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patents test 1 with Bing Yang

formula: Chuang Xiong Cha Tiao San (A) Applications: toothache, wind-cold common cold; migraine H/A
formula: Chuang Xiong Cha Tiao San (F) Functions: dispel Wind-Cold, relieve any type of H/A
formula: Chuang Xiong Cha Tiao San (C) Composition: Jing Jie, Fang Feng; Chuan Xiong; Bo He; Qiang Huo; Bai Zhi; Xi Xin; Gan Cao
Formula: Jing Fang Bai Du San (A) Application: Wind-Cold common cold; early stage infection on the skin
Formula: Jing Fang Bai Du San (F) Functions: relieve exterior; induce sweating; Good for H/A; stuffy nose; cough and itchy throat
Formula: Jing Fang Bai Du San (C) Composition: Jing Jie; Fang Feng; Sheng Jiang; Chai Hu; Bo He; Chuan Xiong; Qiang Huo; Du Huo; Jie Geng; Zhi Qiao; Fu LIng; Gan Cao
Formula:Gui Zhi Tang (A) Applications: wind-cold common cold
Formula:Gui Zhi Tang (F) Functions: Relieve exterior; relax the muscles; harmonize Ying and Wei
Formula:Gui Zhi Tang (C) Composition: Gui Zhi; Shao Yao; Sheng Jiang; Da Zao; Zhi Gan Cao
Formula: Sang Ju Gan Mao Pian (A) Applications: cough; acute tonsillitis; common cold and flu; acute bronchitis
Formula: Sang Ju Gan Mao Pian (F) Functions: Disperse Wind-Heat; ventilate Lungs to relieve cough; Mild early stage wind heat
Formula: Sang Ju Gan Mao Pian (C) Composition: Sang Yu; Ju Hua; Bo He; Jie Geng; Xing Ren; Lian Qiao; Lu Gen; Gan Cao
Formula: Gan Mao Tui Re Chong Ji (A) Applications: Fever; Wind Heat or Wind-Cold common cold; acute tonsillitis; cough; larynogopharyngitis. For fever, H/A, nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, pain in throat, slight fever
Formula: Gan Mao Tui Re Chong Ji (F) Actions: Clears heat; Relieves toxicity (broad spectrum anti-bacterial action) Disperses wind-heat
Formula: Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian (A) Application: Heat in UW- cough due to lung heat; tonsillitis; parotitis; wind-heat common cold; constipation; pyogenic infection of skin. Wind-Heat marked by fever, H/A cough; sore throat
Formula: Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian Functions: Relieve exterior of Wind-heat; Clear away toxic heat.
Formula: Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian (C) Jin Yin Hua; Lian Qiao; Jing Jie; Niu Bang Zi; Bo He; Zhu Ye; Lu Gen; Jie Geng; Gan Cao
Formula: Gan Mao Ling (A) Application: Shaoyang and Yangming stage pathogenic wind. Flu, fever w/ chills; h/a; sore throat; red eyes; ear infection; sinus infection; pneumonia
Formula: Gan Mao Ling (F) Functions: clear heat; resolve toxin; dispel wind; relieve cough; open nasal passages; brighten eyes
Formula; Zhong Gan Ling (A) Application: flu; inflammation
Formula; Zhong Gan Ling (f) Function: Dispel Wind heat; clear heat; reduce inflammation; middle-later stage of common cold = HIGH FEVER, h/a, throat pain, cough
Formula: Bi Yuan Wan (A) Application: acute or chonic rhinitis and sinusitits
Formula: Bi Yuan Wan (CI) contraindications: do not overdose, do not use for long time
Formula: Bi Yuan Wan (F) Function: Dispel Wind - Heat and open nasal passages. Use for runny nose, yellowish thick nasal mucus, stuffy nose
Formula: Bi Yan Pian (A) Applications: acute or chonic rhinitis, sinusitis
Formula: Bi Yan Pian (F) Functions: Dispel Wind-Heat, and open nasal passages. USe for runny nose with yellowish thick foul-smelling discharge; stuffy nose and dizziness
Formula: Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Wan Application: acute or chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, common cold, h/a dizziness
Formula: Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Wan (F) Functions: Dispel Wind and clear away toxic heat. Use for h/a, nasal obstruction, thick nasal mucus due to cold or allergies
Formula: Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Wan - English name Nasal Allergy Pills
Formula: Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan (A) Application: Flu, summer stroke, diarrhea, acute enteritis, hepatitis, drowsiness, summer diarrhea in children, abnormal vaginal discharge
Formula: Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan (F) Functions: Relieve the exterior with diaphoresis and eliminate dampness and regulate qi flow
Formula: Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan (SX) Used for: exterior invasion of Wind-cold, and interior injury of stagnated dampness marked by aversion to cold, fever, h/a, chest distress, gas, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweet taste in mouth
Formula: Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan (C) Composition: Huo Xiang; Zi Su Ye, Bai Zhi; Bai Zhu, Fu LIng; Chen Pi; Ban Xian; Hou Po, Da Fu Pi, Jie Geng, Gan Cao
Formula: Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan (CI) contra-indicated: this formula is warm and dry so do not use if any heat signs or yin def signs
Formula: Kang NIng Wan (F) Functions: Gastric disorders due to summertime dampness and cold for motion sickness
Formula: Kang NIng Wan (general use in China) Used in China before traveling to prevent upset tummy and diarrhea
Formula: Liu Shen Shui (A) Application: in emergeny conditions caused by hot humid weather such as sunstroke.
