 1. A conversation between two or more people. 2. The words spoken by the characters of a play or story. 3. A literary work written in the form of conversation. 4. An exchange of ideas or opinions.
Divulge To make known; reveal; tell.
Eclectic Choosing or taking what appears to be the best from various sources.
Ellipse A figure that forms a closed curve shaped like an oval with both ends alike.
Embargo- noun 1. An order by a government prohibiting merchant ships from entering or leaving its ports. 2. A prohibition by a government on certain or all trade with a foreign nation.
Embargo- verb To place an embargo on.
Enthusiastic Having or showing great interest or excitement.
Exponent 1. A number or symbol, placed to the right of and above the expression to which it applies, that indicates the number of times a mathematical expression is used as a factor. 2. A person who speaks for, represents, or advocates something.
Exult To rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant.
Fallacy A false notion or mistaken belief.
Flourish-verb 1. To grow or develop well or luxuriantly; thrive. 2. To do well; proper. 3. To be actively working, especially in a period of great accomplishment.
Flourish-noun 1. A dramatic action or gesture. 2. An added decorative touch; an embellishment. 3. In music, a showy passage or a fanfare.
Formidable Arousing fear, dread, alarm, or great concern. 2. Admirable; awe-inspiring. 3. Difficult to surmount, defeat, or undertake.
Gargoyle A waterspout or ornamental figure in the form of a grotesque animal or person projecting from the gutter of a building.
Guerilla A member of a military force that is not part of a regular army and operates in small bands in occupied territory to harass the enemy, as by surprise raids.
Guru 1. A Hindu spiritual teacher. 2. A person who is followed as a leader or teacher.
Heritage 1. Something other than property passed down from preceding generations; a tradition. 2. Property that is or can be inherited.
Hieroglyphic- adjective Of or related to a system of writing, such as that of ancient Egypt, in which pictures or symbols are used to represent words or sounds.
Hiroglyphic- noun 1. A picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing; a hieroglyph. 2. Writing, especially that of the ancient Egyptians.
Hologram The photographic record of a three-dimensional image produced by recording on a photographic plate or film the pattern of interference formed by a split laser beam.
Hypocrisy The practice of showing or expressing feelings, beliefs, or virtues that one does not actually hold or possess.
Immune 1. Protected from disease naturally or by vaccination or inoculation. 2. Not subject to an obligation imposed on others; exempt. 3. Not affected by a given influence; unresponsive.
Impertinent 1. Offensively bold; rude. 2. Not pertinent; irrelevant.
Inference 1. The act or process of deciding or concluding by reasoning from evidence. 2. Something that is decided on concluded by reasoning from evidence; a conclusion.
Introspection The examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings.
Jaunty 1. Having or showing a carefree self-confident air. 2. Stylish or smart is appearance.
Jovial Full of fun and good cheer.
Kilometer A unit of length equal to 1,000 meters or 0.62 of a mile.
Labyrinth 1. A complex structure of connected passages through which it is difficult to find one’s way; a maze. 2. In Greek mythology, the maze built by Daedalus in Crete to confine the Minotaur.
Laconic Using few words; terse; concise.
Lichen An organism that consists of a fungus and an alga growing in close association with each other. Licens often live on rocks and tree bark and can also be found in extremely cold environments.
Light year The distance that light travels in one year, about 5.88 trillion miles (9.47 trillion kilometers).
Maneuver- noun 1. A planned movement of troops or warships. 2. A large-scale military exercise in which battle movements are practiced.
Maneuver- verb 1. To change tactics or approach; plan skillfully. 2. To carry out a military maneuver. 3. To make controlled changes in movement or direction.
Marsupial Any of various mammals, such as the kangaroo, opossum, or wombat, whose young continue to develop after birth in a pouch on the outside of the female’s body.
Metephor A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that is ordinarily associated with one thing is applied to something else, thus making a comparison between the two.
Mosaic 1. A picture of design made on a surface by fitting and cementing together small colored pieces, as of tile, glass, or stone. 2. A viral disease of certain plants, such as tobacco or tomatoes, that causes the leaves to become spotted or wrinkled.
Mutation 1. A change in a gene or chromosome of an organism that can be inherited by its offspring. 2. The process
Nebula A thinly spread cloud of interstellar gas and dust. It will appear as a bright patch in the night sky if it reflects light from nearby stars, emits its own light, or re-emits ultraviolet radiation from nearby stars as visible light.
Nocturnal 1. Of, relating to, or occurring at night. 2. Active at night.
Nuisance A source of inconvenience or annoyance; a bother.
Omnivore An organism that eats both plants and animals.
Outrageous Exceeding all bounds of what is right or proper; immoral or offensive.
Ozone A poisonous, unstable form of oxygen that has three atoms per molecule rather than the usual two. It is produced by electricity and is present in the air, especially after a thunderstorm.
Parasite 1. An organism that lives in or on a different kind of organism from which it gets nourishment and to which it is sometimes harmful. 2. A person who takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return.
Participle A verb form that is used with auxiliary verbs to indicate certain tenses and that can also function as an adjective. The present participle is indicated by –ing. The past participle is usually indicated by –ed.
