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Anatomy- Ch 9

Anatomy- Ch 9 Joints learning outcome

bony joint an immovable joint formed when the space between two bones ossify
fibrous joint connected by collagen fibers that connect the matrix of one bone to another
cartilagenous joint held together by cartilage
synovial joint 2 bones are separated by a space that contains synovial fluid
suture immovable fibrous joints that bind the bones of the skull
gomphoses where teeth are held in their sockets
syndemoses where 2 bones are held together by cartilage
synchrondrosis bones are joined together by hyaline cartilage (occurs in the epiphyseal plate in children)
symphsis bones are joined by fibrocartilage
ball and socket hip and shoulder
hinge elbow and knee
saddle base of thumb
pivot between the first 2 vertabrae
gliding (plane) sternoclavicular
condyloid (ellipsoid) radiocarpal
meniscus in the knee, two cartilages extend inward from the left and right but do not entirely cross the joint
tendon a strip or sheet of tough collageous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
ligament similar tissue that attaches one bone to another
bursa a fibrous sac filled with synovial fluid located between adjacent muscles, where tendon passes over bone, or between bone and skin
factors that determine range of motion in a joint structure of articular surfaces, strength and tautness of ligaments and the joint capsule, and action of muscles and tendons
osteoarthritis results from years of joint where, articular cartilage softens and degenerates, accompanied by crackling sounds, and bone spurs develop on exposed bone tissue causing pain
rheumatoid arthritis autoimmune attack on joint, antibodies attack synovial membrane,inflammatory cells release enzymes in synovial fluid degrade the cartilage, bones ossify, tends to develop symmetrically
Created by: 750163578
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