Formula: Chuan Bei Jing Pian (A) Applications: cough, bronchitis, asthma
Formula: Chuan Bei Jing Pian (F) Functions: Relieve cough, eliminate phlegm, moisten lungs
Formula: Chuan Bei Jing Pian (A) when use: chronic or acute cough with copious expectoration Cough due to Phlegm-heat or Damp-phlegm
Formula: Su Zi Jiang Qi Wan (A) Applications: For upper excess and lower deficiency pattern of wheezing and coughing - asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, common cold with cough. Upper excess=phlegm congealed in lung. lower def = KD Yang def
Formula: Su Zi Jiang Qi Wan (C) Su Zi, Ban Xia, Hou Po, Qian Hu, Rou Gui, Dang Gui, Gan Cao, Da Zao
Formula: Su Zi Jiang Qi Wan (F) Functions: lower the counterflow qi; suppress wheezing and cough, eliminate phlegm
Formula: Su Zi Jiang Qi Wan (CI) C.I.- Herbs are warm and dry so do not use with lung-heat
Formula: Chuan Bei Pi Pa Lu (A) Applications: cough, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma
Formula: Chuan Bei Pi Pa Lu (A) Function: clear lung heat, eliminate phlegm, suppress cough
Formula: Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan (A) Application: Common cold; bronchitits, bronchial asthma; acute icterohepatitis; pleurisy; pneumonia, summer heat; UTI
Formula: Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan (CI) C.I.-do not use during pregnancy; do not use for long time; do not use for cold-type.
Formula: Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan (when use) When use: for excessive heat in lungs. Use for severe upper heat - cough with abundant thick yellow phlegm. Or inflammation in UW: ear, Lung, eye, mouth
Formula: Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan (F) Function: clear heat, disperse lung; suppress cough; resolve phlegm
Formula: Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan (I) Indications: Lung Heat excess with rising Fire and rebellious Qi (acute stage)
Formula: Jie Geng Wan (A) Application: Sore throat, tonsillitis, cough
Formula: Jie Geng Wan (F) Functions: open lung; benefit throat; suppress cough, discharge pus from pulmonary abscess
Formula: Jie Geng Wan (C) Composition: Jie Geng and Gan Cao
Formula: Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (A) Application: common cold; chronic bronchitits; asthma; pneumonia; constipation
Formula: Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (F) function: Clear lung to eliminate phlegm and relieve cough and asthma
Formula: Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (Sx) SX: cough with profuse yellowish sticky sputum, chest distress, epigastric fullness, sotre throat, and constipation due to lung heat. T=red P=slippery and rapid
Formula: Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (C) Composition: Dan Nan Xing; Ban Xia; Huang Qin; Gua Lou Ren; Xing Ren; Chen Pi; Zhi Shi; Fu LIng
Formula: Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (CI) CI - dry cough without phlegm
Formula: She Dan Chen Pi San (A) Application: acute or chronic phlegm heat causing cough, lung congestion or yellow nasal mucus. Esp heat condition with stubborn sticky phlegm with cough
Formula: She Dan Chen Pi San (F) Function: transform phlegm; clear heat; resolve toxin; moisten throat; benefit qi, relieve cough
Formula: She Dan Chuan Bei Ye (F) Function: clear heat and benefit Lung, suppress cough and transform phelgm
Formula: Er Chen Wan (A) Application: cough, vomiting, nausea, chest and abdominal distention, profuse phlegm
Formula: Er Chen Wan (F) Function: dry damp, reduce phlegm and regulate qi
Formula: Er Chen Wan (C) composition: Ban xia, Chen Pi, Fu LIng, Gan cao
Formula: Er Chen Wan (#1 formula for?) #1 formula to tx cough with excess phelgm accompanied by sensations of fullness in chest with nausea and vomiting
Formula: Yang Yin Qing Fei Jiang (A) Application: tonsillitis, pharyngitis; chronic dry cough; diptheria
Formula: Yang Yin Qing Fei Jiang (F) Functions: nourish lung yin and clear lung heat
Formula: Yang Yin Qing Fei Jiang (C) Composition: Sheng Di Huang; Mai Men Dong; Mu Dan Pi, Xuan Shen; Bei Mu, Bai Shao; Bo He; Gan Cao
Formula: Li Fei - english name Benefiting Lung Formula
Formula: Li Fei (A) Application: Chronic lung yin def; dry cough with bits of blood
Formula: Li Fei (F) Functions: clears lung heat; stops bleeding; relieves cough; nourishes Lung Yin
Formula: Chuan Bei Pi Ba Gao (A) Applications: dry cough with little or no phlegm; itchy throat with bad cough +/- phlegm (no fever, no runny nose, no cold)
Formula: Chuan Bei Pi Ba Gao (F) functions: clear lung heat; suppress cough; moisten lung; relieve asthma
Formula: Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan (english name) 8 Immortals Longevity Pills
Formula: Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan (A) Application: Chronic cough, asthma, diabetes