Phloem A plant tissue that conducts food from the leaves to the other plant parts. Phloem consists primarily of tube-like cells that have porous openings. In mature woodsy plants, it forms a sheathlike layer of tissue is the stem, just inside the bark.
Plateau 1. An elevated, comparatively level expanse of land. 2. A relatively stable level or stage of growth or development.
Polygon A flat, closed geometric figure bounded by three or more line segments. Triangles, rectangles, and octagons are all examples of polygons.
Protagonist The main character in a drama or literary work.
Pulverize To pound, crush, or grind to power or dust.
Quandary A condition of uncertainty or doubt; a dilemma.
Quarantine A condition, period of time, or place in which a person or animal is confined or kept in isolation in an effort to prevent a disease from spreading.
Quota 1. An amount of something assigned, as to be done, made, or sold. 2. A number of percentage, especially of people, that represents an upper limit. 3. A number of percentage, especially of people, that represents a required or targeted minimum.
Rainforest A dense evergreen forest with an annual rainfall of at least 160 inches (406 centimeters).
Random Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective.
Recede 1. To move back or away from a limit, degree, point, or mark. 2. To grow less or diminish, as in intensity. 3. To slope backward. 4. To become fainter or more distant.
Renaissance 1. A rebirth or revival. 2. The revival of classical art, literature, architecture, and learning in Europe that occurred from the 14th through the 16th century.
Renegade 1. A person who rejects a cause, allegiance, religion, or group for another. 2. An outlaw.
Repose-noun 1. The act of resting or the state of being at rest. 2. Peace of mind; freedom from anxiety. 3. Calmness; tranquility.
Repose-verb 1. To lie at rest, relax or sleep. 2. To lie supported by something.
Sacrifice-noun 1. The act of giving up something highly valued for the sake of something else considered to be of greater value. In baseball, a bunt that allows a runner to advance a base while the batter is retired OR a fly ball enabling a runner to score.
Sacrifice-noun 1. To offer (something or someone) as a sacrifice to an deity. 2. To give up (one thing) for another thing considered to be of greater value.
Silhouette 1. A drawing consisting of the outline of something, especially a human profile, filled with in with a solid color. 2. An outline of something that appears dark against a light background.
Sacrifice-verb To cause to be seen as a silhouette.
Solstice Either of the times of year when the sun is farthest north or south of the equator. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 or 21 and the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22.
Spectrum A band of colors seen when white light is broken up according to wavelengths, as when passing through a prism or striking drops of water.
Stereotype- noun A conventional or oversimplified idea or image.
Stereotype-verb To make a stereotype of.
Strategy 1. The science of using all the forces of a nation as effectively as possible during peace or war. 2. A plan of action arrived at by means of this science or intended to accomplish a specific goal.
Suffrage The right to vote in political elections.
Symbiosis The close association between two or more different organisms of different species, often but not necessarily benefitting each member.
Tariff 1. A tax or duty imposed by a government on a category of imported or exported goods, such as automobiles or steel. 2. A list or system of these taxes of duties. 3. A list or table of prices or fees.
Technique 1. A procedure or method for accomplishing a complicated task, as in a science or an art. 2. Skill in handling such procedure or methods.
Tempo 1. The speed at which music is or ought to be played. 2. A characteristic rate or rhythm of something.
Toxin A poisonous substance produced by a living organism. Toxins can be products of ordinary metabolism (such as those found in urine), can be produced to kill or immobilize prey, or can be produced for self-defense. Toxins produced by bacteria cause disease.
Tranquility The quality or condition of being free from disturbance; calmness; serenity.
Tumult 1. Noisy and disorderly activity; a commotion or disturbance; an uproar. 2. Emotional or mental commotion or agitation.
Tundra A cold, treeless, usually lowland area of far northern regions. The subsoil of tundras is permanently frozen, but in summer the top layer of soil thaws and can support low-growing mosses, lichens, grasses, and small shrubs.
Ultraviolet Of or relating to electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths shorter than those of visible light buy longer than those of ex-rays.
Unanimous 1. Sharing the same opinion; being fully in agreement. 2. Based on or characterized by complete agreement.
Undulate 1. To move in waves or with a smooth wavy motion. 2. To have a wavy appearance or form.
Vaccine A substance that stimulates cells in the immune system to recognize and attack disease-causing agents, especially through the production of antibodies.
Vacilitate To be unable to decide between one opinion or course of action and another; wave.
Vertebrate- noun Any of a large group of animals having a backbone, including the fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Vertebrate-adjective 1. Having a backbone. 2. Of or characteristic of a vertebrate or vertebrates.
Virtuoso 1. A musical performer of great excellence, technique, or ability. 2. A person of great skill or technique.
Voracious 1. Eating or eager to eat great amounts of food; ravenous. 2. Having or marked by insatiable appetite for an activity or occupation.
Wretched 1. Very unhappy or unfortunate; miserable. 2. Characterized by or causing distress or unhappiness. 3. Hateful or contemptible. 4. Inferior in quality.
Xylem A plant tissue that carries water and dissolved minerals up from the roots through the stem to the leaves and provides support for the softer tissues.
Yacht Any of various relatively small sailing or motor-driven vessels used for pleasure trips or racing.
Zoology 1. The branch of biology that deals with animals. 2. The animals of a particular area or period.
Created by: hotdiggetyskm
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