Formula: Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan (F) Function: nourish lung yin and KIDNEY YIN
Formula: Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan (C) Composition: (Shu di Huang; Ze Xie; Shan Zhu Yu; Mu Dan Pi; Shan Yao; Fu LIng) in Liu Wei di Huang wan + Mai Men Dong and Wu Wei Zi to treat the Lung Yin Deficiency
Formula: Qiu Li Gao (english name) Autumn Pear Syrup
Formula: Qiu Li Gao (A) treats asthma
Formula: Qiu Li Gao (F) function: cough due to dryness or deficient yin
Formula: Qiu Li Gao (A) Actions: Eliminates Phlegm, Nourishes Lung Yin, Restores body fluid and stops cough
Formula: Qiu Li Gao (A) Use when: chronic bronchitis in elderly, dry cough, scanty phlegm
Formula: Yin Qiao Jie du pian (I) Indications: Early-stage warm-febrile disease which enters through the nose and mouth and attacks the Lungs. SX include:Fever, Headache, Measles, Respiratory tract infection, Sore throat Swelling of the throat,Thirst
Formula: Er Chen Wan (I) Indications: Damp-Phlegm from the Spleen failing to properly transport the fluids
What formula treats any type of H/A? Chuan Xiong Cha tiao san
What are the 3 formulas that treat Wind-Cold? Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San; Jing Fang Bai Du San; Gui Zhi Tang
What formula treats very early stage Wind-Heat? Sang Ju Gan Mao Pian
What formula besides clearing Wind-Cold also treats early stage skin infections? Jing Fang Bai Du San
Which formula treats Middle/late stage Wind-heat with high fever? Zhong Gan LIng
Which formula treats Wind-heat but also excess toxic heat esp. in UW (mouth, throat LU) Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian
Which formula treats Shaoyang and yangming stage pathogenic wind? Gan Mao Ling
Which wind-heat formula brightens the eyes? Gan Mao ling
Which formula treats pyogenic infections of the skin due to toxic heat? Yin Qiao Jie du pian
Which 3 formulas treats blocked nasal passages? Bi Yuan Wan; Bi Yan Wan; and Bi Min Gan Wan
Which nose formula treats severe nasal discharge with pus? Bi Yan Pian
What 3 formulas are used to treat summer stroke or heat exhaustion? Shi di Shui, Liu Shen Shui and Ren Dan
Of the three formulas for heat stroke which is the weakest? Ren Dan
Which formula treats Wind-Cold in exterior and internal damp? Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan
Which herb would you use if you saw dampness in MW, Qi stasis and Wind-Cold sx? Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan
Which formula would you use to prevent "traveler's tummy" Kang Ning Wan
Which formula can you use for motion sickness? Kang Ning Wan
Which formula revives the mind esp. in summertime? Ren Dan
Which 2 formulas suppress cough by depurative (cleanse or purify) and counterflow downbearing? (so there are no excess Heat sx or Yin def sx or damp sx) Chuan Bei Jing Pian; and Su Zi Jiang Qi Wan
Which formula would you use for phlegm accumulation in Lu and KD Yang Def? Su Zi Jiang Qi Wan
Whidh 5 formulas would you use for clearing LU Heat and transforming Phlegm? Chuan Bei Pi Pa Lu, Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan; Jie Geng Wan; Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan; and She Dan Chen Pi San.
Which formula treats Phlegm heat with pulmonary abscess? Jie Geng Wan
Which Phlegm-Heat in the LU formula is more moistening- Qing Fei or Qing Qi? Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
Which Phlegm-heat formula clears excess heat the best? Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan
Which formula would you use for lots of excess heat sx such as flushed face, fever, thirst for cold, dark urine) as well as phlegm heat sx (such as sticky yellow phlegm, cough, pain in chest)? Qing Fei Yi huo wan
Which phlegm-heat in the Lu formula should you not use during pregnancy? Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan
Which Phlegm-heat in the LU formula should you use if phelgm is a major problem? Qing Qi hua tan wan
Which formula is used to eliminate dampness and transform phlegm? Er Chen Wan
Which formula would you use to treat cough with excess phelgm accompanied by fullness in chest, nausea and vomiting? Er Chen wan
Which 5 formulas stop cough by moistening the LU ( used for LU yin deficiency)? Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang Jiang; Li Fei; Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan; Qiu Li Gao; (Chuan Bei Pi Pa Guo moistens but doesn't tx LU yin def)
Which formula treats Lu and KD yin deficiency? Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan
Which formula is based on Liu Wei Di Huang Wan? Ba Xian Chang Shou wan
What are the two herbs added to Liu Wei Di Huang Wan to tonfy the Lung? Mai Men Dong and Wu Wei Zi
Which formula that moistens the Lungs and stops cough also stops bleeding? Li Fei
Created by: nesaherbal
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